Aid and development

Loan for silos in limbo

There seems to be no definite period of when a $300 million loan from the Chinese government, to build large silos to store rice for milling, will be disbursed to the Cambodian government. ...

Sum Manet

Chinese money instrumental to progress, Hor Namhong says

Cambodia’s development “could not be detached” from Chinese aid, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong said on Monday, joining a chorus of officials from both parties praising a relationship that appears to be deepening over similar stances on the South China Sea.   ...

Ben Paviour

China to foot bill for new National Assembly offices

Just days after Cambodia was accused of watering down an ASEAN statement on the South China Sea, China promised to pay for a $16 million, 12-floor administration building for the National Assembly during a visit of delegates to the country led by Assembly President Heng ...

Vong Sokheng

Government asks for more funds as EU mulls cuts

Lawmakers on Thursday sought additional funding from the E.U. to benefit tourism, mining and exports of rice and garments, despite calls last month by the European Parliament for aid cuts unless Cambodia shows greater respect for human rights.   ...

Khuon Narim

Commission, EU to discuss subsidies

Members of the opposition will join their ruling party counterparts on the National Assembly’s (NA) Second Commission on Economics, Finance, Banking and Auditing in a meeting today with a European Union (EU) technical working group to discuss EU subsidies to Cambodia. ...

Taing Vida

Cambodia denies ASEAN ‘Veto’

The Foreign Ministry has denied claims that the $600 million in aid promised to Cambodia by China this month was in any way tied to the Kingdom’s stance on the South China Sea. ...

Ven Rathavong

Australia gives $36m for health improvement

Australia and Cambodia have agreed to enhance cooperation in the health sector, with Australia pledging $36 million for health improvements in the Kingdom. The commitment was made on Monday at the Health Ministry in a meeting between Minister Mam Bun Heng and newly appointed Australian Ambassador ...

Ven Rathavong

Japan helps expand water supply

The launching ceremony of a project for the expansion of water supply systems in Kampong Cham and Battambang, financed with Japanese grant aid assistance, took place yesterday in Battambang City in the presence of Prime Minister Hun Sen and Kumamaru Yuji, Japan’s ambassador to Cambodia. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

China denies political conditions on aid to Cambodia

China says its financial assistance to Cambodia is in no way dependent on its diplomatic support, including in Beijing’s dispute with other Southeast Asian countries in the South China Sea.   ...

The Seattle Times staffs

When it comes to Chinese Aid Cambodia should be cautious

Unlike that of the United States and other western donors, Chinese aid is primarily allocated directly to the Cambodian government and usually does not carry requirements to report development results. Unsurprisingly, it has been argued that Chinese aid is not transparent and there is no ...

East Asia Forum

IMF staff completes 2016 article IV mission to Cambodia

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission from Washington, D.C., headed by Sonali Jain-Chandra, visited Cambodia from July 6 to July 20, 2016 to conduct the annual Article IV staff discussions.   ...

IMF Communications Department

After sea decision, Chinese funds flow in

China will provide Cambodia with more than half a billion dollars in aid, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced yesterday, less than a week after Cambodia again declined to support an Asean statement critical of Beijing’s claims to the hotly contested South China Sea. ...

Ben Paviour and Kuch Naren

New weather stations being built in provinces

In an attempt to deliver more accurate weather reporting in the Kingdom, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has started building 30 additional weather stations throughout the country, according to officials. ...

San Bunsim

US offers $9M to boost public accountability NGOs

A $9 million grant to promote government accountability in Cambodia and strengthen nongovernmental groups across the country was announced on Tuesday by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).   ...

Janelle Retka

Key CHRAC donor suspends funding

A key donor to the Cambodian Human Rights Action Coalition (CHRAC) has suspended its funding, citing operational concerns even as other revenue sources are seemingly drying up for the organisation.   ...

Jack Davies

WB help sought for logistics

Cambodia has asked the World Bank to assist in the development of the terms of reference for its planned National Logistics Committee, a move that is hoped to improve the transportation sector and reduce costs for exporters. ...

May Kunmakara

Japan to help children cope with disabilities

The Japanese Embassy granted $256,317 in development aid to Cambodia on Monday, to be used by the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) to promote the educational inclusion of children with disabilities. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Japan confirms NEC funding

Japan will continue funding the National Election Committee (NEC) ahead of the upcoming commune and national elections, despite growing international concern over Cambodia’s deteriorating political climate. ...

Taing Vida

Cambodia's economic status raised to lower-middle income

The World Bank has officially revised the status of Cambodia’s economy, moving it up a rung from the low-income bracket into lower-middle income territory – a reclassification that economists expect will lead to a scale-back of foreign aid and preferential trade access over the coming ...

Cam McGrath and Hor Kimsay

US places conditions on aid to Cambodia

The United States has followed through on criticisms of the recent crackdown on the Cambodian opposition and civil society by linking its multimillion-dollar aid package for 2017 to improvements in human rights. ...

Sopheak Hoeun

Cambodia positions itself along new silk road

The ancient Silk Road sprawled across tens of thousands of kilometers, reaching east to west from Ja­pan to Venice and passing through five seas. Together, the road and maritime trade routes linked more than 40 countries throughout Asia, Europe and Africa, fostering early globalization.   ...

Janelle Retka

EU, SIDA offer €33.1M grant for budget reform

The European Union and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) have agreed to provide a grant of €33.1 million to support the third phase of Cambodia’s Public Financial Management Reform Program, state news agency AKP announced Friday.   ...

Post Staff

Proposal for training to enhance factory skills

Cambodia has appealed to Germany – a country renowned for its skilled technicians and engineers – to provide vocational training to support the Kingdom’s growing industrial sector, a Commerce Ministry official said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Renewables receive $30M funding boost

The Ministry of Mines and Energy has received $30 million in funding from the Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Low-Income Countries Program (SREP) – an arm of the global Climate Investment Funds initiative – for a solar energy development program that includes home systems, mini-grids ...

Kali Kotoski

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