The Phnom Penh Post

CNRP wants fair coverage

The opposition party is standing strong on key demands it says stand between it and joining the National Assembly, Cambodia National Rescue Party deputy president Kem Sokha said yesterday. Speaking to reporters after returning from a five-day trip to New Zealand, Sokha said that, in addition ...

Meas Sokchea

Border chaos claims 2 more

A second deadly car accident in as many days has claimed the lives of more Cambodian migrant workers fleeing Thailand in the wake of last month’s military takeover. At least two undocumented Cambodian workers were killed while driving through Thailand’s Chonburi province to get to the ...

Laignee Barron and May Titthara

Gov’t continues to seek new markets

The Ministry of Commerce has vowed to uncover more markets for Cambodian products to help buffer against price fluctuations caused by the Kingdom’s dependency on neighboring countries. In a response to concerns raised on social media, Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol wrote on the ministry’s official Facebook ...

Chan Muyhong

CNRP lawmaker-elect to visit contested area

An opposition lawmaker-elect pledged yesterday to visit an undemarcated section of the border in Svay Rieng province to investigate allegations that Cambodian farmers have been blocked by Vietnamese soldiers from using land they previously farmed for years without problem. Svay Rieng lawmaker-elect Real Camerin said that ...

Meas Sokchea

Wage group agrees on January 1 raises

The group in charge of determining the national minimum wage for the garment sector yesterday agreed to increase salaries annually on January 1, determined by discussions that are to take place in the final quarter of each preceding year, officials said. The agreement was signed during ...

Mom Kunthear

Mfone staff paid final wages

Bankrupt telecommunications company Mfone yesterday handed out the final instalments of unpaid wages to former employees. More than 1,000 former Mfone staffers received the remaining 30 per cent of their unpaid wages after the telecommunications firm filed for bankruptcy in February 2013. Since then, workers have ...

May Kunmakara

GTI price drops on day one

After a five-month IPO process steeped in anticipation, Grand Twins International ended its first day on the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) with results many observers found disappointing. GTI shares opened yesterday’s session at 9,700 riel ($2.41), with a ceremonial bell ringing at the CSX’s head office. ...

Eddie Morton

Official in court over fraud case

A high-level agricultural official in Kampong Speu province has been charged with stealing thousands of dollars from paddy rice farmers after promising to deliver them land titles in January 2013, a rights group representative and a court prosecutor said yesterday. Cher Pich, 44, deputy director of ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Unionist’s case hazy

After a third day of questioning, during which the plaintiff’s story allegedly changed, the head of Cambodia’s largest independent garment union is in the dark as to where his case stands. Investigating judge Chea Sok Heang yesterday did not set a date for further questioning and ...

Sean Teehan

‘Tiger’ attacks man in forest

A Pursat man’s reported encounter with a tiger in the Cardamom Mountains has left him injured and in fear, but it has left experts in doubt. On Sunday afternoon, Ngem Nget, a 51-year-old farmer in Phnom Kravanh district’s Santre commune, walked into the woods to forage ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Sean Teehan

Ly Yong Phat wants TV station

Prominent tycoon and ruling party senator Ly Yong Phat has now set his sights on the media landscape. Phat, the head of LYP Group, on Friday confirmed plans that he is seeking to set up a television station. The entry of an LYP channel, proposed as part ...

May Kunmakara

Two’s company at CSX

It may not have all the glitter, adrenaline or the iconic tolling bell of Wall Street, but today, the usually deserted Cambodian Stock Exchange (CSX) will be a hive of activity. After first hinting at an initial public offering more than two years ago, garment manufacturer ...

Eddie Morton

Union leader to face another day in court

The leader of Cambodia’s largest independent garment union is due to appear in court this afternoon for a third round of pretrial questioning over a case stemming from a strike that ended more than six months ago. Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union (C.CAWDU) president ...

Sean Teehan

Rainsy asks junta to care for migrants

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy sent a letter to Thailand’s ruling junta on Friday calling for the “tens of thousands” of Cambodian migrant workers forcibly repatriated since early June to be treated humanely. In the letter addressed to General Prayuth Chan-ocha, who assumed power in a May ...

Amelia Woodside

Domestic worker day to see maids rally for rights

About 100 domestic workers planned to gather today in front of the Ministry of Labour to mark International Domestic Workers Day by calling on the government to do more to ensure their rights. Vun Samphors, president of the Cambodian Domestic Workers Network (CDWN), told the Postthat participants ...

Mom Kunthear

Work death disguised as road accident: cops

After rocks from a worksite detonation killed one of his employees, a manager at a Kratie province granite company was questioned yesterday for allegedly trying to cover up the circumstances surrounding the fatality, police said. Chinese national Chov Chinlean, 39, died after a crew from Moeung ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Floating houses come back

A fishing community that abandoned a stretch of the Tonle Sap river in Phnom Penh’s Russey Keo district earlier this month after dead fish began appearing in the water have brought their floating houses back home, authorities and community representatives said yesterday. The 29 families who ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Residents left in dark again

Residents in the vicinity of Kab Ko market in Phnom Penh’s Chamkarmon district found themselves fumbling in the dark yet again yesterday on the second consecutive day of hours-long power outages. According to locals, electricity to the street failed around noon on Wednesday and was restored ...

Sen David and Stuart White

Stop and go: More traffic lights going up in capital

Phnom Penh is looking to improve its traffic light system and will fit more than 30 unregulated intersections with traffic lights by February next year, City Hall has announced. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which is assisting the city, has prioritised the system as a ...

Annie Lee

Khmer Krom want apology

A Khmer Krom association threatened this week to protest against the Vietnamese government after an official said that the former Kampuchea Krom provinces belonged to Vietnam long before France’s official transfer of the land in 1949. The threats from the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Association for Human ...

May Titthara

Gov’t calls on jewellers to improve

Cambodian government officials yesterday appealed to gem and jewellery industry representatives to improve design quality at the opening of the 6th Gem and Jewellery Fair on Koh Pich. Seun Sotha, director of the trade promotion department at the Ministry of Commerce, said while Cambodia’s gemstones are ...

Chan Muyhong

Confidence for plan low

Union officials and the garment sector’s factory association said yesterday they supported a new program meant to enhance relations between employers and employees, but remained sceptical of how effective it would be. In a ceremony yesterday, the Ministry of Labour inaugurated the program, which entails training ...

Sean Teehan

Timber seized during bust

Mixed security forces led by Kratie province’s court prosecutor yesterday arrested six people in a huge illegal logging bust, confiscating more than 100 cubic metres of protected luxury-grade timber. ...

Sen David

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