Social development
Civil society
Phones Go Up In Flames at Prey Sar Prison
Prey Sar prison officials on Friday set fire to 1,705 mobile phones that had been confiscated from inmates there over the past three years. Yin Kun, deputy chief of Prey Sar’s Correctional Center 1, said that the public burning of phones would remind prisoners that communicating ...
Kang Sothear
New Research Presented to Help Locals Understand Violence
New research on the cultural causes of and solutions to violence against women was presented in Phnom Penh on Friday in a bid to help those interested in ending violence understand what fuels it, specifically in a Cambodian context. The research is 25 years in the ...
Lauren Crothers
Villagers Claim Soldiers Hired to Prevent Planting
Villagers in Koh Kong’s Botum Sakor district said Friday that Union Development Group (UDG) used military forces to prevent villagers from planting paddy rice on land that is locked in a longstanding dispute, a claim the military denied. Khun Thala, a 40-year-old villager, said Friday that ...
Khuon Narim
Khmer Krom want apology
A Khmer Krom association threatened this week to protest against the Vietnamese government after an official said that the former Kampuchea Krom provinces belonged to Vietnam long before France’s official transfer of the land in 1949. The threats from the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Association for Human ...
May Titthara
Gov’t called upon to stamp out child labor
The government must make more of an effort to not only eradicate child labor, but also its underlying causes, and ensure that children attend school, local rights group Licadho said Thursday. In a statement released ahead of World Day Against Child Labor, the group said the ...
Lauren Crothers
Rights Groups Urge Censure of Thailand Over Abuses in Fishing Industry
Human rights workers say the US and other countries should censure Thailand over fisheries practices that mean near-slavery for many Cambodians and others. An investigative report by the UK-based Guardian newspaper exposed serious abuses in the Thai fishing trade, where workers are cheated of pay, kept ...
Suy Heimkhemra
Illegal logging forum banned in Preah Vihear
Preah Vihear officials abruptly barred environmental activists from holding a planned public forum Wednesday, with the activists claiming it was for political reasons and officials saying the group had failed to go through the proper channels. Seng Sokheng, secretariat coordinator of Community Peace Building Network, said ...
Khuon Narim
UN Envoy to Gauge Progress of Rights, Reforms in Cambodia
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya Subedi, will visit the country next week to assess the government’s progress in improving human rights and democratic and land reforms, his office said Wednesday. During the 10-day fact-finding mission, beginning June ...
Joshua Lipes
Roundup of vagrants begins; numbers kept secret
The Phnom Penh municipality on Tuesday began its latest campaign to clear the city’s streets of vagrants, rounding up truckloads of beggars and sellers at traffic lights and holding them at district offices and the municipal social affairs department. Street people across the city were seen ...
Kuch Naren and Matt Blomberg
Government pushes ahead with study of Koh Kong dam
The minister of mines and energy on Monday said a new private-public working group will study the impacts of a proposed hydropower dam in Koh Kong opposed by hundreds of resident ethnic minority families and find them an adequate resettlement site. A Cambodian consultancy, SBK Research ...
Khuon Narim
PPSEZ to get clinic
A private clinic aiming to provide medical care to factory workers in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ) will open this month, the health centre’s managing director said yesterday. ...
Amelia Woodside
US promotes child nutrition and development in Cambodia
U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. Jeff Daigle visited In Komar Primary School in Kampong Thom province today to highlight a $20 million U.S. government school feeding program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and implemented by the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP), ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Reporter drops threat complaint, court says
A journalist who filed a complaint with the Pursat Provincial Court alleging that a soldier threatened to kill him over an illegal logging report withdrew his complaint after the soldier was internally disciplined, court officials and military police said Monday. Sak Rom, a reporter with Kapit ...
Ben Sokhean
City Hall orders curbs on beggars
Phnom Penh municipality on Monday ordered a curb on vagrants entering the city and a roundup of beggars, homeless people and children selling items at traffic lights. In the directive, signed by deputy city governor Seng Ratanak, City Hall orders the 12 district governors, its social ...
Kuch Naren and Matt Blomberg
Hot Breakfast Program Helps Students
Tuesday morning, not long after dawn, a line of students formed outside En Komar Primary School, in Kampong Thom province. Students were waiting to receive breakfast from their teachers. The breakfasts are part of a World Food Program initiative that aims to feed 3.5 million students ...
Khoun Theara
Gov’t says female officers wanted at protests
Council of Ministers secretary of state Keo Remy wants to see female police officers controlling female protesters at future demonstrations, he said at a press conference on Friday. Mr. Remy said female protesters have adopted a new “style” of demonstration under the direction of NGOs who ...
Mech Dara
Cambodia called out for extrajudicial killings
Cambodia has been cited as one of 10 countries in which torture and extrajudicial killings are common, in a submission made this week by the Hong Kong-based Asia Legal Resource Center to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. ...
Lauren Crothers
Freedom Park remains closed to public
Twenty-three labor activists are free from jail, but Freedom Park remains closed to the public. The park is a government-sanctioned place of protest, but it was closed after opposition demonstrations there in April. Phnom Penh spokesman Long Dimanche said there is “no threat” of protests ...
Kong Sothanarith
A bridge too far for Sokha?
Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha has drawn the ire of the government and civil society groups after on Wednesday accusing Vietnam of orchestrating the Koh Pich bridge stampede that killed more than 350 people in 2010 as part of a plot to “eliminate the Khmer ...
Meas Sokchea and Kevin Ponniah
Kratie land dispute goes on
Hundreds of families from Kratie province’s Snuol district who were promised new plots of land after a Vietnamese rubber firm evicted them last month have complained that provincial officials are allowing hundreds of interlopers to stake a claim instead. The 405 families were evicted from the ...
May Titthara
Veterans’ pay missing
A new payment system for retired soldiers in Oddar Meanchey province has resulted in late payments for nearly 50 retirees. Government officials recently opened Acleda Bank accounts for retired soldiers, who used to pick up pension payments at the provincial social affairs department, said Mok Vanvuthy, ...
Sen David
Rights groups concerned over Australian refugee deal
Cambodian human rights organizations say they have major concerns over a deal with Australia that could send unwanted refugees to Cambodia. The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee says Cambodia’s track record of human rights abuse and corruption make people “living on the margins” vulnerable to abuse. Australia ...
Heng Reaksmey
March for the Environment Halted by Police
Some 400 students, monks and activists were stopped from a peaceful march for Environmental Day on Thursday, as they sought to deliver petitions to the Ministry of Environment and other institutions calling for an end to deforestation. Cambodia’s forests provide many services to the rural poor, ...
Suy Heimkhemra
Environment Day march to defy ban
A youth group plans to march in support of World Environment Day today, despite being told not to by municipal authorities. ...
Mom Kunthear