Social development

Public health

Minister reiterates call for regulation of clinics

The minister of health once again urged his subordinates and local authorities yesterday to shut down the country’s unlicensed clinics and doctors to prevent another HIV outbreak. ...

Pech Sotheary

In court, kidney trader denies running transplant enterprise

A woman accused of organ trafficking was tried at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Monday for allegedly persuading her two cousins and a neighbor to sell their kidneys in Thailand last year. Anti-human trafficking police arrested Nhem Sinuon, 29, in Phnom Penh’s Chroy Changva district ...

Ouch Sony

Sixth HIV-positive villager dies in Battambang

A 69-year-old man who was among the more than 240 villagers to test positive for HIV in Battambang province’s Roka commune died on Saturday, local health officials said Monday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Youth meth use on the rise

Cambodia’s young adults are using methamphetamines at one of the highest rates in the world, according to a recent report by the UN’s drug watchdog, while demand for more upscale drugs like ecstasy is growing among the affluent. In an annual report released Tuesday by the ...

Sarah Taguiam

Mystery illness grips 13 as doctors baffled

A contagious mystery ailment has led to 13 hospitalisations in Pursat province since Tuesday, when a family of five began suffering vomiting, diarrhoea and fainting, quickly spreading it to others who came into contact with them. ...

Mom Kunthear

Hospital sued for negligence in stillbirth

A Preah Vihear military police officer filed a court complaint accusing hospital staff of murder after his wife died in hospital during a stillbirth. ...

Phak Seangly

Monks bless elderly sick in fearful HIV commune

Several elderly HIV-positive villagers in Battambang’s Roka commune are seriously ill, local authorities have said, with some of their families having called monks to bless them as they believe death may be imminent. Five people living in the commune have died since a massive HIV outbreak ...

May Titthara

Red cross replaces rotten rice donated to HIV-hit commune

Thousands of kilograms of rice donated by the Cambodian Red Cross to impoverished families in Battambang province, including residents of HIV-hit Roka commune, had to be replaced Monday after villagers complained it was rotten, officials said. ...

Mech Dara

Risk of hearing loss increasing: experts

Increasing exposure to damaging sound levels in recreational areas and the unsafe use of personal audio devices are putting Cambodians, especially teenagers and young adults, at a high risk of hearing loss, health experts said yesterday. ...

Sarah Taguiam

New malaria strain raises problems, fears

Physicians are scrambling to update treatments to combat the growing threat caused by a new strain of malaria that is unique to Cambodia and resistant to the drug that dictates whether patients are ultimately cured. ...

Sarah Taguiam

One-use syringe eyed

Amid an ongoing investigation into the massive HIV outbreak in Battambang’s Roka commune, health officials yesterday said that they are requesting that auto-disabled syringes be exclusively used for administering injections in Cambodia. ...

Sarah Taguiam

New push for maternal health

The government on Saturday announced a plan to decrease the number of maternal deaths in the Kingdom by 50 per cent in the future by promoting countrywide pregnancy-related preventative measures among women. In the recently released preliminary results of the 2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health ...

Sen David and Sarah Taguiam

Patient death blamed on doctors’ holiday leave

The parents of a man who died at the Svay Rieng provincial referral hospital of wounds sustained in a motorbike crash say their son might have survived if doctors had not been absent from work celebrating Chinese New Year, and are planning to file a ...

Ben Sokhean

Prey Speu detention centre still going strong

Almost 450 people were rounded up from the capital’s streets last year and sent to the notorious Prey Speu social affairs centre, where in November a man died after being denied medical treatment, according to an annual report from Phnom Penh’s Social Affairs Department. ...

Sen David and Alice Cuddy

Health gains in Kingdom reported

The Kingdom has seen vast improvements in nutrition, general health and mortality rates over the past four years, according to the preliminary results of the fourth Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS) released yesterday. ...

Sarah Taguiam

Genes of carcinogenic liver fluke revealed

The tiny liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini causes damage out of all proportion to its size. Consumed as cysts within raw fish by people in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, it causes the tropical disease, Opisthorciasis, putting its victims at risk of cancer. Despite affecting millions of ...

Medical X Press News Staff

Elderly deaths in ‘HIV village’

The death toll is increasing in Battambang’s Roka commune, which has been plagued by a massive HIV outbreak, as health officials confirmed yesterday that two more HIV-positive villagers succumbed to illnesses despite undergoing antiretroviral treatment (ART). The two elderly women, aged 74 and 75, died on ...

Sarah Taguiam

Unlicensed doctors ordered to cease operations in Battambang

Battambang provincial authorities have ordered nine unlicensed doctors to shut down their home-care practices in the province, including six in Sangke district’s Roka commune, where more than 230 residents have tested positive for HIV over the past three months. ...

Khy Sovuthy

The rising global health crisis no one is talking about

Motorcycle fatalities are claiming the lives of a third of people in Asia–but governments don’t seem to notice. In Cambodia, HIV/AIDS-related deaths equate to 2,300 per year, and the government allocates $58 million to combat the disease—but 2,000 deaths are caused by highway fatalities, with ...

Michelle Bergmann

HIV patients in Cambodia’s Roka commune suffer thefts, fault police inaction

Villagers in remote western Cambodia who were infected with HIV/AIDS by an unauthorized medical worker have been hit by a wave of thefts of cows and other property, and some local residents say they police have been indifferent to their plight. ...

Hum Chamrouen

Infant becomes latest person to die in Cambodia’s mass HIV infection

A seven-month-old girl is the latest victim of Cambodia’s mass HIV infections in a remote western commune where an unauthorized medical worker reused syringes. The infant was the first to die of 16 members from an extended family of 50 who contracted the deadly virus that ...

Hum Chamroeun

Promises made to HIV village

Health Minister Mam Bunheng announced yesterday he has proposed that a reserve budget be used to help victims of the mass HIV outbreak in Battambang province’s Roka village, as he vowed to strengthen health services across the country. Speaking at a press conference following questioning by ...

Taing Vida

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