National government
Ministries and other national bodies
Road accidents kill 38 over Khmer New Year
Traffic accidents killed 38 people over Khmer New Year, with a further 306 injured, officials said yesterday. National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith said that between Monday and Wednesday, 148 traffic accidents were recorded across the country. ...
Khoun Leakhana
Land activists ‘under threat’
Cambodian land advocates face some of the most threatening and deadly working conditions in the world, according to a new report by UK-based environmental watchdog Global Witness. Since 2002, 908 reported killings linked to land activism have occurred across 35 countries – with 13 taking place ...
Amelia Woodside and Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Cops, CNRP clash at service
The deputy governor of Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district was slightly injured yesterday in a clash that broke out during a remembrance ceremony to mark the day 39 years ago the Khmer Rouge seized the capital in 1975. Prach Seyha, Dangkor’s deputy governor, was injured in the ...
Meas Sokchea
Rice customs fees dropped
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) will scrap customs fees for rice exporters from May 1 in an effort to reduce production costs and boost Cambodia’s competitiveness in the sector, according to a letter obtained by the Post. “[The ministry] has agreed to eliminate charges ...
Hor Kimsay
Cambodian, Chinese businessmen meet to explore cooperation opportunities
The Sichuan-Cambodia Business Matching Session 2014 was held here Thursday with an aim to further promote economic and trade relations between Cambodia and China. The half-day forum brought together business executives from 51 enterprises in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province and some 120 Cambodian business people. ...
Global Times News Staff
Cambodia 2013 rice production may increase to 6 million tons, despite floods, says FAO
Cambodia’s milled rice production is expected to increase to around 6 million tons (about 9.34 million tons, basis paddy) in 2013, up about 1% from the previous year, according to the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). ...
Oryza News Staff
Cambodia must make union draft law public: rights group
Cambodia’s government should make public a proposed law aimed at regulating the country’s labor movement, a rights group said Thursday, amid concerns that it includes provisions for the suspension of unions and for severely restricting their right to freedom of association. Requests from civil society to ...
Joshua Lipes
Predictions mixed for post-new year garment strike
Along Phnom Penh’s industry-heavy Veng Sreng Street on Wednesday, garment factories lay idle in observance of Khmer New Year. The dorms around them were empty, save for the few workers who could not afford the bus ticket home for the holiday, which ended Wednesday. Eight unions ...
Mech Dara
Another New Year fracas at land dispute site
Security guards at the center of a yearlong land dispute between families in Phnom Penh’s Boeng Kak community and the Khun Sear Import Export Company on Wednesday accused the families of attacking them during a late-night Khmer New Year drinking party. Nuon Sokhannara, one of the ...
Aun Pheap
(ខ្មែរ) GW៖ កម្ពុជាជាប្រទេសដែលសកម្មជនការពារបរិស្ថាននិងដីធ្លីជាច្រើនត្រូវបានសម្លាប់
អង្គការការពារធនធានធម្មជាតិឈ្មោះ ក្លូបប៊ល វីតណែស្ស (Global Witness = GW) ចាត់ទុកកម្ពុជា ថាជាប្រទេសមួយដែលមានសកម្មជនការពារបរិស្ថាន និងដីធ្លីជាច្រើនត្រូវបានគេសម្លាប់។ ស្ថាប័នអន្តរជាតិមួយនេះ អំពាវនាវឲ្យរដ្ឋាភិបាលចាត់វិធានការឲ្យបានតឹងរ៉ឹង ដើម្បីបញ្ឈប់ការគំរាមកំហែងនានាទៅលើសកម្មជនការពារបរិស្ថាន និងដីធ្លី។ នៅក្នុងរបាយការណ៍សិក្សាចុះថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៤ អង្គការក្លូបប៊ល វីតណែស្ស បានផ្តល់ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ដល់កម្ពុជា ស្ថិតក្នុងលំដាប់លេខ៩ ក្នុងចំណោមប្រទេសទាំងអស់ចំនួន៣៥ ដែលមានសកម្មជនការពារបរិស្ថាន និងដីធ្លី ត្រូវបានគេសម្លាប់។ ក្នុងចំណោមប្រទេសទាំង៣៥ នោះ ប្រទេសដែលសកម្មជនការពារបរិស្ថាន និងដីធ្លីត្រូវបានគេសម្លាប់ច្រើនជាងគេ រួមមានប្រទេសប្រេស៊ីល (Brazil) ប្រទេសហុងឌុយរ៉ាស់ (Honduras) ប្រទេសហ្វីលីពីន (Philippines) ប្រទេសប៉េរូ (Peru) និងប្រទេសកូឡុំប៊ី (Columbia)។ ចំណែកប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ជាប់ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់លេខ៩ គឺនៅពីក្រោយប្រទេសម៉ិចស៊ិក (Mexico) ហ្គាតេម៉ាឡា (Guatemala) និងប្រទេសថៃ (Thailand)។ ...
