Agriculture needs more loans, irrigation systems, experts say
Accessing low-interest loans for rice cultivation is a challenge because the industry in Cambodia is dependant upon rainfall and not irrigation and is thus more risky, experts said last week. In a meeting on the private sector development in the rice sector, Lim Heng, vice president ...
Fake fertiliser cuts crop yields
FARMERS’ crop yields are being undercut by unregistered middlemen selling fake fertiliser, and government efforts to combat this have proved ineffective, according to independent research from the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). CDRI’s preliminary research, conducted as part of a larger program investigating agricultural policies for ...
Microcredit Repayments
While rising inflation poses some financial challenges for rural farmers, it generally isn’t preventing them from paying off loans from microfinance institutions (MFIs). Farmers tend to be able to pay their loans off even though higher prices of food, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, labor, and some ...