More bridge and road projects soon
The Public Works Ministry plans to build two more bridges, one across the Mekong river in Kratie province and one across the Bassac river in Chak Angre Krom commune, in Phnom Penh. The ministry also plans to rebuild or upgrade several inter-provincial national roads. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Hun Sen wants competition for Hun Manet in prime ministerial race
Amid overwhelming support for his oldest son Hun Manet as a future Premier candidate, Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday emphasised that he can only be replaced after 2028, and that there are four candidates who are reserves for any unexpected incident. ...
Ben Sokhean
New SOPs clarify entry rules for visitors to the Kingdom
The Ministry of Health yesterday issued Standard Operating Procedures to clarify entry requirements for passengers arriving at Cambodian International Airports in the context of the ‘new normal’ during the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Yim Sreylin
Prey Veng-Tbong Khmum road set to boost economy
Prime Minister Hun Sen thanked China for its help with the construction of National Road 11 connecting Prey Veng to Tbong Khmum provinces, saying it will facilitate trade and ease the flow of traffic on the route. ...
Long Kimmarita
Tourism Ministry announces nationwide one-day karaoke, club, bar and alcohol ban on December 8
The Ministry of Tourism advised the owners or managers of karaoke, entertainment clubs, bars and beer gardens across the country to suspend business for one day, on December 8, to join the national mourning on the death of Prince Norodom Ranariddh. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Economic co-op deal inked with Philippines
Cambodia and the Philippines have reaffirmed their commitment to boost bilateral trade and increase the volume of investment, to further enhance economic relations between the two ASEAN countries. ...
May Kunmakara
Kingdom commits to diplomacy at 5th Indian Ocean Conference
Cambodia has reaffirmed strong commitment to diplomacy between ASEAN and Indian Ocean countries. ...
Ry Sochan
ADB, UNIDO to hold Virtual Discussion on Boosting Cambodia’s 4IR Transformation
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) will organise a virtual discussion on the status of Cambodia’s fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and pathways for the country’s transformation to this new industrial model by 2030. ...
Khmer Times Staff
100 orchid samples collected in Mondulkiri in November
A working group from the Forestry Administration under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and officials from the Mondulkiri provincial Department of Environment have collected 100 orchid samples and classified them into five different categories. ...
Post Staff
Six landfills set to open in 2022
The government is collaborating with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank as well as other development partners to create standardised landfills in some provinces in 2022, with the first being Preah Sihanouk province’s landfill which was opened in November. ...
Voun Dara
Chinese-built national road facilitates travel, goods transport in SE. Cambodia
Linking Prey Veng and Tboung Khmum provinces in southeast Cambodia, the Chinese-built 96.4-km-long and 11-meter-wide National Road No. 11 has facilitated personnel flow and goods transport in the region. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Bun Rany praises CRC volunteers on Covid-19 outreach
The Kingdom on December 5 marked the International Day of Volunteers, this year held under the theme “volunteering for our future”. The day was officially observed by the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC), whose volunteers have had to overcome many obstacles this year while conducting educational ...
Mom Kunthear
Hun Sen mulls Myanmar trip to find crisis solution
Prime Minister Hun Sen said there was a strong possibility that he would travel to Myanmar to meet with Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the ruling State Administration Council (SAC), in Naypyidaw to find a solution to the country’s ongoing crisis so that it could ...
Post Staff |
China to help set up jab factory
China pledged to provide more vaccine assistance to Cambodia and to establish a production facility in the Kingdom as the Covid-19 situation remains uncertain with the emergence of new variants and no clear end in sight. ...
Voun Dara
Police remind shops: Holding ID cards for collateral an offence
The Kampong Speu provincial police have advised pawnshops and other businesses that allow customers to pay on an instalment plan to stop holding their national ID cards as collateral or face legal action. ...
Lay Samean
Oz spending over $34m for clean water projects
The Australian government is spending around $34.33 million to build clean water facilities and pipe systems that will benefit at least one million Cambodians people living in the countryside. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Japan suspends entry of interns over Omicron concerns
Japan suspended the allowance of Cambodian interns or workers to enter to the country due to Covid-19 Omicron as major fears have been raised over this new variant, which is reported to be highly transmissible, has a higher reinfection rate and has spread to 38 ...
Yim Sreylin
Travel ban lifted on passengers from 10 African countries
Following the suggestion made by Prime Minister Hun Sen last week, the Health Ministry yesterday has lifted the ban on travellers from 10 African countries or who have a history of travelling to those countries, which had been put in place over concerns after the ...
Khmer Times Staff
Authorities discover more than 800 hectares of swamp forest land cleared in Battambang
Officials continued to discover more flooded forest land in Battambang were cleared by encroachers and deforestation. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia is expected to produce Covid-19 vaccine next year
Cambodia is expected to produce the Covid-19 vaccine next year, said Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian. ...
Yim Sreylin
WHO representative in Cambodia endorses country’s action against COVID-19 new variant, omicron
Cambodia is doing everything according to established procedures and therefore has nothing to change in its approach in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and the new variant, Omicron,which has emerged recently and any other new variants. ...
Khmer Times Staff
China to help Cambodia build a vaccine filling factory
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday said that the country will continue to provide vaccine assistance according to Cambodia’s needs and help Cambodia build a vaccine filling factory. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia planning new border checkpoint at Thma Da
Cambodia is looking into the possibility of opening a new Thma Da Border Checkpoint with Thailand to boost trade and tourism. ...
Ry Sochan
Settle vehicle import taxes owed by Dec 31: customs
The General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia (GDCE) on December 1 reiterated a call on owners of left-hand drive vehicles who have yet to pay any applicable import taxes or related fees due to do so before December 31, in order to benefit ...
Nov Sivutha