
Withdrawals top hundreds of millions

More than $600 million flooded out of Cambodia’s entire banking system during the third quarter of this year, as fears of post-election chaos set off panic and mass withdrawals, new figures from the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) reveal. The figures, obtained yesterday, were the first ...

Daniel de Carteret

‘Ban’ for three more unionists

Three more unionists have been suspended as a result of the violent strikes at a Kampong Speu garment factory in May and June, a Free Trade Union official said yesterday. Sabrina (Cambodia) Garment Manufacturing factory’s FTU president Sun Vanny, vice-president Sem Sopheak and general secretary Chi ...

Mom Kunthear and Sean Teehan, P.6

Opposition tells CPP: Agree, or talks off

Opposition leaders have given the ruling party an ultimatum: Agree to our demands by the end of the year or the talks are over. Kem Sokha, Cambodia National Rescue Party deputy president, said yesterday that after discussing the matter with party president Sam Rainsy, they had ...

Meas Sokchea

Don’t bet on elections

The house always wins, except when there’s a disputed election scaring gamblers away from the tables. That’s the message from Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc, which operates casinos in Poipet town and Pailin province as well as supplying NagaWorld casino with slot machines. According to the company, Cambodia’s ...

Daniel de Carteret and Hor Kimsay

Illegal logging ‘rampant’ in sanctuary

Provincial military police confiscated three tractors transporting three metres of luxury wood and two circular saws travelling out of Kampong Speu’s protected Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary yesterday. Chea Hean, director of Natural Resource and Wildlife Preservation Organisation (NRWPO), arrived to investigate illegal logging in the sanctuary ...

Phak Seangly and Amelia Woodside

Bank will offer loans to farmers

Chief Cambodia Specialized Bank, a subsidiary of a Hong Kong-based brokerage firm, will begin operations in Cambodia next month, its management said on Monday. Sokun Chakriya, head of marketing and sales at Chief Cambodia, said the bank aims to increase access to finance in Cambodia’s agricultural ...

Hor Kimsay

Funcinpec enters fray

Members of a party unable to garner a single seat in the National Assembly at July’s national election will hold undersecretaries of state positions in at least 28 different government ministries. In an interview yesterday, Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan told the post that the ...

Meas Sokchea, P.3

Deadlock yours to fix: US official

A senior US State Department official visiting the kingdom said yesterday that any solution to the current political deadlock would have to come from within Cambodia and not from foreign powers. Scot Marciel, principle deputy assistant secretary at the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, ...

Kevin Ponniah, P.1 and 4

Inmates to return to soaked cells

All 842 prisoners evacuated from Banteay Meanchey provincial prison after water pressure caused a wall to collapse in early October will be sent back there next week – despite only minimal repairs having been undertaken to the flood-damaged building, a rights worker said yesterday said ...

May Titthara



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