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Gravel and limestone

Raw gravel, photo by touch and see, taken on March 26, 2014. Licensed under: CC BY-SA 2.0Since 2010, Cambodia has seen increasing production of cement, crushed stone, sand and gravel in response to the country’s booming construction sector. Approved investment in the construction industry in ...


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Land Law of 2001 both guarantee an individual’s right to property protection. Though part of the Government’s policy framework since 2002, not until 2010 did a legal framework exist to govern the process by which the ...

Celebrating the World Statistics Day 2020!

October 20th 2020 marks the third World Statistics Day, a day that brings together communities around the globe to celebrate and reiterate the importance of statistics. Through its Resolution 69/282, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly established the celebration of The World Statistics Day every ...

Success story of data literacy training program: ROEUN Narith

Many of the data transparency training participants have been using data in one way or another in their day-to-day work. They sign-up for the program to improve their ability to use data as a means of storytelling to a new level. Roeun Narith is the ...

Amid pandemic, Cambodia’s first Data Literacy Program ends with a virtual workshop

With support from USAID and under the East-West Management Institute's (EWMI) Cambodia Civil Society Strengthening (CCSS) project, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has successfully completed piloting a contextualized data literacy program in Cambodia based on the World Bank curriculum ...


Cambodia restructured its economy after many years of protracted war and instability. The economy grew strongly following the country’s transition to a free-market economy as it opened to trade and capital flows. Growth was supported by the flow of development assistance, access to the European ...

Environment and natural resources policy and administration

The 7th National Consultation Workshop on the Draft of the Environment and Natural Resource Code of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Photo by Open Development Cambodia, taken on 22 March 2018. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.With 76% of its people living in rural areas,53 Cambodia holds ...

Terms of use

Welcome to ODC! By using the site or any information, maps, data or services on the site, you agree to be bound by these terms of use.Use of the siteCopyright of all original text, maps, graphics, logos and designs created by ODC and published on ...

Private land

Rights to private land ownership were guaranteed in the 1993 Constitution and formally established by the 2001 Land Law. Despite an established legal framework to protect private property rights, those rights are often insecure for many. ...

Head of state

The Kingdom of Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. The king is the head of state for his lifetime but does not govern. ...

COVID-19 legislative response in Cambodia

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant levels of pressure on many governments, requiring them to implement new regulations and policies to reduce the spread of the virus. In Cambodia, the socioeconomic challenges posed by the pandemic mainly come from the reduction of commercial operations at ...

The hybrid workshop on the open of extractive industrial and environmental data for a better economy

On December 17, 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO), Cambodia Indigenous Women Association (CIWA), and Cambodia Indigenous People Alliance (CIPA), and other relevant local NGOs, hosted a hybrid workshop on the open of extractive industrial and environmental ...


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Data storytelling by data visualization trainees

Data is an essential component of every organization and journalist. Finding the value in data and communicating that value to your target audience needs time. Simply displaying spreadsheets with rows of numbers is insufficient for demonstrating the significance of data. However, when data is presented ...

National open data conference 2024: Open government data for inclusive development

The Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) and The Asia Foundation are partnering to organize the first "National Open Data Conference 2024: Open Government Data for Inclusive Development" on the 26th and 27th of March 2024, at the CADT Innovation Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. ...

Consultation Workshop on Fisheries Conservation Areas

By 2022, there are 447 community fisheries across the country, and 46 community fisheries are located in the coastal areas. There are 5 registered communities located in Kep while 7 out of 10 communities in Kampot have been registered. In Preah Sihanouk, 13 out of ...

Second training: Data literacy for public health

On 5, 6, 8, and 9 April 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has successfully conducted a four-day training under the theme “Data Literacy for Public Health”. This is their second training under this theme. The event was hosted by ODC team and conducted virtually via ...

SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

SDG 17 – “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” – is about bringing governments, civil society, the private sector and other actors together to help achieve the 2030 Agenda. There are 19 global targets and 25 indicators. The targets ...

Overview of policy and legal framework

Environmental protection and conservation are given high priority in the Royal Government of Cambodia’s guiding strategy, the Rectangular Strategy Phase III (2014–2018). ...

Vocational education

By definition, Vocational education refers to the program that enables people to acquire highly transferable and development skills. It also grants people the necessary technical skill for their desired career.111 Cambodia’s vocational education plays an important role during the country’s economic structural transition and the ...

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