The Cambodia Daily

Interior Ministry Sends SEZ Investigation Results to Court

The Interior Ministry said yesterday that it has sent the results of an investigation into last weeks’s triple shooting of protesters at a special economic zone (SEZ) in Svay Rieng province to the provincial court there. Ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Khieu Sopheak did not reveal any ...

Villagers Appeal to Halt Stung Treng Dam

Eleven village representatives from Stung Treng and Ratanakiri provinces traveled to Phnom Penh yesterday to meet with National Assembly lawmakers and appeal for an end to the planned construction of the Lower Sesan 2 Dam. The hydropower project, funded by Vietnam Electricity, will flood tens ...

Police Hear Borei Keila Evictees' Apartment Claims

Ten representatives from the Borei Keila community met with Phnom Penh police chief Touch Naruth yesterday to discuss whether their housing documents could qualify them for an apartment, a representative said yesterday. Chhum Ngan said Mr. Naruth asked representatives to furnish housing documents from 106 ...

River Dolphin Conservation Gets Go-Ahead

A government committee yesterday approved a draft sub-decree aimed at protecting the endangered Mekong River dolphin and will send it to the Council of Ministers within a few weeks. Among the provisions contained in the sub-decree is the creation of a 180-km-long conservation area stretching ...

Land Concessions Now at 1.2 Million Hectares, Official Says

The total number of land concessions offered by the government to private agro-industrial firms hit 1.19 million hectares, or 13.5 percent of Cambodia’s total land mass, a senior official at the Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday. The government figure undermines figures released late last year ...

Gov't Opens Rivers to Sand Dredging

Nine companies have put in bids for the rights to dredge the lengths of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers and sell the sand for export, Water Resources Ministry officials said yesterday, noting that the dredging would be beneficial in terms of deepening the waterways. ...

Thai Envoy Proposes Group to Address Logging

The Thai Ambassador in Phnom Penh has suggested that Cambodia form a special delegation to tackle the common – and often deadly – practice of illegal logging along the two countries’ shared border, the ambassador said yesterday. Already this year, 11 Cambodians have reportedly been ...

Hun Sen Ends Tonle Sap Fishing Lot System

Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday that he would permanentlycance all 35 fishing lots on the Tonle Sap lake – which had already been suspended in recent months – and turn them into a conservation zone to protect the lake’s pressurized wild fisheries, on which ...

NGOs Urge Cambodia, Malaysia to Agree on Maid Protection

More than 60 Cambodian and international human rights groups and trade unions yesterday called on Cambodia and Malaysia to reach a bilateral agreement that would guarantee strong labor rights and working conditions for Cambodian maids employed in Malaysia. “The time is ripe for the Cambodian ...

Villagers ask for Government’s Help in Koh Kong Land Dispute

Koh Kong villagers facing the loss of their land to a Chinese mega-tourism project held a news conference in Phnom Penh yesterday to appeal to the government for the right to remain on their property. Kith Ten, 54, from Kiri Sakor district’s Prek Khsach commune, ...

Prayer Ceremony Held In Attempt to Stop Dam Construction

About 400 indigenous Lao villagers prayed and sacrificed chickens to a powerful local spirit yesterday in Stung Treng province, seeking supernatural help in halting the planned construction of the Lower Sesan 2 Dam, villagers and commune officials said yesterday. The hydropower projects, funded by Vietnam ...

Illegally Logged Rosewood Seized In Kratie Operation

The Kratie Provincial Court yesterday charged a truck driver with illegally collecting and transporting luxury wood after forestry officers last week confiscated 148 pieces of luxury wood totalling 31.2 cubic meters from his truck, which had been transporting the timber along National Road 7 ...

Hun Sen Blames Migration for Labor Shortage in Agriculture

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday blamed illegal immigration for contributing to a current shortage in the Cambodian labor market but said workers could benefit from rising wages as a result of the demand for workers. Mr. Hun Sen said the shortage was hitting the agriculture sector ...

Net Vegetable Yields Still Miss Demand

Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun said yesterday that Cambodia currently produces only half as many vegetables as it needs to meet demand and that more needs to be done to remedy the situation. “Cambodia only produces 40 to 60 perent of its needs and imports, the ...

Beer Promoters Allege Bias Following Strike

Beer promoters in Phnom Penh claimed Monday that they are being discriminated against for staging a month-long strike last summer, and their livelihoods are under threat. In July and August, hundreds of promoters for Cambrew Ltd – which produces and distributes Angkor beer – went ...

IMF Report Cites Key Economic Reforms

Despite an economic forecast of 6.5 percent growth for Cambodia this year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned in a report released Monday that the government must continue to develop infrastructure, increase public revenues and practice fiscal safeguarding in order to sustain growth in the ...

City's Water Authority Open to Bids

The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) will begin taking bids from investors tomorrow in order to determine the price and number of shares it will issue during its long-awaited initial public offering on Cambodia’s stock exchange, the company’s general director said yesterday. Investors will ...

Opposition Party Highlights Illegal Logging Near Dam Site

The Opposition SRP has asked the government to halt plans to proceed with the next hydropower dam slated for Koh Kong, saying that experiences with dams currently in construction in the province suggest the government has been unable to control the attendant illegal logging. In ...

Kompong Cham Factory Reopens at Partial Capacity

About 1,000 workers returned to work at Kompong Cham province’s Manhattan Quing Dao Textile Corp yesterday after last week’s four-day protest, factory representatives said. Chan Seiha, the factory’s administration chief, said that the remaining 1,000 workers were not at work yesterday because the factory currently ...

Gov't Bodies Ordered to Publish Prices for All State Services

The government has ordered all state institutions to start compiling a list of prices for all fee-based services so that individuals and companies can avoid informal payments, which were made illegal under the penal code last year, spokesman for the Council of Ministers Phay Siphan ...

Gov't Launches Campaign to Clean Up Cities Nationwide

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said all of the country’s cities would compete with each other to beautify urban zones and attract more tourists in the newly devised Clean City contest. Nine Phnom Penh districts and 26 cities nationwide will be assessed on how clean ...

Former Borei Keila Residents Protest Apartment Rejections

About 40 evictees form the Borei Keila community blocked a road in Phnom Penh’s Prampi Makara district for nearly two hours yesterday, protesting a letter written by municipal governor Kep Chuktekma stating that they had no right to state-provided housing. According to a copy of ...

RCAF Soldiers Shoot to Intimidate Banteay Meanchey Protesters

Several RCAF soldiers sent by Banteay Meanchey provincial authorities to defuse a protest against an agro-industrial company Friday allegedly shot their weapons into the ground near a group of protesters, a villager and a rights worker said yesterday. The approximately 200 villagers were attempting to ...

11 Cambodian Loggers Killed In Two Months

The deaths of four more Cambodian over the past two weeks brings to 11 the number of people killed by Thai soldiers so far this year while illegally logging across the border. The death toll is fast approaching the 15 Cambodians killed in the entirety ...

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