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724 Records found for "consultant seo david aziz【telegram∶@dremf】TUTU"

The canes of wrath

Satiating the demands of the global sugar industry is big business for Cambodia’s sugarcane plantations. Yet accusations of human rights abuses and land grabs in the Kingdom have left a bitter aftertaste for many on the ground as companies vie for a larger slice of ...


Water pollution

Young child drinks clean water in Cambodia. Photo by Cecilia Snyder, taken on 12 July 2003. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Water pollution can be defined in many different ways. Basically, it is the contamination of water when pollutants are discharged into water bodies without treatment ...

Patient rights

Access to quality healthcare is fundamental to enhancing citizens’ livelihoods and advancing towards more sustainable growth and development in countries all over the world. Along with increasing public demand for better health infrastructure and adequate access to healthcare services, many countries face the need to ...

The first district website to have its domain officially registered and served for promoting budget transparency

Located at Banteay Meanchey province, Ou Chruv district lies in the west of the province and is also one of the nine districts of the province. Bordering with Thailand makes Ou Chruv a border crossing point that is home to one of the busy districts. ...

Extractive industries policy and administration

Cambodia’s extractive industries have traditionally operated on a small scale, mostly mining construction materials, gold or gemstones. While commercial production of minerals or oil has yet to begin on a large scale – these products made up just 0.1% of the country’s exports in 201661 – ...

Virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district

In collaboration with STAR Kampuchea, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted and facilitated a virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district in the morning of the 12th and 14th of July, 2021 respectively. This workshop ...

Budget and public procurement

National budget on uptrendIn the last three years, Cambodia’s national budget has seen significant growth of around US$ 1.6 billion, from US$ 3.4 billion in 201478 to US$ 5 billion in 2017.79 This is an average annual increase of almost 14%. The increase can be ...

Chinese aid

Construction of a laboratory funded by Chinese money. Photo by Michael Coghlan, taken on 10 January 2014. Licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0China, while once being at odds with the current government, is now Cambodia’s largest development partner. The two nations have grown increasingly close in recent ...

Jobs: ICT in Education Project Officer

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is the leading open data platform in Cambodia and envisions a sustainable, democratic and participatory development for the country. The mission of ODC is to ensure access to information and improve the data ecosystem by making up-to-date and reliable content on ...

Cybersecurity training

On 04th July 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted training on cybersecurity for the CSS-cluster members and their networks. The training course aims to raise awareness of the cluster member on cyber security as well as digital security including password management, safe internet browsing, email ...


Cambodia restructured its economy after many years of protracted war and instability. The economy grew strongly following the country’s transition to a free-market economy as it opened to trade and capital flows. Growth was supported by the flow of development assistance, access to the European ...


“Stopping corruption may start from us” (Khmer version on Clean Hand poster), in Kratie province, Cambodia. Photo by World Bank Photo Collection, taken on November 22, 2006. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0In Cambodia, the activities of buying goods, construction work, repairs, and services and consultation ...

Reflections from Eight Months with the ODC Library

Author: Greg Bem, ODC Library and Information Management SpecialistThe time has come to reflect on my experience working with ODC. As the library specialist, I have seen quite a bit of activity since I arrived last September. From releasing updated pages in Khmer, to unleashing ...

Multilateral development assistance

Mr Il Oeur, director of Analysing Development Issues Centre (ADIC), a domestic NGO and WorldFish partner in Cambodia, leads a local dialogue session. Photo by WorldFish, taken on 27 June 2013. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Multilateral aid is funding that is funneled between more than ...


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Land sales and trades

The legal framework surrounding land sales and transfers was obliterated by the 2007 Civil Code, leaving little legal guidance. Forced land sales and distress sales are a substantial cause of land tenure insecurity in Cambodia. They are a significant cause of landlessness, and it is ...

Open Data Day 2021: Data in time of COVID-19

On 06 March 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the ICT Community celebrated international Open Data Day by conducting a half-day event with the theme of “Data in Time of COVID-19.” The event was live on ODC’s official Facebook page for the online public.The event ...

Relevant ministries

The Ministry of Environment is the main authority mandated to oversee environmental issues, including protected areas, environmental impact assessments, and management of natural resources. ...


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Land Law of 2001 both guarantee an individual’s right to property protection. Though part of the Government’s policy framework since 2002, not until 2010 did a legal framework exist to govern the process by which the ...


Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is an ‘open data’ website, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The open data movement is based on the simple premise that data collected for public interest should be publicly available without restrictions. Information or data in the public ...

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