Technology adviser calls process in cybercrime law ‘completely wrong’
A senior government adviser on information technology says a draft of a cybercrime law is unnecessary and could lead to demonstrations and unrest if passed as currently written. Critics say the draft law, made public last week, criminalizes online behavior in vague language open to ...
Khoun Theara
Seventy-eight judges and court officials reshuffled
With new laws in the pipeline to reform the judiciary, the Supreme Council of Magistracy has announced a reshuffling of judges and court staff, with 78 officials promoted or transferred, according to a royal decree signed April 6. The job changes, which include senior judges and ...
Mech Dara
Cambodia earns $2.5 billion from tourism in 2013
Cambodia earned $2.5 billion from the tourism sector last year, a senior government official said Monday. Last year’s income from tourism accounted for around 16 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product and provided jobs directly to about 400,000 people, Sok An said. The Cambodian government ...
Global Post News Staff
Laos plans new consulate
Laos plans to establish consulate general in Siem Reap province to boost bilateral cooperation with Cambodia through tourism and trade, a senior official from Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday. “Tourism from Laos is increasing annually, so Lao PDR will establish a general consulate based ...
Chan Muyhong
Preah Vihear overnight tourist stays a hard sell
Despite a noticeable increase in daily tourist arrivals in Preah Vihear province – home of the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple – overnight stays remain low, tourism officials and guesthouse owners say. Preah Vihear tourism department figures show that from January to March, foreign tourist arrivals reached ...
Hor Kimsay
Factory shutters in shame
The Zongtex Garment factory off Phnom Penh’s Russian Boulevard looks like a nondescript residential compound, hidden down a dead-end road. There are no signs suggesting that it supplied to some of the world’s leading high street names – and the US military. Taiwanese-owned Zongtex Garment Manufacturing ...
Daniel Pye, Alice Cuddy and Chhay Channyda
Chemicals used for soap, not drugs, police say
Thirty tons of chemicals seized by police on Wednesday were used to make counterfeit soap, officials confirmed Thursday, refusing to release the name of the Chinese national arrested in connection with the raid. The liquid and solid chemicals were stored in blue vats, bottles and sacks ...
Saing Soenthrith
Groups appeal to gov’t to pass traffic law
The Cambodia Red Cross, NGOs and traffic accident victims Thursday marked annual road safety week by appealing to the government to quickly pass a new traffic law in an effort to reduce road accidents. The Ministry of Justice must still review the new traffic law ...
Ben Sokhean
Australian Minister says Cambodia could take refugees on Nauru
Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said Thursday that Cambodia may soon agree to take in asylum seekers who are now detained on the South Pacific island nation of Nauru after being diverted while trying to reach Australia. Mr. Morrison told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that next ...
Alex Willemyns
Families walk out of land dispute compensation meet
Eight families involved in a land dispute in Kompong Chhnang province with Chea Kheng, the wife of Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem, on Wednesday walked away from a meeting that was set up at their local district administrative office to resolve the dispute, an ...
Aun Pheap
Rail evictees threaten protests against ADB
Families evicted for a rail project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) threatened to demonstrate if the bank does not show them its plan to improve their living conditions within one week. About 1,000 families who built homes over the country’s long-neglected train tracks were ...
Zsombor Peter and Phorn Bopha
Unions drum up strike support
At the site where security forces shot dead at least four people during a nationwide strike on January 3, union leaders yesterday passed out fliers encouraging workers to join a stay-at-home strike after Khmer New Year. When workers filed out of Canadia Industrial Park’s gates for ...
Mom Kunthear and Sean Teehan
India pledges millions in loans to Cambodia
Anil Wadhwa, India’s deputy foreign minister, met with Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on Wednesday and promised to honor his request for millions of dollars in loans, a spokesman said. He [Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong] said that Mr. Namhong then requested money to complete ...
Khuon Narim
Thirty tons of fake soap chemicals seized in Kandal
Police on Wednesday busted what they believe to be an illegal soap-making operation, seizing 30 tons of illicit chemicals and arresting a Chinese national in Kandal province. The chemicals, which were held in blue vats, were discovered at a warehouse belonging to a Chinese businessman in ...
Saing Soenthrith