The Cambodia Daily

Law drafted to enforce environmental reports

The Ministry of Environment has drafted a law that will hand out fines and prison terms for companies that fail to complete and submit Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) on the development projects they undertake. According to a copy of the EIA draft law, fines of 100 ...

No sign World Bank will renew funds

Just over a year since the World Bank froze its funds to the government, the bank yesterday reiterated that a decision on whether or not it would start providing loans again remains nowhere in sight. In August, the World Bank announced that it would not provide ...

Demand for office space making a comeback

  After a slow year in 2010, demand for office space in Phnom Penh is beginning to rebound as occupancy levels in new and existing units increase, real estate experts said yesterday. However, it is still unclear whether or not there is enough demand to fill ...

Gov't group issues rare statement on illegal logging

Spurred on by a rash of recent news about illegal logging activities around the country, and concerns about its public image, a government-led group on forestry issued a rare public statement yesterday urging its partners to help crack down on the illicit trade. In a statement ...

Sok An, Thai minister to discuss disputed waters

Deputy Prime Minister Sok An will meet Thai Energy Minister Pichai Naripthaphan on Thursday to discuss the possibility of extracting oil from disputed maritime areas in the Gulf of Thailand, Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said yesterday. Mr Siphan said that Mr Sok An, who ...

Gov't, NGOs, firms finalize migrant contract

After a year of mounting concern over the treatment of migrant workers both within and outside Cambodia, the Ministry of Labor, NGOs and recruitment agencies yesterday reached an agreement on standardized contracts aimed at minimizing the possibility for exploitation. The groups agreed on a contract between ...

Abby Seiff and Cheng Sokhorng, p.25

Investment needed to hit rice target

Cambodia needs at least another $120 million of investment in rice mills if it is to meet the government’s 2015 target of exporting 1 million tons of rice, Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun said yesterday. While rice exports from Cambodia this year have seen a significant increase ...

After record high, garment exports slow

As predicted by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank earlier this year, growth in Cambodia’s garment sector has started to slow due to weakening demand from markets in the US and Europe. According to the latest figures released by the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia ...

Hun Sen calls off deals on protected land

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered an end to all private land deals inside the country’s protected areas and warned local businessmen and officials against making such illegal deals. “All official paperwork in connection with natural protected areas is invalid,” he said while speaking at the ...

Probe under way on military logging case

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) has launched an investigation into an October 2010 incident in which three RCAF soldiers allegedly opened fire on Forestry Administration officials who had just confiscated a haul of illegal wood, one of the officials involved said yesterday. An RCAF official, meanwhile, said ...

Unions to request litany of changes to draft law

A group of five unions plans to send a petition to the Ministry of Labor on Friday requesting a number of changes in the controversial draft union law. Speaking at a conference in Phnom Penh yesterday, Cambodian Confederation of Unions President Rong Chhun detailed the requests ...

Hun Sen sets out northeast development plans

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday outlined the government’s plans to spur economic growth in the northeast of the country through implementing a wide range of projects in sectors such as agriculture and the extractive industries. Rights workers have warned that little information on the plans for ...

Assembly votes for first pesticide law

The National Assembly yesterday passed Cambodia’s first law on pesticide and chemical fertiliser control, which the government hopes will regulate the use and sale of dangerous chemicals on agricultural products. Currently, hazardous pesticides are sold with little regulation and often without proper labeling that instructs farmers ...

Union heads rally to end short-term contracts

Seven union leaders representing garment workers will send a statement today urging the Ministry of Labor and the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) to decrease the use of temporary labor contracts, because they erode the rights of workers, union leaders said yesterday. Rong Chhun, president ...

Krama petition urges government to abandon trio of laws

Rolling out what may be the world’s longest krama, some 130 protesters presented the National Assembly with a petition yesterday morning bearing thousands of thumbprints urging lawmakers not to pass a trio of pending laws. “We all urge the government to stop its attempt to pass ...

Minister says mobile subscribers rise to 14m

The number of mobile phone subscribers in Cambodia increased to 14 million, or 98 percent of the country’s population, during the first 11 months of the year, the minister of Posts and Telecommunications said yesterday. So Khun said Metfone, which is owned by the Vietnamese military, ...

Vietnamese military bank to open doors today

Vietnam’s Military Commercial Joint-Stock Bank (MB Bank) will open its doors in Phnom Penh today, becoming the fourth Vietnamese bank to set up operations here and bringing the total number of commercial banks in Cambodia to 31. Nguon Sokha, general director of the National Bank of ...

More than two dozen men held in Laos after logging

Twenty-eight Cambodians were arrested Thursday by Lao soldiers after crossing the border while logging rosewood, officials said yesterday. The Stung Treng provincial RCAF commander, Brigadier General Svay Ngorn, said yesterday that Stung Treng authorities were negotiating the men’s release with their Lao counterparts ...

No Malaysia agreement on migrant workers

About 177,000 Cambodian men and women were working abroad as of the end of 2010, and about $180 million was remitted to Cambodia from 126,000 migrant workers in Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea last year, according to a letter written by Prime Minister Hun ...

Military police shoot three farmers over land concession

Military police in Battambang province shot three villagers in the legs during a confrontation between local farmers and a private company that was granted a land concession, a police official said. Phnom Penh district police chief Song Sopheak said employees of Suon Neang Sambath company, a ...

After Thai floods, flow of migrant labor soars

Thailand’s ongoing recovery efforts from recent flooding have led to a resurgence in the country’s demand for labor, resulting in a record number of Cambodian migrants crossing the border in search of work, officials and experts said yesterday. Ouk Keorattanak, Banteay Manteay provincial deputy administration chief, ...

Government begins clearing fishing lots of nets and traps

Despite recent protests by affected businessmen, the government last week began the removal of fishing nets in seven fishing lots in three provinces following alleged corruption during the bidding process for the lots. Prime Minister Hun Sen recently ordered the annulment of the results of an ...

City Hall hands out Boeng Kak land titles

Marking another milestone in the years-long struggle between the government and the families of Phnom Penh’s Boeng Kak lake community, Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema handed out 254 land titles to lakeside residents at City Hall on Saturday. But with the government shrouding the titling process ...

Despite deal, Mekong's future still a concern

The agreement by Mekong River Commission Countries to conduct more studies before they decide on Laos’ proposal for the first Lower Mekong dam received further support on Friday, with an influential US senator and an environmental group welcoming it as an important step in preventing ...

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