Security Preparations Under Way Ahead of Asean Summit

Two weeks before the opening of the 20th Asean Summit in Phnom Penh, preparations are under way to increase security and clean up Cambodia’s capital ahead of the arrival of hordes of foreign dignitaries on April 3. According to Phnom Penh deputy military police chief Pong ...

Cambodian forum focuses on ASEAN community

PHNOM PENH: The 8th Cambodia-Asia Economic Forum kicked off here on Saturday, focusing on reviewing the ASEAN achievements in the past 45 years and looking at opportunities and challenges toward the realisation of an ASEAN community by 2015. The two-day forum has been attending by some ...

Gov’t Picks NGOs for Asean Meet

The government has chosen representatives of two obscure NGOs to send to an annual meeting between civil society groups and regional leaders during next month’s Asean summit in Phnom Penh, sparking an outcry among other non-governmental groups that say this will prevent critics from being ...

Imports compete with domestic medicines

The value of medicine and medical equipment imports increased about five per cent year-on-year in 2011, according to the Ministry of Commerce. ...

ASEAN forums divide

Cambodian NGOs were drawing battle lines and choosing sides in the run-up to the ASEAN summit, activists said yesterday. Two separate “ASEAN People’s Forums” are being organised by local NGOs. The first, from March 28 to 30, is expected to draw more than 2,000 groups.   ...

US Dollar Drops Below 4,000 Riel With Agricultural Harvest

An increase in agricultural trading has caused the value of the US dollar to dip below 4,000 riel in the past three consecutive days, as there is now a higher demand for the Cambodian riel, money exchangers and an official from the National Bank of ...

National Census Identifies Half-Million Businesses

Cambodia has a total of 505,134 businesses supported by a workforce of 1,676,263, just 11.56 percent of the total population, according to a nationwide economic census released yesterday by the Ministry of Planning. Of the total number of people employed in the country, 1,026,084, or 61.2 ...

Hul Reaksmey and Philip Heijmans, P.1

Kingdom’s consumers told to save gas

Economy and Finance Minister Keat Chhon yesterday urged consumers to limit their gasoline consumption in the face of rising prices, saying the Cambodian government would not boost the hundreds of millions of dollars he claimed it already offered in fuel subsidies. Speaking at the Ministry of ...

Cambodia expects 7 pct GDP growth in 2012

Cambodia’s Finance Minister Keat Chhon said Monday that the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is expected at 7 % this year. The forecast is higher than that of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank — all forecast at ...

Financing Cambodia's Muslims

Islamic finance could help to boost trade between Cambodia and the Middle East, as well as attract investment from Muslim-majority countries, experts said on Saturday. Knowledge of Islamic finance and banking, which bars interest lending and discourages unfair trade advantages, is almost nonexistent among Cambodia’s Muslims, ...

Gov’t, Garment Sector Silent Over Letter Urging SEZ Probe

A senior official at the Commerce Ministry and the secretary-general of the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) were both silent yesterday regarding a letter sent to the ministry by garment buyers on Friday, urging the government to intensify its investigation of last month’s triple ...

Cambodia expects 7 pct GDP growth in 2012: Finance Minister

Cambodia’s Finance Minister Keat Chhon said Monday that the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is expected at 7% this year. Cambodia’s forecast was based on the increases in garments exports, tourist arrivals, and agriculture as well as a gradually recovered real estate sector, the ...

Brands Urge Gov't to Act on SEZ Shooting

Some of the world’s largest international clothing brands, along with foreign labor protection groups, have called on the Cambodian government to intensify its investigation of last month’s triple shooting of spectators at a Svay Rieng special economic zone. Signed by several of the biggest customers ...

Anco report flawed: auditor

The auditor who submitted a report used to convict a husband and wife of embezzling tens of millions of dollars from a company owned by the wife of a tycoon senator admitted yesterday that the quality of his audit was “poor”. The report was used ...

Cashew Prices Down 40% as Demand sinks

New limitations on Vietnamese exports of processed cashews and slowing demand on the international markets is expected to decrease the price of raw cashews by roughly 40 percent this year, sparking concerns among Cambodian farmers, who are now midway through the harvest season, traders and ...

US-Asean Delegation to visit Cambodia this month

A US-Asean Business Council delegation will visit Phnom Penh on March 19 and 20 to meet with government officials about current or potential investments in the country, American Cambodian Business Council President Bretton Sciaroni said. The meeting comes after a delegation of 11 Fortune 500 ...

Japan Asks for Tax Breaks, Better Regulations

The Japanese Embassy in Phnom Penh appealed to the Cambodian government Tuesday to help encourage Japanese investment here by providing corporate tax holidays and reducing notoriously high customs tariffs by adopting more transparent and efficient practices. According to a set of requests prepared by the ...

Increasing prices drive Kingdom’s rubber

Rubber production in early 2012 increased 21 per cent when compared to the end of 2011, according to Mak Kim Hong, president of the Cambodian Rubber Association. He said yesterday that the price of one tonne of good-quality rubber rose to US$3,800 in early 2012, ...

ASEAN plans to adopt an 'ASEAN bank' system

Central banks in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plan to set up an “ASEAN bank” system that would make it easier for designated banks to set up subsidiaries and operate throughout the region, according to official sources. The plan to set up ASEAN banks is ...

National products chase GI recognition

A lack of funds would prevent Cambodia registering some of the country’s specialty products as geographic indications (GI), a form of international recognition that has boosted the sales of other domestic products such as Kampong Speu palm sugar. The government would like to see Siem Reap ...

Cambodia’s trade with Hong Kong jumps 22%

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and Hong Kong rose more than 22 per cent year-on-year in 2011, according to data from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, whose regional base is in Hanoi. Total trade was US$741 million, compared with $607 million in 2010. Cambodia’s exports to Hong ...

Kingdom's first gem-testing lab opens

London-based checker of rare gems and jewellery Intertek has established a laboratory in Cambodia to help regulate and provide guidelines for the gem trade. Officially opening today, it is the Kingdom’s first gem laboratory. Intertek director in Cambodia Khut Sothy said the country had been ...

UN labour agency troubled by Cambodia's failure to arrest gunman

The United Nations‘ labour agency said Tuesday international buyers were “extremely concerned” at Cambodia‘s failure to arrest the suspect in last month‘s shootings of three garment workers at a subcontractor for German sportswear firm PUMA SE. Jill Tucker, technical advisor to the International Labour Organization, said ...

Whereabouts of Bavet governor still a mystery

Government and police officials were at a loss yesterday to pinpoint the whereabouts of the Bavet town governor, who has been identified as a suspect in the shooting of three women at a protest two weeks ago. An arrest warrant had still not been issued for ...

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