
Electricity production

CPP Promises Oversight on Royal Group's Dam

The government has promised to monitor the progress of local conglomerate Royal Group in its implementation of a $781 million dam project in Stung Treng province, that has been guaranteed by the government, CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said yesterday. Mr. Yeap said yesterday that the ...

Cheap gas for Cambodians rationed

Heavily subsidized prices for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas for vehicles (NGV) in Thailand draw dozens of cars daily from Cambodia to refill their tanks in this Thai border town. But complaints that too many Cambodians are getting a free ride, or rather a ...

Last days of a valley damned

Yong Yim’s voice rises to a high-pitched quiver when she talks about a planned dam in the Areng Valley that would inundate land her family has inhabited for hundreds of years to form what amounts to a giant battery. Now they are staring at ...

May Titthara, David Boyle and Danson Cheong

Investment Or Imperialism? Tracking China's Big Ambitions In Cambodia

A few years ago this scene would have played out in China. More specifically, it would have played out in a Chinese coastal region to which millions of rural folks had arrived looking for work. A huge hangar, piles of fabrics of all colors at both ...

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