Thai Press Gives Conflicting Reports on Chams
Thai media reports yesterday offered conflicting information on whether members of Cambodia’s Cham community were joining a long-running Muslim insurgency in Thailand’s southern provinces. According to the [Bangkok] Post, General Prayuth said most of the Cambodian Muslims were traveling on to other countries in search ...
Thai-Cambodia agricultural zones set for establishment
Cambodia and Thailand have agreed to set up specialised agricultural export zones along the border inside Cambodia in a bid to curb any suspension of cross-border trade from Thailand, as well as to achieve a 30 per cent increase in bilateral trade year-on-year, commerce official ...
Cambodia, Thailand to Partner on Border Zone
In an effort to bolster bilateral trade, Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh and his Thai counterpart, Boonsong Teriyapirom, agreed in Bangkok on Sunday to establish a special economic border zone, Thai media reported yesterday. Though it remained unclear when or where the zone would be set up, ...