The Phnom Penh Post
UN rapporteur told to follow code of conduct
The Cambodian Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva on Wednesday urged UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Cambodia Rhona Smith to strictly observe the code of conduct and her office’s operations manual. ...
Niem Chheng
Minimum wage to be decided
The National Council on Minimum Wage will decide on a wage increase for workers in the garment, footwear, textile and travel product sectors at a meeting on Thursday after a figure could not be reached at a tripartite meeting on Wednesday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Exploration permits for gold-polymetallic mines offered
The Ministry of Mines and Energy on Monday put on offer concession licences for some 207sq km of gold-polymetallic mining areas in Tbong Khmum and Ratanakkiri provinces. It said the areas of tenement are 107.10sq km in Tbong Khmum’s eastern Memot district and 100sq km ...
Thou Vireak
Ministry: No unlawful protests
The Ministry of Interior is warning citizens not to take part in social justice protests. It issued a press release on Monday saying members of the groups Khmer Thavrak and Mother Nature Movement had been carrying out activities not registered at the ministry, which is required ...
Mom Kunthear
Construction inspectors appointed
The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has appointed 362 inspectors to monitor, observe, research, inspect, collect evidence, and promote the implementation of construction laws throughout the Kingdom. Civil society organisations have voiced support for the action, but emphasise enforcement must be carried ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Gov’t restricts imports of wine, cigarettes
The Ministry of Economy and Finance’s General Department of Customs and Excise is planning to temporarily restrict wine and cigarette imports at some border checkpoints to prevent tax evasion and improve tax collection. ...
Long Kimmarita
M’kiri rangers bust wildlife hunters, hold one for questioning
Mondulkiri Department of Environment rangers arrested a man in Ror Nhor commune’s Koh Nhek district last Saturday on suspicion of illegally hunting wildlife. ...
Kim Sarom
‘Professional’ journalists get Covid reporting award
The Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ) bestowed awards on five journalists for their Covid-19 reporting at a ceremony on Monday. Sao Sok Eng, a journalist from, took home the top prize. Mao Samnang, from the TV station PNN, came in second. Mom Kunthear, a former ...
Mom Kunthear
Preah Sihanouk gets Covid-19 lab
Preah Sihanouk province will become the second after Siem Reap to have a laboratory to test for Covid-19 after a plan was approved to build one at the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Referral Hospital. ...
Khorn Savi
Youths seek inclusion in social security fund
The Youth Resource Development Programme (YRDP) and a group of youths have asked the government to include students and monks in the government’s National Social Security Fund (NSSF) so they can receive social protection services for free such as health examinations and treatment. The proposal ...
Long Kimmarita
Lake set for development
The government is set to hand over 38ha of Boeung Tamok Lake for development, according to two sub-decrees dated September 1 and seen by The Post on Sunday. The first sub-decree says 15ha of the lake will be given to the National Committee for Disaster Management, ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Kingdom set to diversify economy as Covid bites
Cambodia is moving towards developing non-textile industries with a policy calling for sustainable growth and economic diversification. To ensure progress, the government will continue implementation of the Cambodia Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025, said a press release on the results of a Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime ...
Thou Vireak
Pursat families ordered to vacate illegal homes in wildlife sanctuary
Pursat provincial authorities gave 21 families seven days to take down 43 houses and cottages after officials said they were illegally occupying land in a protected natural area of the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary. The families were told they face legal action if they refuse to ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Ministry wants dolphin areas on UNESCO list
The Ministry of Environment has been tasked with compiling data on four areas that are home to Irrawaddy dolphins in Kratie and Preah Vihear provinces. The report is in preparation for possible inclusion on the UNESCO World Natural Heritage list. ...
Voun Dara
UN talks review Covid, hunger risks
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) offices in Cambodia and countries in the Asia-Pacific region participated in a four-day virtual conference recently to respond to the “twin pandemics” of Covid-19 and hunger facing the region. Dealing with Covid-19 has led to setbacks in the fight ...
Khorn Savi
New programme set to track, manage One Window service
The Ministry of Interior announced it has put in place an information programme for managing one window service requests starting this month. The programme will make it easier for citizens to monitor service requests at each stage on their phones. ...
Long Kimmarita
Forestry chief moved over incentive money
A Ratanakkiri Forestry Administration official was transferred after his subordinates accused him of the irregular distribution of what was supposed to be more than 300 million riel in employee incentives to subordinates. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Public has little say in gov’t spending, says NGO
Cambodia’s legal and policy framework provides little opportunity for citizens and civil society organisations to have a say in public financial management at the national level, said a study by NGO Forum which was released on Tuesday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Oral sanctuary land grab thwarted
Kampong Speu provincial police and NGO ACNCIPO director Chea Hean stopped nearly 100 people from grabbing more than 200ha illegally in the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary on Wednesday. The incident occurred at the Trapaing Thmea village in Oral district. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Dolphins face fishing threat
Fishing offences in the Anlong Kampi Irrawaddy dolphin conservation area are still happening despite a ban, the Kampi fishing community said. Most fish poachers use electric shock devices with power connected to their nets to catch fish in deep water, a practice that affects rare ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
MRC calls for transparent hydrological data sharing
The Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) on Tuesday welcomed Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s pledge to share year-round hydrological data with Mekong countries. ...
Niem Chheng
Warship found in Mekong
The Cambodia Mine Action Centre (CMAC) has found a warship buried at the bottom of the Mekong River in Srei Santhor district, Kampong Cham province. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Mine explosions kill two men, injure four in Pursat’s Veal Veng
Three children and an adult were seriously injured on Wednesday when a mine they were playing with exploded in Thma Da commune, in Pursat province’s Veal Veng district. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Officials seek to merge sanctuaries
The Preah Vihear Provincial Administration is preparing documents for the Ministry of Environment to merge the Prey Preah Roka and Chheb wildlife sanctuaries for better management. Once approved, they will be named Preah Rokar-Chheb Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Voun Dara