University bans women’s day event, says it’s too political

Phnom Penh’s Panha Chiet University has informed the local NGO Silaka that it cannot hold a meeting on women’s rights planned for today because the event might deal with political issues. Silaka had rented a conference room at the university for the meeting, intended to mark ...

Khy Sovuthy And Colin Meyn

LGBT rights battle ongoing

Cambodia’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender citizens have seen significant progress in securing legal protections in recent years, activists said yesterday, though the fight for full equality remains an ongoing battle. During a forum in the capital yesterday, participants said that codifying equality under the law ...

Amelia Woodside

Cellcard advert questioned

The Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) is calling out telecommunications firm Mobitel over a TV ad that shows a young Cambodian man who is shocked and dismayed when he meets, on a blind date, what appears to be a transgender woman. Lasting about 60 seconds, ...

Eddie Morton

Gender gains lacking: report

Cambodian women are bumping up against a steadfast glass ceiling, according to an annual report by the Cambodian National Council for Women. The report, released yesterday, tracks what the government has done to execute the prime minister’s 16 recommendations regarding women’s access to and engagement in ...

Chhay Channyda and Laignee Barron

Adhoc concerned by deaths related to domestic violence

At least 11 people were murdered during domestic disputes or committed suicide after suffering domestic violence in the past two months, local rights group Adhoc said in a statement Monday. Only two perpetrators were charged in these crimes, Adhoc said, highlighting the lack of law enforcement. “Adhoc ...

Denise Hruby and Kuch Naren

Japan, U.S. to help empower women in Cambodia, Myanmar

The Japanese and U.S. governments are set to launch a joint project to help empower women in developing countries in Asia, including Cambodia and Myanmar, as well as Africa, officials of both governments said Saturday. The two governments came up with the project as both Prime ...

Global Post News Staff

‘Workplace inequality pervasive’

Discussions about salaries on the factory floor led worker Channa, 22, to begin feeling jealous of her male counterparts. She learned, through talking with a number of co-workers, that the men working around her were doing the same amount of work as she was, but being ...

Shane Worrell and Mom Kunthear

NGOs push for boost in female candidates

More than 50 per cent of candidates nominated by the ruling Cambodian People’s Party and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party in the upcoming provincial and district council elections should be women, a coalition of 12 civil society groups said in a letter on Thursday. ...

Vong Sokheng and Amelia Woodside

Cambodia’s Kampong Chhnang region home to traditional pottery

When talking about fine clay pottery in Cambodia, one always thinks of pottery products made in Kampong Chhnang province. The province, located some 91 kilometers north of the country’s capital Phnom Penh, is well known for its clay pottery. The name of the province “Kampong Chhnang” ...

Global Times News Staff

Child Rapes Account for Majority of Sex Attacks Last Year

The number of reported rapes recorded by human rights group Adhoc fell by about 24 percent in 2013 compared to the previous year, though the rape of children and minors continued to account for the majority of attacks. Chuon Chamrong, head of Adhoc’s women’s section, ...

Ben Sokhean

LGBT advocates seek equality

The government must amend legislation to stamp out hate crimes and discrimination against Cambodia’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender citizens, rights activists said during a forum in the capital yesterday. During the second day of the first community dialogue dedicated to the advancement and discussion ...

Amelia Woodside

Report Finds Poor Implementation of Domestic Violence Law

Preliminary research in two provinces has found that a lack of implementation of the domestic violence law means that women continue to suffer abuse and more needs to be done to ensure that attitudes change and perpetrators are held accountable. Katherine Brickell, senior lecturer in Human ...

Lauren Crothers

Call for More Women Representatives in Sub-National Politics

As Cambodia nears its second district and municipal council elections in May, about 200 women councilors from the sub-national level attended a workshop Friday to call for political parties to increase the number of women candidates in the upcoming election. Currently, 12 percent of councilors at ...

Kuch Naren

Number of women in politics back in focus

Finding out why women’s voices are not being listened to is imperative to increasing the proportion of female political representation in Cambodia, a meeting heard yesterday. The Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) – which is made up of 12 organisations – hosted discussions in ...

Chhay Channyda

Program aims for safer workplaces for women

A new program launched yesterday has its sights set on ending the endemic problem of sexual harassment against women in the workplace. A ceremony at the Hotel Cambodiana marked the start of Safe Workplaces, Safer Communities, a project run by CARE Cambodia. The three-year program, which will ...

Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear

Groups insist on equal rights

Seila, a tall, heavily made-up woman with orange-blonde hair, said she was in a park in Siem Reap last year when policemen approached her, put a gun to her head and told her if she ran, they would shoot. Legally, the Kingdom’s Constitution protects the ...

Laignee Barron

Boeng Kak Activists Protest State Violence Against Women

Less than a week after she was released from prison pending a retrial on controversial criminal charges laid down last year, housing rights activist Yorm Bopha on Thursday led a march of about 500 people to deliver a petition calling on the government to end ...

Khuon Narim and Alex Willemyns

ILO: women still lag behind in education

Despite making some gains, Cambodian women continue to fall well short of their male counterparts when it comes to education and position in the labour market, a study released yesterday by the International Labor Organization reports. Men account for just five per cent more of Cambodia’s ...

Sean Teehan

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Visit Cambodia

nternational Monetary Fund (IMF) managing director Christine Lagarde will visit Cambodia next week as part of an Asia tour that will also include stops in South Korea and Burma, according to an IMF spokesman. Ms. Lagarde will meet with Cambodian government officials, university students, investors and ...

Colin Meyn

Campaign Against Gender Violence Launched

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs, NGOs and several U.N. agencies Monday launched the 13th annual campaign against gender-based violence, which this year is focused on rape, organizers said Monday. Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign celebrated in countries around the globe ...

Denise Hruby

Boeung Kak men battle on homefront

When the Supreme Court hears land-rights activist Yorm Bopha’s final appeal this morning, familiar cries for justice will come from Boeung Kak women on the streets outside. Much has been written about the housewives of Boeung Kak who have risen up against the government and developers ...

Shane Worrell and Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Lender singled out after documentary

Some 1,000 employees from one of Cambodia’s largest microfinance institutions gathered in the Koh Pich exhibition hall yesterday to watch A River Changes Course, the award-winning documentary about three Cambodians from different backgrounds all struggling to eke out a living in fast-changing times. Why Angkor Mikroheranhvatho (Kampuchea) ...

Joe Freeman

Protesters Seek EU, World Bank Presence at Yorm Bopha Hearing

Some 50 representatives of Phnom Penh’s embattled Boeng Kak community on Monday marched to the offices of the European Union and World Bank to request that the international bodies send observers to the upcoming Supreme Court hearing of anti-eviction activist Yorm Bopha on November 22. Ms. ...

Khy Sovuthy and Ben Woods

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