Climate change to affect Mekong production
Climate change will have a significant effect on major industrial and food crops in the Lower Mekong basin countries of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, says a new study. The study, conducted by the Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change Project for the U.S. Agency ...
In Washington, ‘Mekong Days’ Puts River in Focus
Advocacy groups, environmentalists and policy-makers have wrapped up five days of events surrounding Mekong River issues in Washington. “Mekong Days,” a series of talks, films and other forums that ended Tuesday, highlighted issues in the region, where some 60 million people live. The Mekong River, a major ...
ILO Respond to Scathing Stanford Report on Factory Monitoring
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Better Factories Program (BFC) has responded to a scathing report released last week by Stanford University, which said the ILO program was ineffectual as it had not helped secure Cambodian workers a significant wage increase since the program started over ...
Economic benefits of birth control reported
Additional investments in family planning yields economic benefits and would save developing countries more than US$11 billion annually, according to a UN report. Better access to family planning in developing countries would reduce costs for maternal and newborn health care by $11.3 billion per year, according ...
Cambodian farmers squeezed out
Cambodians like pork. The average Cambodian consumes 9.29 kilogrammes of the meat a year and local farmers have long supplemented their incomes by selling an average of two pigs a year. In 2008, Cambodian farmers supplied around 2 million pigs, more than 90% of domestic demand. ...
U.S. to aid Cambodia in agriculture, food security, environment
The United States will sign up to provide 18.5 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia to support the country’s priorities in agriculture, food security, and climate change adaptation and mitigation, according to a media release from the U.S. Embassy here on Thursday. The agreement will be signed ...
Country Is Prepared for Heavy Rains, Disaster Committee Says
To make sure Cambodia is ready for potential devastating floods, government officials have created an emergency preparedness plan that includes storing 16,000 tons of milled rice and putting 3,500 armed forces on reserve. [Nhim Vanda, first vice president in charge of the National Committee for Disaster Management ...
Abused Workers Back Home
A maid who fled her employer after an attempted rape and was then thrown in a detention centre just two days after she gave birth was one of 26 distressed men and women who make up the latest repatriated abuse victims from Malaysia. Detained for ...
Sen David and David Boyle, P. 1
Fish and rice, together at last
A new long-term project aims to boost fish stocks in rice fields. That was not a typo. For years, rice farmers in Cambodia have swept up fish – as well as frogs, snails and other aquatic fauna – that make their way from streams, canals and ...
Asian Development Bank Takes Over Lead Foreign Donor Role
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is taking over from the World Bank as lead foreign donor in Cambodia following the departure of the World Bank’s country manager, the ADB said yesterday. The switch followed a year in which the World Bank imposed a funding freeze ...
US supports $2.7m in loans for agriculture
The US government is working with a Cambodian microfinance institution to finance $2.7million in loans to farmers and small- and medium-sized agro-businesses in Battambang, Kompong Thom, Pursat and Siem Reap provinces in order to improve their access to credit, the US Embassy said. USAid will work ...
Historic US aid project
A new USAID-funded malaria project in Myanmar will draw on prevention, treatment and containment models developed in Cambodia, and underscores the emergence of closer relations between Washington and Naypyitaw, health officials said yesterday. The US$24 million project will expand the effort to contain drug-resistant malaria, which ...
New law drafted to address price dumping
Officials and trade experts discussed a new draft law at a conference in Phnom Penh yesterday that would allow the government to protect exporters against competitors abroad that engage in price dumping, or selling products at an extremely low price. Speaking on the sidelines of the ...