
Hun Sen calls for closure of anti-trafficking group after CNN report

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called for the closure of a Christian anti-trafficking NGO during a heated tirade at a graduation ceremony, condemning them and CNN for broadcasting an “insulting” story about girls who were sold into sexual slavery by their own mothers. ...

Kong Meta, Erin Handley and Soth Koemsoeun

Banking sector FDI spikes on new banks and higher caps

Inflows of foreign capital into the Kingdom’s banking sector nearly doubled during the first half of the year as two heavyweight players entered the local market and lending institutions responded to revised minimum capital requirements, a central bank official said yesterday. ...

Hor Kimsay

Minister demands loyalty to CPP from civil servants, warns protesters they will be ‘hit with bamboo’

Social Affairs Minister Vong Soth said on Monday that all civil servants must support the Cambodian People’s Party or resign from their jobs, and warned that the government will use bamboo rods to bludgeon anyone who protests after next year’s election. ...

Mech Dara

Tbong Khmum residents evacuated as Mekong floods moves south

Hundreds of riverside families in Tbong Khmum province were on Monday evacuated away from the flooding Mekong River, even as the provinces hit hardest by tropical storm ‘Sonca’ last week returned to normalcy and evacuees shuffled back to their homes. ...

Aun Pheap

CNRP MP seeks clarity on sand-dredging ban

Opposition lawmaker Son Chhay yesterday submitted a letter to National Assembly President Heng Samrin to forward to Minister of Mines and Energy Suy Sem requesting more information on sand-dredging operations and a sand-processing facility in Koh Kong province, following a​​ recent ban on exports from ...

Yesenia Amaro and Phak Seangly

Arrest over fake kidnap rumours

A teacher and opposition activist who made spurious claims on Facebook that two Vietnamese men had kidnapped children and cut out their kidneys and eyes is now facing up to two years in prison after he was arrested on Saturday and charged with spreading false ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Preah Vihear officials assess flood damage

As flood waters recede in Preah Vihear province, authorities are now facing a rising damage bill with at least 14 kilometres of roads in need of repair. ...

Khout Sophak Chakrya

Sihanoukville port rides wave of increasing container traffic

Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS), which operates the Kingdom’s only deepsea port, reported a modest increase in container traffic during the first six months of the year, compared to a year earlier, a trend its director said should result in higher profits for the listed company. ...

Hor Kimsay

Police seeking four more for allegedly smuggling weapons

Police are searching for four suspects believed to have carried weapons illegally across the Thai border in a case in which three Cambodians and six Thais were arrested last month for alleged weapons trafficking, a Banteay Meanchey police official said on Monday. ...

Van Roeun

CLV countries boost cooperation against banknote counterfeit

Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have been committed to enhance their cooperation in combating counterfeit banknotes. The commitment was made at a symposium held in Hanoi, Vietnam last Friday attended by relevant officials from the three neighbouring countries, according to the National Bank of Cambodia’s news ...

Khan Sophirom

Korea and local investors to establish a modern shopping mall in Phnom Penh

Korea is joining hands with Cambodian investor to establish the biggest shopping mall of international standard in Phnom Penh to correspond to the capital’s increasingly modernising lifestyle. ...

Lim Nary

Minister seeks courts reform

The Justice Minister has urged court officials to work independently, responsibly and ethically to strengthen the judicial system and improve public trust of the judiciary. ...

Pech Sotheary

NEC to meet over migrants’ voting rights

The National Election Committee will on Thursday hold a meeting to discuss the registration of migrant workers to vote in the upcoming 2018 national election. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Ancient ‘guardian’ unearthed in Siem Reap

An ancient statue was unearthed near the one-time imperial capital of Angkor Thom on Sunday by researchers studying an Angkor-era hospital nearby, the Apsara Authority announced yesterday. ...

Touch Sokha

CNRP commune donation box sparks ruling party outcry

A newly elected opposition commune chief who allowed constituents to put a donation box in his office to fund commune services has found himself under fire by ruling party peers and higher-ups. ...

Sek Odom

Sihanoukville port rides wave of increasing container traffic

Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS), which operates the Kingdom’s only deepsea port, reported a modest increase in container traffic during the first six months of the year, compared to a year earlier, a trend its director said should result in higher profits for the listed company. ...

Hor Kimsay

Government to monitor Sam Rainsy’s facebook page

The Interior Ministry plans to monitor the Facebook page of former opposition president Sam Rainsy for violations of newly passed amendments to the Law on Political Parties, which will also force the CNRP to spend upwards of half a million dollars to erase his image ...

Ben Sokhean and Ben Paviour

Migrants still lacking access to justice: ILO

Cambodians who leave the country for work overseas still often lack effective access to the country’s justice system when they have problems with recruitment agencies, despite some recent improvements, a new report from the International Labour Organization says.​ ...

Leonie Kijewski

Deal gives UAE more confidence to invest

The Kingdom’s investment authority signed an agreement yesterday to promote and protect investments between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Cambodia, a move government officials hope will attract foreign direct investment from the oil-rich Gulf state, which currently stands at almost zero. ...

Hor Kimsay

Preah Sihanouk administration provides social land concessions to 176 families in Sangkat 1, Sihanoukville

On 28 July 2017, Preah Sihanouk administration, with participation from H.E. Yun Min, Preah Sihanouk Provincial Governor, has made social land concessions to 176 families in Kbal Chhay, which is located in Village 1, Sangkat 1, Sihanoukville. ...

Ngo Somony

King’s CPP stand-in enacts party law changes

Senate President Say Chhum signed controversial amendments to the Law on Political Parties on Friday, effectively preventing former CNRP President Sam Rainsy from supporting his former party from overseas. ...

Ben Sokhean

Floods cause $1 million in damages

The recent floods that slammed Preah Vihear and Oddar Meanchey provinces, among others, destroyed more than 2,000 homes, killed two people and caused at least $1 million in damages, officials said on Friday. ...

Mom Kunthear

Hun Sen sets date for next national election—July 29, 2018

Prime Minister Hun Sen set the date for next year’s national election as July 29, officially backtracking on a deal his ruling CPP made with the opposition in 2014 to hold the poll during the dry season. ...

Ouch Sony and Zsombor Peter

China donates $200,000 in fire equipment

A Chinese company has donated fire equipment to the Interior Ministry worth about $200,000, an official said yesterday. Neth Vantha, a fire department chief, said that Enterprise Limited of China is set to donate the equipment, including two fire trucks. ...

Sen David

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