Population and censuses
Growth Of Telephone Sub-Scribers Benefit From Population's Income
After reforms instituted in 2011, the price of international phone calls dropped subsequently. In 2011, the price cost fell from 2.76 cent in 1997 to 0.25 cent per minute for mobile phone and desk phone cost about 2.56 cent in 1997 to 0.25 cent in 2010, and 2011 respectively, the report from the ...
Men rescued from fishing boat slavery
Two Cambodians were repatriated yesterday after being rescued from a fishing vessel at a port in Senegal on Friday, thanks to collaborative intervention by the International Organization for Migration and Senegalese authorities. Toy Koeun, 29, from Pursat province, and Som Pich, 20, from Kampot province, said ...
Information Minister Promotes Gov't Use of Social Media
Minister of Information Khieu Kanarith has encouraged all provincial and city information departments to set up and maintain their own homepages, websites and profiles on the Internet, including popular social networking sites such as Facebook, officials said yesterday. The minister, who posts frequent updates ...
Tech businesses among Cambodia’s fastest-growing sectors
More than one-sixth of Cambodian businesses in 2011 were part of the Kingdom’s information and communications sector, a government census showed. Of the 182,439 new enterprises that sprang up in the country between June 2009 and March 2011, some 95,590 serviced the sector, according to the ...
National Census Identifies Half-Million Businesses
Cambodia has a total of 505,134 businesses supported by a workforce of 1,676,263, just 11.56 percent of the total population, according to a nationwide economic census released yesterday by the Ministry of Planning. Of the total number of people employed in the country, 1,026,084, or 61.2 ...
Hul Reaksmey and Philip Heijmans, P.1
Financing Cambodia's Muslims
Islamic finance could help to boost trade between Cambodia and the Middle East, as well as attract investment from Muslim-majority countries, experts said on Saturday. Knowledge of Islamic finance and banking, which bars interest lending and discourages unfair trade advantages, is almost nonexistent among Cambodia’s Muslims, ...
Hun Sen Blames Migration for Labor Shortage in Agriculture
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday blamed illegal immigration for contributing to a current shortage in the Cambodian labor market but said workers could benefit from rising wages as a result of the demand for workers. Mr. Hun Sen said the shortage was hitting the agriculture sector ...
Thailand and Cambodia in talks over demand for migrant labor
Thailand has appealed to Cambodia to send more migrant workers to the country due to a high demand for labor following last year’s devastating floods, while Cambodia has in turn asked that Thailand render the migration process safer, speedier and cheaper, Choub Narth, deputy director ...
Gov't, NGOs, firms finalize migrant contract
After a year of mounting concern over the treatment of migrant workers both within and outside Cambodia, the Ministry of Labor, NGOs and recruitment agencies yesterday reached an agreement on standardized contracts aimed at minimizing the possibility for exploitation. The groups agreed on a contract between ...
Abby Seiff and Cheng Sokhorng, p.25
After Thai floods, flow of migrant labor soars
Thailand’s ongoing recovery efforts from recent flooding have led to a resurgence in the country’s demand for labor, resulting in a record number of Cambodian migrants crossing the border in search of work, officials and experts said yesterday. Ouk Keorattanak, Banteay Manteay provincial deputy administration chief, ...
Cambodia to send labour to Qatar
The government has approved Qatar as a destination for the growing number of Cambodian labourers seeking employment overseas. Workers will not be recruited for housekeeping services, however, private sector officials said. The abuse of maids in Malaysia – many of whom were reportedly under-aged – has ...
Men who escaped Thai trawlers to be repatriated
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday said it was cooperating with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to repatriate 30 men – part of a group of 65 Cambodians who are in Indonesia after enduring months of abuse and exploitation while working aboard Thai fishing ...
Complaint filed against T&P in Banteay Meanchey
Thirteen construction workers have filed a complaint against the Banteay Meanchey provincial branch of T&P Co Ltd – the recruitment agency at the center of allegations involving illegal detainment of trainees – officials said yesterday. The workers, who had previously worked illegally as construction workers in ...
Kuch Naren, P.24
Maid recruits routinely deceived, report finds
Job recruitment agencies that send workers overseas often deceive young women through misleading job advertisements by using brokers that have “a position of authority” within the community, according to a new report by the Asia Foundation. According to the report, agencies also inflate migration costs that ...
Climate Change Affects on Livelihoods for Rural People
The Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) collaborated to launch the 2011 Cambodia Human Development Report (CHDR) on August 30th which identifies climate change as a threat to human development gains and a source of increasing ...
Capital’s growth pushes housing demand
Phnom Penh’s growing population is driving demand for residential property, with approvals soaring in the first seven months of this year, according to Lao Tip Seiha, director of the construction department at the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. A total of 227 ...
Climate Change Poses Major Threat to Cambodia’s Rural Poor
The Cambodian economy faces major problems for its predominantly rural population in the event of more erratic climate shifts, according to the United Nations Development Programme’s 2011 Cambodian Human Development Report. “This is an agrarian economy that depends very much on weather. And we are among the ...
Economic Census 2011 Found About Half Million Establishments
About half a million establishments in Cambodia as of March 1, 2011 released the preliminary results of the Economic Census of Cambodia (EC 2011) released by H.E. Chay Than on August 8th in Phnom Penh. The final results of EC 2011 will be released in ...
Economic Census Sheds Light on Businesses
The Ministry of Planning yesterday released the preliminary results of the 2011 economic census, which found that Cambodia has a total of 503,008 businesses nationwide, of which nearly 20 percent are based in Phnom Penh. The census, which began on March 1 and was financed ...