Environment and natural resources
Forests and forestry
Task Force is investigating a military police officer in the case of logging around Prey Lang
A senior military official claims that they are investigating the Deputy Director of the Office of Military Police Defamation who cut down the trees and buy timbers in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Khan Leakhena
Yellow-cheeked crested gibbons see tourist upswing
Endangered species conservation scientists from the NGO Conservation International (CI) have announced the resumption of their mission in the Veun Sai-Siem Pang National Park in Ratanakkiri and Stung Treng provinces after having made a series of discoveries since 2007 of nearly 400 groups of yellow-cheeked ...
Long Kimmarita
Rangers take on 4,250 crimes since January
Since 2017, the Kingdom’s park rangers have intervened in over 8,000 forestry and wildlife crimes a year, with more than 800 cases referred to courts. ...
Voun Dara
Red muntjac population surveyed in Mondulkiri
Researchers from the Mondulkiri provincial Department of Environment have deployed motion-sensor cameras at 25 sites in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary to monitor the number of red muntjac, amid concerns that its population may be declining due to illegal hunting and trapping. ...
Long Kimmarita
Cambodia’s forests cover 8.5 million hectares
Forest coverage in Cambodia accounts for 46.86 percent or approximately 8.5 million hectares of the country’s land area, Ministry of Environment’s report showed. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Military police official to be investigated for illegal logging
The national military police are investigating a deputy bureau chief for alleged involvement in illegal timber trafficking. ...
Mech Dara
Ratanakiri land dispute escalates amid indigenous frustration
Nine Tampoun villagers are facing an imminent court verdict over allegedly stealing wood from a Chinese concessionaire with which Ratanakiri communities have been locked in an escalating dispute. ...
Phin Rathana
Ratanakiri Land Dispute Escalates Amid Indigenous Frustration
Nine Tampoun villagers are facing an imminent court verdict over allegedly stealing wood from a Chinese concessionaire with which Ratanakiri communities have been locked in an escalating dispute. ...
Phin Rathana
Ministry issues uniforms for community forest patrols
Members of local communities assisting park rangers in patrolling and protecting natural resources and protected areas have been issued community uniforms by the Ministry of Environment to make these people easily identifiable. ...
Torn Vibol
Preah Vihear provincial administration seeks land settlement for 131 families after dispute with private company
Preah Vihear provincial administration met with four villagers representing 131 families on Monday to seek a land settlement after a dispute with an economic land concession company there. ...
Khut Sokun
Preah Vihear journalist assaulted by military commander
A journalist in Preah Vihear province says he was beaten up by an army commander after he accidentally witnessed what he suspected to be the illegal transportation of timber. ...
Seoung Nimol and Try Thaney
Conservation draft laws go under review by ministry’s working group
Minister of Justice Koeut Rith has set up a working group to review and advise on the penalty provisions of the draft laws on fisheries, forestry and protected natural areas before submitting them to the Council of Ministers for approval. ...
Hundreds from bodyguard unit take over Phnom Tamao reforestation efforts
The military personnel — primarily in charge of protecting the Cambodian prime minister — were seen to be managing the outflow of trees being transported by workers but also blocking access to the cleared forest. They detained five VOD journalists and four activists in the ...
Keat Soriththeavy, Danielle Keeton-Olsen and Pa Sokheng
Draft royal decree to preserve Phnom Tamao reaches PM
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon confirmed that a draft royal decree to preserve Phnom Tamao area had been sent to Prime Minister Hun Sen for a review. The draft came on the heels of the premier’s order late August 16. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
From loggers to farmers, Mondulkiri’s communities turned away from forests
Since an irrigation system was set up in his remote Mondulkiri village four years ago, Morn Samean saw his farming yields increase, reinforcing his impression that he made the right choice when he let go of his former activity, logging. ...
Teng Yalirozy
Fear, frustration for community stuck in protected-zone confusion
Bunong community leader Miv Khem, 29, who like his neighbors in Memang commune relies on subsistence rice farming, dates the start of the dispute to 2017, when management of both the Keo Seima and Phnom Prich wildlife sanctuaries were transferred to the Environment Ministry. Protected ...
Fiona Kelliher and Phin Rathana
More than 100,000 trees planted to restore Banteay Srei and Phnom Kulen forests
Workers planted more than 100,000 trees have been planted on more than 800 hectares of forest lands in Banteay Srei district and Phnom Kulen as part of the forest restoration. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodian government cancels development of Phnom Tamao forest amid outcry
Prime Minister Hun Sen has stepped in to cancel all development projects slated for the Phnom Tamao forest, near the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, following months of public condemnation ...
Gerald Flynn and Vutha Srey
At least 10 years to repair one week of Phnom Tamao damage
Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be spent replanting the Phnom Tamao forest that was destroyed over the past week. ...
Keat Soriththeavy
Wildlife Alliance appreciates government’s decision on Phnom Tamao
Wildlife Alliance has expressed its appreciation for the decision of the Royal Government of Cambodia to cancel development projects at Phnom Tamao Widlife Rescue Center’s forest area in Bati district, Takeo province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Phnom Tamao forest: 130 hectares destroyed in five days
Fresh satellite imagery shows rapid destruction of the Phnom Tamao forest this week, an estimated 130 hectares razed between Friday and Wednesday. ...
Keat Soriththeavy
Wildlife group distressed by land clearing in Tamao
Wildlife Alliance (WA) expressed its dissatisfaction concerning the clearing of hundreds of hectares of land next to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Sanctuary by developer Leng Navatra Company into a gated community and resort. ...
Chhun Sunly
Communes meet as private projects begin building on state lakes, forests
Four commune administrations in Takeo province — including two containing controversial developments in Phnom Tamao forest — gathered Wednesday morning over local residents living on state land, an official said. ...
Keat Soriththeavy
Rains quell fire risk around Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, but the future looks fiery
The roots of the forests surrounding Cambodia’s Tonle Sap lake spend half the year submerged in water. But in the past five years, they’ve been catching fire in the arid heat of the dry season. The government has rolled out plans to respond to these ...
Danielle Keeton-Olsen