Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Environment

Kampong Thom wetland picked as the latest Ramsar Site

The Stung Sen wetland has become the Kingdom’s latest Ramsar Site, said the Ministry of Environment. The seasonally-flooded 9,293ha freshwater swamp, located along the southeastern edge of the Tonle Sap great lake in Kampong Thom province, was declared Cambodia’s fifth Ramsar Site on Friday under ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Forestry, wildlife crimes drop at Koh Kong sanctuary

Koh Kong provincial authorities said on Sunday that illegal forestry and wildlife trafficking crimes have decreased considerably at the Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary, although authorities are still investigating cases of encroachment on state land at the site. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Combating climate change through industrial efficiency

The TEST programme, which aims to fight the effects of climate change by helping corporations adopt efficient and environmentally friendly processes, was launched yesterday in Phnom Penh. ‘TEST’ stands for ‘transfer of environmentally sound technology’. ...

Sok Chan

Give back grabbed land in national park: Ministry

The Environment Ministry on Friday ordered all those who have illegally grabbed land in Preah Suramarit-Kossamak National Park to immediately tear down their structures and give the land back to the government. ...

Pech Sotheary

Stung Treng Provincal Hall rebukes forestry crime criticism

Stung Treng provincial officials have urged local authorities to continue cooperating to crack down on forestry crimes following some negative posts on social media. A statement from the Provincal Hall on Monday urged people to stop posting false information about steps taken to stop forestry ...

Pech Sotheary

Environment Ministry advises people to stop using used electronics

The remarks were made during a conference on Improving Energy Efficiently in Cambodia: A Crucial Step Towards Sustainable Growth, which was hosted by the National Council of Sustainable Development, the Swedish government and the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA). ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Committee to relocate national park villagers

The Ministry of Environment and Siem Reap provincial administration have formed a joint committee to deliberate the relocation of 5,000 people from Kulen Mountain following deforestation in the tourist area. Ministry spokesman Neth Pheaktra said on Sunday that the livelihood of the people affects the ...

Voun Dara

EU timber deal in firing line

A committee of more than 20 national and international organisations filed a petition to the EU on October 10 to prevent it from signing a timber trade agreement with Vietnam, noting that the deal would be disastrous to the Kingdom’s forests. The petition claims Vietnamese ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Prey Lang Community Network seeks government intervention

The Prey Lang Community Network today submitted a report to the Environment Ministry accusing local authorities in the province of colluding with businessmen to illegally cut trees in protected forests. ...

Khuon Narim

Waste production continues to rise

The Ministries of Environment and Tourism have reiterated calls for factories, restaurants and markets to properly handle waste disposal as the amount produced in the Kingdom continues to grow.   ...

Pech Sotheary

Sanctuary chief accused of ‘collusion’

The Koh Kong provincial joint committee will continue its probe into the Dang Paeng Multipurpose Protected Sanctuary after social media posts alleged that mangrove forestland had been cleared in the area with the collusion of sanctuary officials. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Environment Minister pledges to eradicate illegal wildlife trade

The government has vowed to combat the illegal wildlife trade and cooperate with foreign countries to conserve the Kingdom’s natural resources. Environment Minister Say Samal made the commitment during a wildlife awareness event with British Ambassador Tina Redshaw at her residence in Phnom Penh on ...

Khy Sovuthy

WCS finds endangered stork nests in Keo Seima

The Wildlife Conservation Society has found seven nests of the globally-threatened Lesser Adjutant Stork in Mondulkiri province’s Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary. Sot Vandoeun, WCS’ wildlife monitoring team leader, said on Tuesday that it is the first time that WCS has found the bird’s nest in ...

Mom Kunthear

Kingdom to participate in World Cleanup Day

September 15 is World Cleanup Day and Cambodia will be participating with 20 million people from 150 countries across the globe, said Ministry of Environment spokesman Neth Pheaktra. He said that this year, working under the theme “Together for a Clean World”, participants in the ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Ministry calls for ozone layer-safe inventions

Ministry of Environment senior officials yesterday urged people, especially students, to invent substances to replace those which harm the ozone layer. The call was made during a workshop on “The Implementation of Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Cambodia” held at ...

Pech Sotheary

Samlot rife with land grabs

Authorities are facing mounting pressure to safeguard the Samlot Protected Area, where villagers and wealthy land-grabbers continue to trespass to start orchards and claim ownership of the plots. The area, which straddles Battambang and Pailin provinces, is jointly protected by the Ministry of Environment and ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Event to counter bushmeat consumption

As International Vulture Awareness Day approaches, conservationists have called for a boycott of bushmeat and a halt to using poison to hunt wildlife. Ny Naiky, BirdLife International Cambodia Programme coordinator who has been tasked with vulture conservation, said yesterday that red-head, white-romped and slender-billed vultures ...

Pech Sotheary

Plans for World Cleanup Day event

The Environment Ministry has asked the Interior Ministry to help facilitate its World Cleanup Day event planned for next month to raise environmental protection awareness. ...

Or Sreypich

Ministry to monitor Kirirom national park

Senior Environment Ministry officials on Saturday agreed to continue to work together and cooperate with local forest rangers in order to maintain order and prevent forestry crimes from occurring in Kirirom national park. ...

Pech Sotheary

Officials dispute money for survey claims

A joint-ministerial working group and Koh Kong provincial authorities on Tuesday denied claims that officials have demanded money from people who want to be identified as true land owners in a dispute between villagers and the Union Development Group in the province’s Botum Sakor and ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry lauds businesses for cutting down plastic bag usage

The Ministry of Environment yesterday praised local supermarkets and shopping centres for reducing plastic bag usage following legislation passed last year that requires them to charge customers for plastic bags. ...

Chea Vannak

Drive to replenish trees in Mondulkiri

Junior Chamber International Cambodia, in collaboration with WCS Cambodia, will hold a two-day tree planting event in Mondulkiri province starting on August 17 as part of a campaign to grow about 50,000 trees from this year to 2020. ...

Pav Suy

Trapping contributes to tiger decline

The World Wide Fund for Nature in Cambodia has urged the government to crack down on wildlife trapping, trafficking and illegal logging to conserve wildlife and natural resources. Tigers especially had been seriously threatened by hunting and trapping. ...

Pech Sotheary

New action plan to aid environmental protection

The Ministry of Environment is drafting an action plan to further strengthen its efforts to protect the environment and people’s health. Environment Minister Say Samal said on his Facebook page yesterday that the ministry is looking into the financing for environmental protection measures that include ...

Pech Sotheary

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