Aid and development

Japan Loans over $53 Million to Improve Agriculture and Education

Cambodia will receive a concessional loan package of $53.3 million US dollars from Japan to restore the irrigation canal system and another $700,000 dollars grant aid to enhance education materials for minerals resources and topology department of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), the ...

Japanese Government To Loan $47M for Agro-Development

The Minister of Water Resource and Meteorology announced yesterday that the Japanese government’s international aid agency will provide his ministry with $47 million on loans for an agriculture development project near the Tonle Sap lake. During a donation ceremony for 144 Japanese-funded agricultural machines held ...

World Bank fund halt irks officials

THE government expressed disappointment yesterday with the World Bank’s announcement that it had halted new country loans due to the ongoing land dispute at Boeung Kak lake in Phnom Penh and vowed to raise the issue with the bank’s executive board. “We are very dissatisfied ...


Defiance Greets World Bank's Funding Freeze

Government officials yesterday dismissed the World Bank’s recently revealed decision to freeze funding for new projects in Cambodia to protest a Phnom Penh real estate project that has forced thousand of families out of their homes. A housing rights group closely following the evictions said ...

World Bank stops funds for Cambodia over evictions

The World Bank said on Tuesday it had stopped providing loans to Cambodia and would not resume lending until the government did something to help hundreds of families facing eviction from land around a lake in the country’s capital, Phnom Penh. “The World Bank’s last ...

Potential for more Europe exports

Cambodian exporters ought to make further use of tariff-free entry to the European Union, particularly given loosened regulations governing rule of origin, EU officials said at a trade seminar yesterday. Least Developed Countries such as the Kingdom could export to the EU duty and quota ...

Power Grid Key to Development

According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) the regional and national power grids are key to development, though plans for their development have come under criticism by a number of NGOs who believe that power generation should be decentralized. The ADB’s Greater Mekong Subregion program ...

Environment Minister Defends Concessions

Environment Minister Mok Mareth yesterday defended the recent surge of economic land concessions granted by his ministry inside the country’s enviornmental conservation areas, saying that they would do more to help the areas than hurt them. Mr Mareth’s comments came while responding to questions at ...

Cambodia on Long Road to Freedom From Corruption, Bank Says

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has called corruption a “fundamental concern” for Cambodia even with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) celebrating 10 months since its inauguration. The ADB’s Country Governance Risk Assessment Report and Risk Management Plan which is to be released soon calls for capacity ...

Bank’s Plan Greeted With Skepticism

A 10 year strategic plan designed to ensure financial stability in Cambodia has been released by the central bank to much skepticism. The $700,000 study sponsored by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is said to be short on details even though it calls for the ...

World Bank No Longer Funding State-Run Radio

The World Bank has ceased funding Radio National Kampuchea (RNK) as of last month due to a failure to comply to the bank’s Demand for Good Governance Project agreement. The funding ended on June 30. The World Bank granted RNK US $20 million with a ...

Bank Predicts 6.8% Economic Growth in 2012

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released figures which show they believe that the Cambodian economy will grow between 6.8 and 7 percent in 2013 and 6.8 percent in 2012. Their reporting sites the growth in the Cambodian garment industry as a major factor. The ...

ADB talks Cambodia funding priorities

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is focusing on lending to the agriculture, education, finance, water supply and transport sectors in Cambodia as part of its three year Country Partnership Strategy, worth $500 million. $377 million will be allocated to 12 projects in the five mentioned ...

Bank Says No Railway Evictee to Be Left Behind

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said that the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways will not be at the expense of those who live along the lines and has pledged to address the issue. Resettlement has been a problem for the rehabilitation but a new plan ...

Overloaded vehicles at issue

Overloaded vehicles are contributing to a more rapid than anticipated deterioration of Cambodia’s road network, experts said yesterday. “The cost of overloading causes problems to everyone involved, but it is easy to control damage if we have good system in place. This is the only ...

Bank Says No Railway Evictee To Be Left Behind

The Asian Development Bank announced yesterday that the organizations behind the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways, including the government and the Australian development agency, have jointly pledged to address the complaints of people facing eviction from dwellings across the rail lines. The Australian government provided ...

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