Social development

Thailand arrests 33 Cambodians for illegal logging

Thirty-three Cambodian nationals were arrested for illegally logging rare rosewood trees in Thailand, where they are currently awaiting trial, officials said Wednesday. The arrests marked a long-called-for shift in tactics by Thai authorities: In the past, Thai soldiers and border police have often dealt with illegal ...

Saing Soenthrith and Van Roeun

Civil society groups campaign to limit terms for premiership

Civil society groups  campaigned Wednesday to seek support from three former Prime Ministers in order to limit terms for Premiership. Kol Panha, president of Committee for Free and Fair Election in Cambodia (Comfrel), told reporters that he met with Pen Sovann to ask him to ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Prime Minister says test scores warning to students

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday said the pass rate of 25 percent in last month’s grade 12 national exam served as a warning that students could no longer pay their way through school and urged students who failed the exam to embrace their second ...

Khy Sovuthy

More China brides aided

Two more Cambodian women who were trafficked to China as brides are being assisted by officials at the Kingdom’s embassy in Beijing and will soon be repatriated, the government said yesterday. ...

Sen David

Hun Sen gives hope to villagers in land fight

Last month, Prime Minister Hun Sen was mocked for claiming in a speech on August 18 that he was unaware of a land dispute in Kratie province’s Snuol district over which villagers had repeatedly petitioned his cabinet. But Mr. Hun Sen’s admission that he was unaware ...

Mech Dara and George Wright

Thousands strike over pay at Kompong Cham garment factory

More than 5,000 workers from a footwear factory in Kompong Cham province went on strike Monday, calling on factory management to increase their benefits. The lively crowd rallied outside the Taiwanese-owned Juhui Footwear factory in Choeung Prey district, dancing to music pumped out of loudspeakers as ...

Ben Sokhean

Over 70% fail Cambodian national exam (Updated)

In 2012 and 2013, more than 80 percent of the Grade 12 high school students taking the national exam passed it. In 2014, 70 percent failed. The difference? This year cheating was not tolerated. ...

Terry Fredrickson

Tea Banh says more soldiers are headed for Phnom Penh

Defense Minister Tea Banh on Saturday said he would add some 700 additional soldiers to the ranks of the military’s Phnom Penh-based Brigade 70 next year so the unit can better help local military police quell protests. ...

Mech Dara

KDC protests to go on

One of five villagers arrested in a land dispute with politically connected company KDC International told the Post after their release on Friday that he would keep protesting “until our community obtains a resolution from the government”. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

In Stung Treng, forests fall before they’re washed away

On the Sesan and Srepok rivers in the northeast, boats of all shapes and sizes lug timber back and forth between the banks. Men wait on craggy land alongside the water with jerry-rigged winches and homemade vehicles to drag precious cargo up steep inclines. Fallen ...

Matt Blomberg

Gov’t must probe ‘enforced’ disappearance: UN

The UN and human rights groups called on the government Friday to honor its obligations as a party to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and thoroughly investigate the disappearance of 16-year-old Khem Sopath, who was last seen lying ...

Lauren Crothers

Rights group wants sit-downs with government

Local rights group Adhoc on Thursday called on Prime Minister Hun Sen and other government officials to hold regular meetings with NGOs in order to better understand the human rights situation in the country. ...

Kuch Naren and Lauren Crothers

Shock and awe as yellow-bellied weasel found in Cambodia

British conservation group Fauna & Flora International says it has captured the first image of a yellow-bellied weasel in Cambodia under a joint initiative with Oxford University. In a statement released Wednesday, the group said researchers led by FFI field biologist Channa Phan were conducting a ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Vaccine trial for dengue ‘promising'

Researchers in Colombia have conducted a promising randomised trial of a vaccine for the dengue virus, a disease that affects thousands of Cambodians every year, according to results published in the September issue of The Lancet. ...

Stuart White

Guards move batons aside in rare show of benevolence

Over the past year, Phnom Penh officials have proven themselves to be an unyielding group in the face of dissent, and the helmeted, baton-wielding security guards who answer to them the scourge of protesters. On Wednesday, however, Daun Penh district officials took a softer approach when ...

Mech Dara

ACU chief applauds teachers, threatens jail time at 2nd exam

Anti-corruption czar Om Yentieng on Wednesday applauded high school teachers for overseeing the nation’s cleanest-ever national exam earlier this month, but warned that jail time awaited anyone who is found to be corrupt at the second round of exams in October. ...

Phann Ana

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