Public land lease
Cambodia's special economic zones waiting for foreign investments
PHNOM PENH — Eight out of Cambodia’s 19 special economic zones (SEZ) are being operational across the country, while the rest are still waiting for both local and foreign investors, the data from Council for Development of Cambodia (CDC) showed on Saturday. The statistics showed that ...
HLH to Expand With Corn, Rice Plantations
Singapore-listed firm HLH Group is planning to expand its presence in Cambodia with 90,000 hectares of corn, rice and soybean plantations planned over the next decade in Kompong Speu and Koh Kong provinces, an official at the company said yesterday. HLH Group came under scrutiny ...
(Simon Marks and Kuch Naren, p 29)
Vietnamese Company Breaks Ground on Plant
A Vietnam Electrical Equipment Corporation subsidiary has broken ground on a new factory to be built in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ). THIBIDI is building a $1.5 million factory in order to manufacture transformers and will employ approximately 150 people. The plant is ...
More Concessions Granted in Protected Areas
Six additional economic land concessions have been granted, totaling 46,000 hectares in protected areas. As a means to spur agribusiness companies the concessions include two in Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary in Kompong Speu province. Prime Minister Hun Sen signed in the grants on June 3 ...