Bilateral development assistance
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members
EU raises concerns over human rights
Land evictions, poor prison conditions and the lack of an independent judiciary were among the concerns listed in the European Union’s 2010 review of human rights in Cambodia. According to the EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World in 2010, which charts ...
South Korea loans $21 million for rural improvement
H.E. Aun Pornmonirath, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia and Mr. Sang Wang Byun, Executive Director of Export-Import Bank of the Republic of Korea, on September 21 signed $21 Million Loan Agreement for Cambodia’s Rural Roads Improvement Project. “The ...
Boeng Kak families reach out to embassies, EU
Members of 34 families facing eviction from Phnom Penh’s Boeng Kak community yesterday called on five foreign embassies and the European Union to pressure the government into granting them land titles. They are among the 46 poor and untitled families living in Boeng Kak who have ...
Japanese Bank and Cambodian MFI Join Forces
Maruhan Japan Bank and Seilanithih microfinance institution announced this month they are forming a business alliance through which they will work together for mutual benefit and to provide banking opportunities for Cambodia “By joining forces with us, Seilanithih will be able to expand the size of ...
ODA Projects Signed with Japan
Agreements for two Japanese official development assistance (ODA) projects for Cambodia were recently signed at two separate ceremonies One ODA project amounts to US $53.3 million loan for the West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Rehabilitation and Improvement Project. The other project involves a US $700,000 ...
Land rights acrimony in AusAID Asian project
A TAXPAYER-FUNDED development project is mired in controversy after the Cambodian government launched a crackdown against land rights organisations critical of the compulsory resettlement of families. The Cambodian government has cautioned a small group of foreign organisations against stirring up unrest among those being forced off ...
Donors Asked to Freeze Aid Over NGO Law
Ten international organizations including Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, and Global Witness have urged dozens of foreign ministers to consider freezing aid to Cambodia if the government passes the current draft of its proposed NGO law. In a letter sent Wednesday to 36 foreign ministers ...
Exports Increase 45.9% in First Six Months
Cambodian exports increased 45.9 percent to $2.15 billion in the first six months of the year compared to the same period in 2010, according to figures released by the Ministry of Commerce yesterday. Of the total value of exports, 80 percent, or $1.74 billion, were ...
Japan Helps Cambodia Despite Difficulties
Japan on August 15th loaned Cambodia a package of US$ 53.3 million for the West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Improvement and a grant aid of US$ 0.7 million to improve education equipment of the Department of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering of the Institute of ...
South Korea Will Help Restore Ancient Khmer Temple
South Korea plans to restore the ancient Khmer temple, Preah Pitou at western Baray and other temples in Siem Reap, home of a world-class tourism destination. The restoration project was announced after the meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Sok An, Minister in charge of ...
Japan Loans over $53 Million to Improve Agriculture and Education
Cambodia will receive a concessional loan package of $53.3 million US dollars from Japan to restore the irrigation canal system and another $700,000 dollars grant aid to enhance education materials for minerals resources and topology department of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), the ...
Japanese Government To Loan $47M for Agro-Development
The Minister of Water Resource and Meteorology announced yesterday that the Japanese government’s international aid agency will provide his ministry with $47 million on loans for an agriculture development project near the Tonle Sap lake. During a donation ceremony for 144 Japanese-funded agricultural machines held ...
Tax-Free Trade Access Will Stay, Says EU
The European Union has said that it has no plans to suspend Cambodia’s duty-free trade access even though there have been concerns over land evictions as a result of economic land concessions. The EU is seeking that human rights are not the cost of trade ...
Potential for more Europe exports
Cambodian exporters ought to make further use of tariff-free entry to the European Union, particularly given loosened regulations governing rule of origin, EU officials said at a trade seminar yesterday. Least Developed Countries such as the Kingdom could export to the EU duty and quota ...
Japanese firm plans Cambodian fund for later this year
Japanese fund manager Asset Design plans to launch a Cambodian equities fund in late 2011. The fund would target large returns after the Kingdom opened its stock exchange this month, an Asset Design executive said yesterday. Asset Design expected the scale of the fund to ...
Bank Says No Railway Evictee To Be Left Behind
The Asian Development Bank announced yesterday that the organizations behind the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways, including the government and the Australian development agency, have jointly pledged to address the complaints of people facing eviction from dwellings across the rail lines. The Australian government provided ...