
Illegal checkpoints, logging tools netted

Activists in Kratie province’s Snuol district seized seven chainsaws over the weekend and collected evidence that four police checkpoints were used to solicit bribes from illegal loggers, representatives of the network said yesterday. After scouring thousands of hectares of protected forest from Friday through yesterday, the ...

Former Mfone Staff Enter Second Day of Protests

About 300 former employees of bankrupt mobile phone operator Mfone continued to protest yesterday outside the company’s closed Phnom Penh offices, demanding severance payments totaling $4.4 million for 1,092 workers. But Vong Savan, deputy secretary-general of the Labor Dissolution Commission at the Ministry of Social ...

Luxury Motor Show takes on Used Car Market

At Cambodia’s first ever international motor show over the weekend, top-end car manufactures including Mercedez-Benz, BMW and Ford presented their luxury range of SUV’s, sedans pickup trucks and motorbikes. Vehicle imports to Cambodia, which include cars, trucks and motorcycles, more than doubled to 1.9 million ...

Mfone Workers Demand $4.4M Compensation

About 200 former employees of bankrupt mobile phone operator Mfone yesterday protested outside the company’s shuttered offices, asking for the help of Prime Minister Hun Sen in the fight to get more than $4 million in compensation from the company. Mfone declared itself insolvent in ...

More SIM cards sold, providers to shrink

Sales of SIM cards reached 19.7 million last year, a 21 per cent rise from the 16.2 million sold in 2011, data from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (MPTC) shows. In contrast to the use of SIM cards, the number of telco operators decreased. In ...

First crop of stevia is successful: company

Stevia Nutra Corporation, a Canadian agro-company, said in a press release on Friday that the initial growing season of stevia, commonly known as sweetleaf, in Cambodia was successfully completed. The first harvest of high-quality stevia leaves has now commenced and samples have been prepared for testing ...

‘Crocodile’ gran to file $100 million lawsuit

Prominent businesswoman Chhin Sokountheary yesterday announced her intention to sue Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema for falsifying documents saying she illegally occupied state land in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district in a bid to steal the land and develop a sports stadium on it. Sokountheary, 57 ...

Covering Cambodia

With the number of cars on Cambodia’s roads growing at a consistent pace, high-end automotive distributors are jockeying for a foothold in the market, but they are not the only ones who stand to benefit from Cambodia’s splurge on cars. Working on the sidelines, the ...

Sugar Playing Catch-Up With Spice

Dotted with rice fields flanked by palm trees, Cambodia’s southeastern province of Kampong Speu is nothing short of picturesque. But behind the idyllic exterior is an on-going struggle to turn this region’s natural beauty into a global attraction and improve the lot of poor local farmers, ...

Ambassadors fill Cambodia, terrorism posts

SENIOR diplomat Alison Burrows has been appointed Australia’s next ambassador to Cambodia. Ms Burrows will replace Penny Richards in April, Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr announced on Thursday. She is assistant secretary with the North Asia investment and services branch of the Department of Foreign Affairs ...

Forest activists answer complaint in court

Eight members of the Prey Lang forest community network, summonsed to the Kampong Thom provincial court yesterday to answer a 2011 complaint, rejected its accusation that they had caused intentional damage by uprooting cassava plants belonging to Ol Ratha and maintained they had acted only ...

Start-ups rely too much on self-funding

Cambodians tend to rely too heavily on self-funding or loans when starting businesses, experts say. In a bid to change that, an essay competition about business plans has been launched to give a platform for the winner to form business partnerships with those with capital. The ...

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