Economy and commerce

Economic policy and administration

Gov’t launches industrial policy

Prime Minister Hun Sen said the Council of Ministers would review and pass the Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025 today, setting out a roadmap that aims to boost investment and broaden the Kingdom’s manufacturing base. The policy framework will consist of four pillars: attracting FDI to ...

Chan Muyhong and Hor Kimsay

PM calls for greater collaboration among ministries

With the realisation of the ASEAN Economic Community due at the end of the year, politicians and business delegates, at a conference to discuss Cambodia’s AEC progress, have stressed the need for a more coordinated approach during the transition into deeper regional integration. “Our ambitious ...

Ananth Baliga

Time for business to step up

Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol called on business owners to clean up their activities in the Kingdom, in order to remain competitive, especially in light of the ASEAN Economic Community integration due to be realised at the end of the year. Private sector companies have traditionally raised ...

Hor Kimsay

SME policy needed by AEC

Public and private sector representatives have urged the Cambodian government to fast-track policies to foster a more “formalised”, compliant and productive small- to medium-size enterprise (SME) sector. Chea Serey, director general at the National Bank of Cambodia said the high cost of regulatory compliance, a ...

Eddie Morton

Four arrested in raid targeting fake coffee

Police have warned coffee lovers there could be a couple of bad batches circulating and percolating in Phnom Penh after a raid on a fake coffee enterprise in Sen Sok district’s Khmuonh commune yesterday. Officers arrested four men during the joint operation in Banlar Sa Et ...

Pech Sotheary

Review of financial policies needed: World Bank

In the face of global economic fragility, the Cambodian government needs to review its fiscal policies and deepen its pockets – building a “buffer” for use in times of crisis, the World Bank has warned. The World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects 2015 report states that Cambodia ...

Eddie Morton

Tally of goods linked to child labour grows

Four more goods made in Cambodia have been linked to exploitative child labour, adding to a mounting list of items the United States considers to be produced in violation of international rights laws. The mounting number of Cambodian goods found to use child labour runs ...

Laignee Barron

Workers say $128 per month is not enough to live on

Cambodian unions say they will not agree to a minimum wage proposed by the Cambodian government. Union leaders say the government’s proposed minimum wage of $128 per month will not be enough for workers to keep up with the rising cost of living in the country. ...

Heng Reaksmey

Unions, bosses ink deal to end SL garment factory dispute

A year after violent clashes broke out between workers from the SL Garment Factory and gun-wielding security forces, leading to the shooting death of a bystander, representatives for workers and management at the factory signed off on a list of agreements this week to end the ...

Sek Odom

New pier to attract tourists

Kampot province’s City Hall yesterday revealed plans for a new passenger pier to siphon more coastal tourism business from Thailand and Vietnam. Sim Vuthea, administrative director of Kampot City Hall, said the new $40 million passenger pier, which will be funded by the Asian Development Bank ...

Chan Muyhong

Cambodia sets minimum wage below union demands

Cambodia on Wednesday increased the monthly minimum wage for garment workers by 28% to $128, falling short of union workers’ demands and creating the potential for further strikes in the country. Ath Thun, president of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union, said the ...

James Hookway and Sun Narin

Cambodia raises garment wage, but unions say not enough

Cambodia on Wednesday raised the controversial monthly minimum wage for garment workers by 28 percent, a decision likely to infuriate unions seeking a higher increase and revive calls for strike action. Sixteen members of the Labour Ministry’s Labour Advisory Committee voted for the government-proposed minimum ...

World Bulletin News Staff

No boycott: Union meet could decide wage today

Independent labour unions will take part in the Ministry of Labour’s Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) meeting today, possibly making their decision on next year’s minimum wage in Cambodia’s garment sector. NIFTUC and the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union (C.CAWDU) considered boycotting the LAC ...

Sean Teehan

Cambodia to discuss garment sector wages next week

A Cambodia government-appointed Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) may decide on a new minimum monthly wage for garment sector workers when it meets next week, just-style has been told. The committee is due to meet on Wednesday (12 November), when it will discuss whether to increase the ...

Poorna Rodrigo

Evalliance & GMAC sign MoU to support Cambodian garments

The French textile and garment association (Evalliance) has entered into an agreement with the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) to promote the Cambodian textile and garment industry. ...

Fibre2fashion News Staff

New companies registered in Cambodia jump 36 pct in 9 months

Cambodia has issued operating licenses to 3,025 new companies in the first nine months of 2014, up 36 percent over the same period last year, the Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday. Foreign companies were 1,335, an increase of 20 percent, as local registrations saw a ...

Global Post News Staff

Grand twins workers go back on strike despite court order

About 5,000 workers from the Grand Twins International (GTI) garment factory in Phnom Penh who have been striking over wages and working conditions briefly returned to their stations Thursday in compliance with a court order, but resumed protesting the next day after rumors spread that ...

Kang Sothear and George Styllis

UXO injuries, deaths up in ’14

Landmine casualties more than doubled in the first eight months of this year compared to the same period in 2013, according to officials, who are pointing to the wider use of industrial agricultural equipment – such as tractors – as the reason for the uptick ...

Sean Teehan

France to train garment firms

French textile and garment association Evalliance yesterday signed an agreement with the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) to provide training for middle-management workers in the industry. Speaking at the signing ceremony in Phnom Penh, Van Sou Ieng, chairman of GMAC said the agreement aims to ...

Chan Muyhong

New regulations focus on healthy workplace, foreign workforce and labor identification documents

The deadline for submitting applications for foreign employee quotas is fast approaching. Employers must apply for the foreign labor quota before the end of November 2014 in order to employ foreigners in 2015. The Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training has recently issued a number ...

Max Howlett and Yun Sophal

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