CNRP MP seeks clarity on sand-dredging ban
Opposition lawmaker Son Chhay yesterday submitted a letter to National Assembly President Heng Samrin to forward to Minister of Mines and Energy Suy Sem requesting more information on sand-dredging operations and a sand-processing facility in Koh Kong province, following a recent ban on exports from ...
Yesenia Amaro and Phak Seangly
Kratie locals block sand-mining trucks
Angry residents in Kratie town’s Krakor commune yesterday protested against a sand-mining company they accuse of damaging a local road. The protesters used their vehicles to block the company’s trucks from driving on the road. ...
Pav Suy
Fresh sand controversy
Cambodia exported more than 108,000 tonnes of sand to India in 36 separate shipments between 2013 and 2015, according to Indian customs data obtained yesterday, contradicting Cambodian customs data that show no sand being sent there at all. ...
Alex Willemyns and Mech Dara
PM urges action against unnamed firms
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered officials to take action against unnamed companies he said were using the cover of night to illegally dredge sand from the Mekong River. Calling on Water Resources and Meteorology Minister Lim Kean Hor to lead the crackdown, Hun Sen also ...
Cheap Cambodian sand reaches city
The scarcity of sand in the city has forced construction companies to import sand mined from the Mekong River in Cambodia. A consignment of sand from Cambodia has already reached the city. More consignments are likely. The importers are likely to use the sand for ...
Cambodia: Mekong River Dredging Causes Major Concerns
The Sahrika reports that around 50 villagers in Kandal province protested yesterday in an attempt to stop the sand dredging operation on the Mekong River. “The activity of sand dredging has severely affected our villagers’ lands and houses”, said village representative Tuy Phy. Kandal province residents believe ...
Sand Settles on Boeng Kak Project as Site’s Future Uncertain
In Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district there is a 133-hectare mound of sand that was once a lake. It took nearly four years to fill Boeng Kak with that sand. On the southern perimeter of the massive sand pit sit two large billboards. On those billboards there ...
Sand for Singapore's Growth Comes at Environmental Cost to Poorer Neighbors
KOH KONG, Cambodia (AP) — Round a bend in Cambodia’s Tatai River and the virtual silence of a tropical idyll turns suddenly into an industrial nightmare. Lush jungle hills give way to a flotilla of dredgers operating 24 hours a day, scooping up sand and piling ...
City Hall Bans Sand Transport Across Both Monivong Bridges
Officials in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district said yesterday that all transportation of sand across the old and new Preah Monivong bridges has been banned for the duration of the rainy season to protect the road surface and avoid accidents. According to a City Hall announcement ...
Tycoon’s dredging tests locals’ patience
Ruling party senator Ly Yong Phat has defied an order endorsed by the Prime Minster to halt his controversial sand dredging activities on the Tatai river in Koh Kong, prompting authorities to request intervention, documents obtained by The Post reveal. The dredging operation on the ...
Sand dredging hits eco-resort
An enormous sand dredging operation in Koh Kong province has escalated, a resort owner said yesterday, with boat crews allegedly trespassing onto private land and digging sand within hundreds of metres of the complex. Janet Newman, the owner of the Rainbow Lodge eco-tourism resort, said ...