
Last Year Saw More New Firms Register

Almost 3,400 new businesses were registered in Cambodia in 2012, an increase of 9 percent on the previous year, according to figures from the Ministry of Commerce. In 2012, the ministry’s business registration department recorded some 3,385 new companies, compared with 3,104 new companies in 2011, ...

Acleda readies to open Myanmar’s first micro-finance firm

Cambodia’s largest bank is ready to launch its first micro-finance institution (MFI) in Myanmar, but one final barrier remains: an operating licence from Myanmar’s government. Acleda Bank’s chief executive, In Channy, expects the licence to be granted by the end of this month. Once that is done, ...

Advertising industry in Cambodia grows

As Cambodia’s economy continues to grow, advertising in the country has developed to keep pace. But the industry still faces challenges, insiders say. According to Media Adex data by Indochina Research, which monitors advertising spending for TV and print (but not radio) $105.4 million was ...

Britain life insurer Prudential officially launches operations in Cambodia

The U.K.-based life insurer, Prudential Plc, on Wednesday announced the commencement of its life insurance operations in Cambodia, according to the firm’s press release. Alongside the launch of its business operations, Prudential Cambodia and Acleda Bank, the largest commercial bank in Cambodia, also announced the establishment ...

Tough times for telecom bosses in 2012

The year 2012 has seen a number of changes of personnel within different companies in Cambodia, particularly in the telecommunications sector, but also in the insurance and banking industry. According to In Channy, ACLEDA Bank’s CEO and vice chairman of the International Business Chamber Cambodia, the ...

Cambodia's banking industry sees robust growth in 2012

Cambodia’s banking sector has maintained strong and steady growth in terms of loans and deposits in 2012 thanks to better economic performance, a central bank’s senior official said Tuesday. “Our banking system remains robust this year despite economic crisis in Europe and economic slowdown in the ...

$500M Leaves Cambodia Illegally Each Year

Almost $500 million a year was taken out of Cambodia in “illicit financial flows” between 2001 and 2010, a report released yesterday in the U.S. claims. People in the Cambodian finance sector, however, expressed doubts about the accuracy of the figure, which appears in a report ...

ACLEDA builds new HQ

ACLEDA Bank, Cambodia’ leading commercial bank, held a ground-breaking ceremony yesterday for its new 20-storey headquarters, which will be located directly behind its present building. The new headquarters will cover 43,000 square metres, with parking for 700 cars. Construction is scheduled for completion in two years. ...

Cambodia's central bank launches national clearing system

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) on Wednesday officially launched the country’s national clearing system in order to increase efficiency and expand clearing and settlement services for inter-bank transactions. A central bank statement said that the central system can clear and settle payment instruments such as ...

Officials ignore call for special small and medium enterprises bank

Cambodian officials have refused to establish a specialised bank for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) despite experts saying the sector needs aid in order to compete efficiently with ASEAN economic integration in 2015. Hang Chounnaron, secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance said Cambodia would ...

Ratings Agency Retains Stable Growth Outlook for Cambodia

Rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) on Friday reaffirmed Cambodia’s long-term sovereign credit rating of “B” due to the country’s positive growth outlook, but again warned of risks related to the country’s narrow economic base. “Economic output growth is vulnerable due to the still large ...

Rise of housing loans

Although costs can be high for borrowing and it can be difficult to pay regularly every month, the trend of borrowing from banks by Cambodian people to buy property is still steadily increasing, according to experts. Keuk Narin, vice president of Asia Real Estate Cambodia, said ...

MFI deposits seen growing

The value of deposits with Cambodia’s 31 microfinance institutions grew more than 96 per cent in the first nine months of the year compared to last year, a rise industry experts say is due to the political stability and economic growth of the Kingdom. Official data ...

Special report: Banking

With the recent announcement that two Taiwanese banks plan to open branches in Cambodia, the number of commercial banks in the country will swell to 34 and may even go higher as foreign businesses seriously consider Cambodia an alternative to more costly countries such as ...

Banking Sector Sees Growth in First 9 Months

Profits at Cambodia’s largest banks continued to grow through the first nine months of the year as loan disbursals across the sector increased by about 30 percent compared to the same period in 2011, bankers said yesterday. Acleda Bank, the largest bank in the country, this week posted ...

Acleda takes out $10 Million

Acleda Bank has signed a $US10 million loan agreement   with Proparco, a development finance institution held in part by the Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD), according to a statement released on Wednesday. With the Kingdom’s financial sector expanding rapidly and a growing demand for banking and ...

Sumimoto Mitsui sins agreement with Acleda

One of Japan’s biggest banks, Sumimoto Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) signed agreement with Acleda Bank to share market data and banking services. The deal will give Japanese investors information on the economy and offer other banking services and is aimed at improving bilateral trade and investment. The deal would ...

Japanese bank to sign cooperation deal with Cambodian bank

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, one of the leading banks in Japan, will sign a memorandum of understanding with Cambodia’s leading Acleda Bank on Friday for business cooperation, according to a press release from Acleda on Thursday. Under the agreement, both banks will provide mutual support for ...

Japanese Bank to Sign Agreement With Acleda

One of the largest banks in Japan, Sumimoto Mitsui Banking Co., will sign an agreement with Acleda Bank Friday to share market data and banking services, Acleda announced yesterday. The deal would allow Sumimoto Mitsui, which currently only has a representative branch in Cambodia, to access ...

Acleda to sell vehicle tax stamps

Cambodia’s government yesterday announced it had chosen the largest local bank, Acleda Bank Plc, to be its partner for vehicle tax stamp sales. Acleda will operate for the General Department of Taxation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in all 23 provinces and Phnom Penh.   Sim Eang, royal ...

Acleda Applies To Open Banks In Burma

Acleda Bank has filed an application to start banking operations in Burma with the central bank and is on track to open its first microfinance branch in the country by January, Acleda President In Channy said yesterday. Mr. Channy said the bank submitted its application for ...

Campu and Acleda Post Strong Earnings for First Six Months

Despite being downgraded by Moody’s just over two months ago, profits at Cambodian Public Bank (Campu) and Acleda Bank—two of the largest banks in the country—increased by about 50 percent during the first half of the year, according to figures provided by the banks yesterday. In ...

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