Environment and natural resources

Forests and forestry

More than 30K palm tree seeds planted near Lao border in Stung Treng

Some 30,000 palm tree seeds were planted on Monday along a 10km stretch of National Road 7 leading to the Cambodia-Laos border in Stung Treng province. The seeds were planted on both sides of the road between post markers 040 and 042, the Stung Treng ...

Khorn Savi

Prey Lang group calls for closure of sawmill

Members of the Prey Lang Community Network are urging the National Committee for Forest Crime Prevention to close a sawmill run by Think Biotech in Kratie province. According to a PLCN statement published yesterday, members from the provinces of Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear and Kampong ...

Pech Sotheary

Four in Koh Kong, Kampong Thom held for clearing protected forest

In separate community protected areas in Koh Kong and Kampong Thom provinces last week, four people were detained for illegally clearing forests to occupy them. A warrant issued by Kampong Thom provincial court Investigating Judge Seng Bunna and obtained by The Post on Monday ordered ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Banteng found dead in Oddar Meanchey

Environment rangers in Oddar Meanchey province on Friday found an endangered male banteng dead inside a conservation area in Sorng Rukhavon community forest and suspect poaching is to blame. Venerable Bun Saluth, Sorng Rukhavon Community head, yesterday said a male banteng was found dead inside the ...

Ly Livsier

Vehicles used in Mondulkiri forest crimes are destroyed

National Military Police commander Sao Sokha on Wednesday ordered the destruction of more than 20 vehicles involved in forestry crimes in Mondulkiri province’s Koh Nhek district. Sokha, who also heads the National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown on Natural Resource Crimes, gave the order after ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Kratie tycoon summoned over logging

Tycoon Kong Kroeng, a well-known timber trader, was summoned to the Kratie provincial Military Police headquarters for questioning on August 15 for his alleged involvement in forestry crimes. The summons was obtained by The Post on Tuesday. It was signed by National Military Police deputy ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Ministry official probed for attempted land grab

An official in Mondulkiri province has said the ministries of Interior, and Environment are investigating Ministry of Justice undersecretary of state Seng Sovannara on suspicion of faking documents to grab land in the Phnom Prich and Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuaries. ...

Khorn Savi

More summons for illegal logging

Mondulkiri Provincial Court has summoned several provincial forestry administration officials and the managers of some private companies, including Chinese and Vietnamese firms, to appear for questioning over forestry crimes linked to timber tycoon Soeng Sam Ol. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Joint forces shut down 16 illegal sawmills in Stung Treng

Joint forces in Stung Treng province temporarily shut down 16 timber processing facilities on Tuesday after an inspection revealed they did not have proper permits. The joint forces comprised of forestry officials, environmental officials, police officers and Military Police officials. It was led by provincial Military ...

Khorn Savi

Koh Kong authorities order halt to filling-in of sanctuary’s canals

The Koh Kong provincial authority on Monday ordered the temporary halt to the filling-in of canals at the Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary in Khemarak Phoumin City’s Smach Meanchey commune while an environmental impact assessment is being conducted. ...

Voun Dara

Gov’t officials, Chinese charged with forestry crimes

The Mondulkiri Provincial Court on Monday ordered the detention of three government officials and three Chinese nationals on different charges after they were arrested on Friday and Saturday in connection with forestry offences. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Kingdom to import and release six tigers

Six tigers will be brought into Cambodia from India and released into the Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province in 2022, while wildlife protection organisations have urged all stakeholders to raise awareness of the importance of tiger conservation. ...

Khorn Savi

Boundary poles removed in Mondulkiri

Authorities in Mondulkiri province on Friday and Saturday removed some 400 boundary poles planted by villagers around state land reserved to build an airport, while local people claimed they have legitimate ownership of the land with proof from the local authorities. ...

Khorn Savi

Six sent to court over logging

The National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown on Natural Resource Crimes sent six suspects, including three government officials, to the Mondulkiri provincial court on Saturday, while deputy Kratie provincial Military Police commander Sak Sarun was also summoned by the court to answer questions about forestry ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Two Vietnamese men sent to Mondulkiri court for illegal logging

Two Vietnamese nationals and a Cambodian were sent to Mondulkiri Provincial Court on Wednesday for their involvement in forestry crimes. Mondulkiri provincial Military Police commander Hem Bonarel told The Post on Wednesday the trio was arrested on Tuesday in Banlung town. He declined to provide ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Loggers arrested in Kampomg Chhnang

Kampomg Chhnang provincial joint taskforces have detained four suspects and impounded agricultural equipment used to clear forest and wetland in Kampong Leng district. Chin Sophat, the provincial chief of economic crime police, told The Post on Tuesday that the crackdown was part of a three-day ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Timber, trucks seized in forest crimes crackdown

More than 15 cubic metres of timber and a total of 15 trucks were seized by the National Committee for the Prevention of and Crackdown on Natural Resources Crimes in eight cases on Sunday, while six people were released in Pursat province after paying fines. ...


Six detained amid crackdowns on forestry crimes

Six people were arrested, nearly 20 vehicles destroyed and over 2,000 first-grade timber logs were impounded in a span of four days last week. This was the result of a series of crackdowns on forestry crimes carried out by the National Committee for Prevention and ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Timber firms face action

The government has said it will revoke the business licences and immediately halt the operations of five companies in Mondulkiri province’s Koh Nhek district if they are found to be involved in forestry crimes. The warning came as authorities probe the companies’ alleged involvement in logging ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Three Forestry Administration officials summoned over Mondulkiri logging

Mondulkiri provincial court prosecutor Hieng Sopheak on Wednesday summoned three Forestry Administration officials to appear at the provincial Military Police headquarters by August 24 for questioning over misconduct and alleged collusion with timber traders. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Gov’t releases sub-decree on Bokor town development

The government has decided to develop Bokor National Park into a futuristic and historic tourism city, a sub-decree on the introduction of the master plan for Bokor town’s development said. The area will be connected to the Kingdom’s southern coastal tourism corridor. ...

Thou Vireak

Court summons four more suspects over Mondulkiri logging

Eng Hy, the spokesperson for the National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown on Natural Resource Crimes, told The Post on Monday that the four went into hiding after Military Police arrested Sam Ol, who holds the honorific oknha, and impounded more than 40 vehicles reportedly ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Oknha Sam Ol and three others charged and jailed

Tycoon Soeng Sam Ol and three alleged accomplices have been placed in pre-trial detention after being charged with illegal logging, while more than 40 vehicles reportedly used to carry out the offences were handed over to Mondulkiri provincial authorities on Sunday. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

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