
Phnom Penh official calls for participation in crackdown on illegal pawnshops

Khleang Huot, Deputy Governor of Phnom Penh, issued a call for the residents of the capital to join the authorities’ efforts to crackdown on illegally operated pawnshops. ...

Torn Vibol

MFIs predict lower earnings

With the interest rate cap of 18 percent in full force for all new and restructured microfinance loans after the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) issued a populist measure to curb high interest rates, microfinance institutions (MFIs) are starting to give predictions for lower profits ...

Hor Kimsay and Kali Kotoski

Will move to cap microfinance interest rates backfire on CPP?

The ruling CPP doubled down on Tuesday on its decision to cap interest rates on microfinance loans as a way to help the poor get out of debt, even as analysts called it a political move that would have long-term negative effects on the rural ...

Hang Sokunthea and Matt Surrusco

MFI loans, deposits continue to increase

Both outstanding loans and savings deposits in 35 microfinance institutions (MFIs) continued to grow from January through to June this year, according to the latest report from the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA). By the end of the first half of this year, total loans from MFIs ...

As Foreign Aid Increases, Questions About Conditions

Cambodia has seen huge growth of foreign aid and loans over the past two decades, but experts are beginning to question its worth—and what conditions might be attached. Total aid from 1993 to 2012 amounts to around $10 billion, with the percentage of aid coming as ...

PM Defends Interest Rates

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday lashed out at the opposition party’s concerns over the interest rates charged by commercial banks to farmers. SRP lawmaker Yim Sovann said commercial banks in Cambodia charge customers very high interest rates, and said it is much higher than in other ...

Cambodia faces risks from a credit boom, the IMF warns

The International Monetary Fund has warned that a credit boom in Cambodia poses a threat to economic growth. Banks have been cutting interest rates to win customers and private sector credit has increased by almost a third in the past 12 months, the fund said. This ...

Prices and Monetary Developments

Price levels picked up during the first half of 2012 but will likely cool down in the second half of the year due to changes in energy prices and major food related items. Therefore, the inflation rate has been upwardly adjusted by 30 basis points to 4.8 percent ...

Cambodian Pawnshop Revenues Drop as Industry Expands

The number of licensed pawnshops in the country has surged since the government began registering them in 2010, leaving some pawnbrokers claiming revenue losses of 30 to 50 percent due to oversaturation in the market. Ly Seng Cheng, a pawnbroker at the Khlaing Rum Sev pawnshop ...

Cambodia’s top micro manager [Interview]

How did the floods affect the industry late last year? Of course, we were worried when the floods began because many people were affected. When the floods continued, we did a survey and found that just about 10 per cent of MFI borrowers were affected. But ...

Fund raising: Kingdom may borrow more in 2012

Cambodia could borrow US$1.1 billion from other countries in 2012, 75 per cent more than this year, to help repair infrastructure damaged in flooding and support efforts to increase rice exports to one million tonnes by 2015, a senior official said yesterday. Cheam Yeap, chairman of ...

Chinese 'no-strings' loans come at a cost

As government borrowing from China continues to increase, a new study released yesterday showed that Chinese concessional loans carry higher interest than any others. According to the study, released by the NGO Forum on Cambodia at a workshop in Phnom Penh, China’s average interest rate on ...

Microcredit Repayments

While rising inflation poses some financial challenges for rural farmers, it generally isn’t preventing them from paying off loans from microfinance institutions (MFIs). Farmers tend to be able to pay their loans off even though higher prices of food, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, labor, and some ...

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