The Cambodia Daily

Land Tycoon Lavishes Largesse on Sanctuary Staff

Officials working in Boeng Per Wildlife Sanctuary and in nearby communities said yesterday that they were receiving new motorbikes and digital cameras from businessman Try Pheap, who in recent months received large-scale rubber concessions in the Preah Vihear province sanctuary. Earlier this week, it was ...

Court Extends Fee-Payment Deadline n K Chhnang Land Dispute

Kompong Chhnang Provincial Court has extended a deadline for 52 villagers embroiled in a long-standing land dispute with a development company owned by the wife of Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy Suy Sem to pay court fees, a court official and rights workers said ...

Cambodia Welcomes Thai Talks Over Waters

Cambodia’s petroleum authority yesterday announced that it would like to renew discussion with Thailand in order to find a solution over disputed waters in the Gulf of Thailand widely believed to hold large quantities of oil and gas. Negotiations over how to split revenue from ...

Hun Sen Establishes Protected Zone for Tonle Sap Floodplains

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday signed off on a sub-decree that officially created a 640,000-hectare protected zone covering the flooded forest and floodplains of Tonle Sap lake. The sub-decree determined that 647,406 hectares of flooded forest around Tonle Sap lake in Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, ...

Unclean Water Costs $450M A Year, New UN Report Says

Poor sanitation costs Cambodia $450 million a year due to health costs resulting from water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, according to a new report by the UN Environment Program. The report follows data released last week by the World Bank that found that 75 percent ...

Land Concessionaire Gives $130,000 to Officials

Businessman Try Pheap, who in recent months received large-scale economic land concessions in Boeng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear province, has donated $130,000 to the sanctuary’s environmental management and the local CPP office,  officials said yesterday. Recipients of the funds denied that there was ...

UN Climate Change Report Finds Cambdia Ill-Prepared

The first-ever report on the direct effect of climate change on Cambodia’s population was launched yesterday in Phnom Penh, highlighting significant flaws in the country’s ability to deal with future health, finanace and food supply issues. The UN Development Program’s Cambodia Human Development Report 2011, ...

Ports to Be Better Regulated Under New Law

The government is drafting a new law that will aim at improving auditing standards and management practices at all of Cambodia’s ports on the coast and rivers and at dry ports inland, officials said yesterday. Speaking at a workshop on port regulation in Phnom Penh, ...

Another Worker Faints at M&V Garment Factory

Another worker fainted at the M&V International Manufacturing Ltd garment factory in Kompong Chhnang yesterday morning, sparking “hysteria” and resulting in 10 workers having to return home to rest, a union official said. Two mass-fainting incidents occurred at the factory, which produces clothes for outfitter ...

Phok Dorn and Alice Burke, P. 35

Chinese Company Voices Interest in Cambodian Oil

Hong Kong-listed China Oilfield Services Ltd, an offshore services provider for the oil and gas sectors, is looking to start operations in Cambodia, according to an earnings report released by the company last week. “For the overseas market, apart from expanding and strengthening the overseas ...

Forests Are Key to Climate Protection, UN Says

Destruction of Cambodia’s forests is one of the biggest threats to the country’s ability to effectively deal with the effects of climate change, the UN warned in a new report to be released today. Cambodia is one of the most vulnerable countries in the region ...

New Law to Support the Creation of Farmers’ Cooperatives

Agriculture Ministry officials said yesterday that they would soon complete a new law to regulate and support the creation of farmers’ cooperatives. They said the law would allow farmers to organize cooperatives, which could improve their market position and allow access to financial and technical ...

44 Faint at Phnom Penh Garment Factory Chim Ly

Forty-four garment workers on Friday fainted at the Chim Ly garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Dangkao district, a police official said yesterday. Kambol commune police chief Phan Phoeun said that at first only a few workers fainted, then others followed suit “because they saw other ...

Settle Disputes, Or Lose Land, Hun Sen Warns

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday once gain warned owners of economic land concessions to resolve disputes with villagers living on the land or risk having their licenses revoked, according to a statement from the Council of Ministers. The prime minister, following up on similar ...

Machinery Manufacturers Tap Garment Sector

More than 150 companies from China, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, as well as Germany and England on Thursday set up shop at the exhibition center on Phnom Penh’s Koh Pich island, displaying everything from $900 labeling machines to sewing machines worth $56,000 that automatically attach ...

Donors Asked to Freeze Aid Over NGO Law

Ten international organizations including Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, and Global Witness have urged dozens of foreign ministers to consider freezing aid to Cambodia if the government passes the current draft of its proposed NGO law. In a letter sent Wednesday to 36 foreign ministers ...

Two Mass Faintings in Three Days at Factory

Almost 200 workers received medical treatment yesterday following yet another mass fainting at the M&V International Manufacturing Ltd garment factory in Kompong Chhnang province. The International Labor Organization said that the factory was a supplier to the Swedish clothing brand H&M and that it was ...

Phok Dorn, P. 31

Government Awards Land Reform Organizations

Representatives from German, Finnish and Canadian development agencies were awarded honorary medals by Minister of Land Management Im Chhun Lim on Wednesday for their work in the country’s land sector. The awards ceremony comes just weeks after it emerged that the World Bank had frozen ...

Progress Toward Rural Sanitation Goal Slow

Cambodia’s progress has been slow toward achieving the UN Millennium Development Goal of increasing rural access to sanitation to 30 percent by 2015, up from 8.6 percent in 1996, the World Bank said in a report released Wednesday. The World Bank report said that rural ...

City Officials Talk Trash With New Campaign

Phnom Penh municipality is set to launch a campaign today at Daun Penh district’s Kandal market aimed at educating residents about disposing their garbage correctly in an effort to reduce flooding in the area. The campaign comes after the area experience several bouts of severe ...

National Carrier to Start Siem Reap-S’ville Flights

Cambodia Angkor Air will launch a regular flight service between Siem Reap and Sihanoukville by the end of the year, an official at the Council of Ministers said yesterday. There are currently no flights to Sihanoukville, the country’s premier coastal resort, even though the airport ...

Donors Mum On Aid Forum Postponement

Cambodia’s foreign donors are staying largely mum about the government’s decision to indefinitely  high-level aid meeting, though one donor conceded that the move had caught it off guard. Economists also said yesterday that a delay in holding the donor meeting would have little effect, but ...

Strong Rains Hasten Rice Planting Across Country

Good rains have boosted rice cultivation across the country, and nearly 90 percent of farmers have completed planting their paddies, although planting in Svay Rieng province is lagging due to drought, and agriculture official said yesterday. Chan Heng, administration bureau chief of the Agriculture Ministry’s administration ...

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