Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Soft tax approach sends mixed signals

The Tax Department has announced a one-month extension to its traditional March 31 deadline for companies to submit their annual corporate tax filings – an unprecedented last-minute move that some legal experts argue could be sending the wrong message to taxpayers. ...

Kali Kotoski

Block A oil on track

Last month’s purchase by Singapore-listed KrisEnergy of a 42.75 percent working interest in the Block A offshore energy concession made them a majority owner in the project, with an overwhelming control of 95 percent of the stakes. This acquisition is expected to accelerate the development ...

May Kunmakara

Rice export container fees set

Reduced fees for the loading of containers of milled rice for export, fixed for the next two years, came into effect on Tuesday as part of government efforts to boost the rice sector’s global competitiveness. According to a letter signed by Economy Minister Aun Pornmoniroth, dated ...

May Kunmakara

Tax app launched next year

The first ever smartphone tax app is set to be launched next year in an effort to make tax payments by companies more transparent. The app developed by the General Department of Taxation (GDT) of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, is a platform for individuals ...

Chea Vannak

43 awarded tax agent licenses

As part of ongoing government efforts to modernize and streamline the country’s tax system, 43 tax agent licenses were awarded yesterday. The 43 companies are now legally recognized as offering tax declaration services to the public and private sectors. Eighteen had previously been doing this work ...

Chea vannak

Seized timber sold for $15 mil

A total of 60,000 cubic meters of illegally-felled luxury timber confiscated by the National Anti-Deforestation Committee (NADC) sold at auction yesterday for $15 million, $3 million above the reserve price. Soung Meng Kea, chairman of the subcommittee running the auction and undersecretary of state at the ...

May Titthara

Casinos pay $37.4M in tax during first 9 months

Tax revenue from Cambodia’s 69 licensed casinos reached $37.4 million for the first nine months of the year, growing 35.5 percent compared to the same period last year, according to a report from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. ...

Post Staff

Chinese dual tax burden relieved

An extensive tax treaty that would shield Chinese businesses operating in the Kingdom from double taxation, and vice versa, has been drafted and is expected to be approved imminently, according to a senior Cambodian tax official. ...

Kali Kotoski

Sihanoukville casino gambled with an expired licence

reah Sihanouk provincial authorities have ordered a casino that operated in Sihanoukville shut down after it failed to renew its operating licence, local media reported yesterday.​ ...

Post Staff

Loans trickle out to rice millers

Three weeks since Prime Minister Hun Sen approved $27 million in emergency loans to prop up the struggling rice sector, the state-owned bank charged with disbursing the funds said yesterday that it has only granted $1 million in loans, claiming that the number of eligible ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Gov’t pushes census to 2019

The 2018 national population census will be pushed back a year in order to focus on the 2018 national elections, the government announced on Friday. According to article 6 of the Statistics Law, the census must be conducted at least once every 10 years, with the ...

Taing Vida

For ‘police’ vehicles, no tax, no problem

Prime Minister Hun Sen has quashed an attempt by the Ministry of Finance to collect back taxes owed on 470 police vehicles, granting them tax-exempt status after a request from the Ministry of Interior. The request, dated September 8, was approved on Tuesday. ...

Mech Dara and Andrew Nachemson

$27 mil to help rice sector

In an effort to appease rice farmers and stimulate rice millers to purchase fragrant rice currently being harvested across the country, the government announced that it had found $27 million to pay for emergency measures. The Ministry of Economy and Finance released a statement on Friday ...

Sok Chan

Ministries eye budget bumps for next year

The Ministry of Economy and Finance finished month-long consultations with key ministries on Thursday in preparation for the drafting of Cambodia’s budget for 2017. ...

Kong Meta

Rice harvest soon but still no help

With less than three months to the rice harvesting season in November, panic has now set in among rice millers and producers who feel less confident as the days go by that they will be bailed out by government emergency loans ‒ to help them ...

Chea Vannak

Joint online tax system

The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Economy and Finance’s general taxation department plan to jointly operate an online business tax registration system in a bid to strengthen tax collection in the country and root out corruption. Sok Sopheak, under-secretary of state of the Ministry ...

Chea Vannak

Ministry explains tax hikes on heavy transportation vehicles

The Ministry of Economy and Finance on Monday sought to explain a recent hefty increase in taxes imposed on heavy transportation vehicles, saying it was prompted by a need to support infrastructure maintenance expenditures and cover the elimination of taxes on vehicles smaller than 150cc. ...

Lay Samean

Police asked to pay vehicle tax

The owners of vehicles sporting police number plates must pay vehicle taxes by the end of the month or face having their vehicles impounded, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In a letter to Interior Minister Sar Kheng, Economy and Finance Minister Aun Ponmoniroth ...

Pech sotheary

Timber negotiations scrapped; seized wood to be divided up

In the latest setback to its attempt to sell off millions of dollars worth of seized timber, the government canceled five days of negotiations with potential buyers scheduled for this week, an official said on Monday. ...

Aun Pheap

Up to $85M earmarked to develop agro sectors

Representatives of Cambodia’s rice sector and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) met yesterday with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to discuss the implementation of a five-year program to promote the Kingdom’s agricultural products. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Deadline for railway residents

Banteay Meanchey provincial authorities have warned they will take legal action against those who continue to interfere in railway construction between Phsar Kandal commune and Poipet City by today’s deadline. ...

Pech Sotheary

After abandoning auctions, government sells off seized timber

The government sold off more than 10,000 cubic meters of illegally logged wood in direct negotiations with private businessmen over the past two days, according to a Finance Ministry official, after abandoning efforts to auction it off due to a lack of interest. ...

Aun Pheap

Auctions called off for most of seized timber

The government has given up on trying to auction off the majority of 71,000 cubic meters of illegally logged timber seized by authorities earlier this year amid a persistent lack of interest from potential buyers. រដ្ឋាភិបាលបានបញ្ឈប់ការព្យាយាមលក់ដេញថ្លៃចំពោះឈើភាគច្រើននៃចំនួនសរុប ៧១ ០០០ ម៉ែត្រគូប ដែលបានមកពីការរឹបអូសដោយអាជ្ញាធរកាលពីដើមឆ្នាំនេះ ខណៈពេលដែលមានកង្វះខាតនៃចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ពីអ្នកទិញ។  ...

Aun Pheap

Profit-tax revenue leads first half surge

Cambodia’s tax department collected $829 million in tax revenue during the first half of the year, 18 per cent more than during the same period a year earlier, led by surge in profit-tax revenue, according to government data released late on Tuesday.    ...

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