Indonesia, Cambodia 'to sign rice pact'

Indonesia plans to sign an agreement to import rice from Cambodia if needed to supplement domestically produced supply, Iman Pambagyo, director general of international trade cooperation at the Trade Ministry, said on Tuesday. “The agreement will be similar with the ones Indonesia has with Thailand and ...

ASEAN needs more funding

ASEAN needs to seek more funds from development partners to develop infrastructure and connectivity in order to narrow the gap among member states, said Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday at the opening ceremony of the 44th ASEAN Economic Ministers meeting. The Premier said strengthening the connectivity ...

More Effort Needed for Asean Unity, Hun Sen Says

Countries in the region need to move faster to reduce the economic gaps between Asean nations if they are to successfully integrate and establish the Asean Economic Community by 2015, Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday. Speaking at the 44th Asean Economic Ministers’ Meeting in Siem ...

Tougher disclosure rules for resources giants

US-listed corporations in Cambodia, including Chevron, Total, CNOOC and ConocoPhillips, that are engaged in extractive industries are now required to comply with additional transparency rules. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented new regulations last week, two years after the legislation was initially passed by Congress. Cambodian monitors ...

Go Communications buys out Cambodian agency

Malaysia-based GO Communications Group has acquired 100 percent of a public relations agency in Cambodia as a part of its ambitious plan to control a leading PR network in Southeast Asia, chief executive officer Michael De Kretser said In terms of foreign direct investment in Cambodia, ...

Cambodia-Vietnam trade nears $2 bn

Trade between Vietnam and Cambodia exceeded US$1.9 billion (Bt60 billion) in the first seven months of this year, the High Quality Vietnamese Goods Business Association said yesterday The news conference coincided with Thursday’s opening of a five-day trade fair promoting high-quality Vietnamese goods and the association’s ...$2-bn-30189110.html

ASEAN's newest look for cash

Younger Southeast Asian countries will look for a means of filling the financial gap between poorer mainland ASEAN members and more developed states this week during the 44th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, which kicked off today. At the five-day meeting which Prime Minister Hun Sen was ...

Rocket Internet blames poor tax compliance for pullout

Rocket Internet, the successful German-based internet copycat, says that despite its interest in Cambodia’s e-commerce market, tax issues in the Kingdom had forced it to “reposition” its projects. In July, the company launched an online retail site, saying it planned to invest millions in the country’s ...

Supplier of Gap in Spotlight

Workers striking at Ocean Garment factory say they still fear for their safety after being ordered back to work on Friday, where a manager accused of sexual harassment continues to work. More than 2,500 workers at the Phnom Penh factory – which supplies retail giant Gap ...

Customs to get easier for certified firms

Cambodia’s General Department of Customs and Excise will begin certifying firms it deems trustworthy so that their products will have easier passage across the country’s borders, officials have said. The government is working on a program to provide “authorized economic operators” or “AEO” status on approved ...

Provocative Posters Spark Renewed Protests

More than 2,000 garment factory workers protested Saturday and plan to strike today in support of union organizers who face prosecution in court for alleged “incitement” over demonstrations at the plant, a union representative said yesterday. The workers at Ocean Garment factory began demonstrating on Aug. ...

Money machines

The secong Cambodia International Textile and Garment Exhibition from August 17 to 20 aimed to boost the Kingdom’s all-important garment sector by highlighting high-tech machinery which could boost factories’ productivity and bottom lines. Over 2,700 square meters at the Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, the ...

Fired up

After a day sewing, treating fabrics and ironing, workers steam out of the Maurea Garment Factory in a suburb of Phnom Penh. Unilke some other factories, this one doesn’t have to deal with work slowdowns due to electricity outages of high monthly energy bills since ...

Stocks Slow as CSX Sees First Day Without Trades

For the first time since the bourse went alive in April, no trading took place on the Cambodian Securities Exchange on Friday. The share price of the bourse’s sole listing, the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), remained flat at 6,450 riel ($1.58) at the end ...

Fretting 'ASEAN-alisatinon'

The vision regional leaders have for an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 may become clearer after this week’s Economic Ministers meeting in Siem Reap, but not everyone has a rose-coloured view of what such integration might mean for Cambodia. Students who have not mastered the ...

Cambodia: Rich-poor gap hinders ASEAN integration

Southeast Asian nations must redouble efforts to bridge development gaps which threaten the region’s efforts to create an EU-style single market, Cambodia’s prime minister said Monday. Building an ASEAN economic community by 2015 is the “top priority”, Hun Sen said as he opened the annual ...

Indonesia Bonding With Cambodia in Trade

Indonesia was involved in advanced talks in Cambodia during the late 1980s. Known as the Jakarta Informal Meeting, Indonesia was trying to help put an end to Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia, in what some observers called the Third Indochina War (1978-91). Despite these close ties, ...

ASEAN ministers to discuss progress in economic integration

Economic ministers from the 10 ASEAN countries are meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia on Monday to discuss the progress in regional economic integration initiatives. They will also focus on working towards establishing an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.. ...

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to Visit Cambodia, Meet with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ministers

United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk will be in Siem Reap, Cambodia, August 30-31, to participate in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Ministers’ meeting and the ASEAN-U.S. Business Summit. The ten ASEAN countries are key economic and strategic partners for the United States, ...

Cambodia Hosts 44th ASEAN Economic Minister Meeting

The 44th economic ministers (AEM) meeting and related meetings will be held from 25 August-1 September, 2012 in Siem Reap province. The ministers will focus on the economic community in 2015 and boost economic council to move forward  because this community is going smoother than other two ...

Vietnamese Goods Fair Opens In Phnom Penh

The 10th High Quality Vietnamese Products and Exports trade fair opened yesterday in the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Penh. It has attracted around 150 firms who have  set up 250 booths to display more than 2,000 products, including electronics, consumer goods, stationary, books, construction materials, ...

Cambodia Proposes New Initiatives For Green Tourism

In line with Royal Government policy determining tourism as the Green Gold, 2011 is the year that we commenced mainstreaming the green tourism concept to all stakeholders. Cambodia started some new initiative to inspire green tourism in the country. “The Clean and Green Concept is basically ...

Cambodia And Vietnam Trade Continues To Grow In 2012

Trade between Vietnam and Cambodia exceeded US$1.9 billion dollars in the first seven months of this year, the High Quality Vietnamese Goods Business Association said yesterday. Speaking at a news conference, an association official said Vietnamese exports to Cambodia came to $1.6 billion in the seven ...

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