
Social land concessions climb

More than 40 fresh land rows have emerged across the country – and many more could be going unreported, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) said yesterday. A study CCHR conducted into land conflicts between 2011 and 2013 has resulted in the rights group publishing ...

Shane Worrell

British dignitary to meet with CPP, CNRP

British Secretary of State for Asia Hugo Swire was due to arrive in Cambodia last night for a two-day diplomatic visit to the country where he will meet Prime Minister Hun Sen as well as members of the opposition. ...

Vong Sokheng

Government Policy Implementation Teams Seen as Unnecessary

Government officials say they have created special teams to implement policies at the local level nationwide, but opposition officials and civic groups say they doubt the teams will lead to the “deep reforms” promised. The teams, announced earlier this week, are comprised of senior members of ...

VOA Khmer

Teachers Told to Expel Corruption From Classrooms

Just weeks after the country’s only independent teachers’ association staged a strike for higher wages, Phnom Penh’s education chief told teachers this week that they must stop taking bribes to comply with the government’s promised reform agenda. Speaking to about 500 educators, mainly school directors, from ...

Phann Ana

CNRP Spokesman Says He Advocated for Higher Troop Wages

CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann on Thursday moved to clarify his position on the armed forces after the Defense Ministry accused him of “looking down” on the government and the work of the army. In a lengthy written statement issued Thursday, Mr. Sovann spoke in glowing terms ...

Khy Sovuthy

Cambodian deputy PM urges opposition to join parliament

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said Friday that the country’s main opposition party should join the National Assembly if it really wants to debate on an electoral reform or a re-election. The Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), led by longtime opposition ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

CNRP Youth Activist to Protest Over Leaked Passport Details

An outspoken CNRP youth activist who claims that her passport application was leaked by immigration police said Thursday that she will lead protests in front of the Ministry of Interior and Prime Minister Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh if authorities do not attempt to ...

Kuch Naren

Leprosy Dark Spot Healed by Early Detection

It started with a small, dark spot on Oeur Pisey’s left arm: A spot that he simply ignored. Slowly, other spots appeared. They soon covered Mr. Pisey’s thighs, upper body, and eventually, his face. A local health clinic in Kompong Cham province told him not to worry: ...

Denise Hruby

Politics not quite all in the family

Kem Sokhon, the brother of Cambodia National Rescue Party deputy president Kem Sokha, is continuing to progress through government ranks. Sokhon – who has been openly critical of his brother’s policies since defecting from the opposition – told the Post yesterday he is now an adviser to senior ...

Meas Sokchea

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy leads protest in Geneva against Hun Sen’s government

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy joint his Cambodian supporters, who live in Europe, to hold a protest in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva in his effort to attack the government led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, one of the longest Asian leaders. He left ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Anti-Corruption Unit investigates corruption cases in response to Global Fund’s report

The anti-corruption Unit is launching its investigation on corruption cases after being revealed by Global Fund Organization through its progressive report. The investigation is being launched in line with the Unit’s announcement on the 37th Meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council on 29 January 2014. ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Gov’t: village feedback to be used for reform

Hundreds of senior government officials will be dispatched to the provinces in the coming months to gauge public opinion on reforming state institutions. Almost 800 senior officials from all ministries will begin the project on February 15, state broadcaster TVK reported yesterday, following a meeting at ...

Vong Sokheng

RFA, VOA accused of ‘Serving’ opposition

The government has slammed broadcasters Radio Free Asia and Voice of America as “political instruments serving the interests of the opposition party” and accused them of fabricating news in a speech delivered by Deputy Prime Minister Sok An on Tuesday. The US-government-funded broadcasters have been taken ...

Kevin Ponniah

Death Threat Made Against CNRP’s Social Media Activist

Thy Sovantha is accustomed to being threatened on Facebook. But the 19-year-old CNRP youth activist, who became something of an online celebrity through the popular opposition Facebook page “I Love Cambodia Hot News,” says the latest threat against her, in which a copy of her passport ...

Kuch Naren

India urges more trade action

The Indian ambassador to Cambodia is calling on the government to reduce exorbitant shipping costs and take better advantage of a tariff scheme that India offers, two obstacles that the diplomat says are discouraging bilateral trade. Ambassador Dinesh Patnaik said on Tuesday that Indian businesses exporting ...

Eddie Morton

Petition Rally for Prisoners’ Release Ends Peacefully

A week after they began their campaign, activists and rights groups handed out the last of their petitions to embassies across Phnom Penh on Wednesday, hoping to solicit the help of foreign governments in securing the release of 23 men arrested earlier this month at ...

Mech Dara and Zsombor Peter

Work Remains for Cambodia After UN Rights Hearing

Though Cambodia had four years to implement 91 recommendations on how to improve its human rights record, U.N. member states still had to push for action in a number of key areas during its second Universal Periodic Review hearing in Geneva on Tuesday. In a speech ...

Lauren Crothers

Video can’t be trusted: district gov

Video footage of Daun Penh district deputy governor Sok Penh Vuth bashing a defenceless man with a bullhorn on Monday has sparked outrage and demands for his ouster, but his boss told the Post yesterday that people shouldn’t be too hasty to judge, suggesting the footage may ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Chinese TV deal edged out Sonando: minister

Beehive Radio director Mam Sonando will not be granted a digital TV licence because up to 80 channels have been allocated to a Chinese state television network. Khieu Kanharith, the minister of information, said in an interview on TVK on Tuesday night that the allocation of ...

Chhay Channyda

Authorities break up gathering

Police and soldiers in Mondulkiri province broke up a gathering of ethnic minority villagers yesterday as they planned to hold prayers and call on the government to stop illegal logging. The ceremony, held in Mondulkiri province‘s Sen Monorom district, was to be attended by an estimated ...

Sen David

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