Khmer Times
Environmental code aims to safeguard natural resources
A new plan to protect the environment started taking shape yesterday when the Environment Ministry held a workshop to discuss ideas on how to convert numerous laws into a single code to govern the county’s natural resources. It is expected the process will take two years ...
Ros Chanveasna
Spending big on new year overseas travel
With incomes and the middle class growing, Cambodians are spending even more this year on foreign trips for the Khmer New Year holiday, tour operators said yesterday. ...
Chea Vannak
Detained migrant workers get Thai work permits
More than 20 Cambodian migrants who had been working at two pig farms in Thailand’s Sa Kaeo province have been given work permits and allowed to remain in the country after they were found to have been working without proper documents. The move followed intervention from ...
Pav Suy
Export credit insurance taking off
Export credit insurance is still taking off in Cambodia, but more companies are beginning to take advantage of it, a senior executive from Forte Insurance Company said yesterday. ...
Sok Chan
Sokha hotel to foot bill for Sihanouk beach road
The government has ordered the beachfront Sokha Hotel in Preah Sihanouk province to open a section of fence that blocks access to a stretch of beach, as well as construct a direct, paved route for pedestrians and cyclists making their way to the waterside. ...
Taing Vida
Endangered irrawaddy dolphin found dead in Kratie
A dead Irrawaddy dolphin was found on the banks of the Mekong early yesterday morning in Kratie province’s Chet Borey district, according to police. District police chief Noun Yin said officers were unable to determine the cause of the dolphin’s death because there were no physical ...
Srey Kumneth
Pardons unlikely for Khmer new year
The Ministry of Justice has announced it is unlikely that any Royal pardons granting inmates amnesty or reductions in prison sentences will be given ahead of the Khmer New Year, according to a ministry spokesman yesterday. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Helping farmers keep their cool
One of a farmer’s greatest enemies is heat. As many as 50 percent of the fruit and vegetables harvested in Cambodia are lost because of heat – lettuce wilts, onions become slimy, tomatoes turn to mush. Because of a lack of cold storage at most of ...
Jonathan Cox
PM threatens to remove official because of poor roads
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday threatened to remove Sam Piseth, Phnom Penh’s Public Works and Transport Department Director, saying he was not satisfied with inefficient road maintenance in the capital. ...
Ven Rathavong
Rice exports up, but cash shortage hitting
Rice exports for the first quarter of the year jumped 8.5 percent to 162,220 tons from 149,464 tons for the same period last year, but in March the figure dropped 14.5 percent, or 9,592 tons, to 66,275 tons in the face of competition from Thailand, ...
Sok Chan
Angkor Sankranti brings flood of tourists to Siem Reap
Siem Reap is gearing up for this year’s Angkor Sankranti from April 14 to 16 and hopes to attract more than the almost one million people who visited last year, with hotels and guesthouses already being booked out. Ang Seila, manager of Reserve and Duty at ...
Chea Vannak
PetroVietnam Suspends Kompong Thom Operation
Low oil prices and internal management changes have forced PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP), a member of the state-owned Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, to suspend its operations in Kompong Thom, a senior official with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) said yesterday. ...
May Kunmakara
PM urges athletes to prepare for 2023 SEA games
Prime Minister Hun Sen urged the Kingdom’s athletes to be well prepared for the 2023 SEA Games, which will be hosted by Cambodia, and to look for opportunities to promote the reputation of the country and its people. ...
Ven Rathavong
WorldBridge buys into AusKhmer
WorldBridge International (Cambodia) bought 55 percent of AusKhmer Import and Export Company Ltd, a leading importer of a diverse range of food and beverages, sourced from 14 countries. ...
Sok Chan
Plenty of fish, but no buyers
At what should be a boom time ahead of the New Year, seafood vendors in Kampot have full baskets but no buyers as the algae bloom around Kep turns the water bright green and dead fish wash ashore. The government has issued a warning against swimming ...
Chea Vannak
Pardons being processed for Khmer New Year
The government is considering candidates who are eligible for Royal pardons and sentence reductions ahead of Khmer New Year. Nut Savenea, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior’s General Department of Prisons, said discussions about pardons are ongoing. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Kingdom to host Mekong tourism forum
Cambodia will host this year’s Mekong Tourism Forum in Sihanoukville in July, TravelNewsAsia reported yesterday. The six member countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) have banded together to jointly promote sub-regional tourism and the GMS as a single destination, focusing on “authentic experiences along the ...
Sum Manet
Higher wages hit GTI bottom line
The increase in the government-set minimum wage in the garment sector and lower prices have hit the bottom line of Grand Twins International (GTI), the only company in the sector listed on the stock exchange. The company yesterday reported revenue for the year ended December 31 ...
May Kunmakara
Oodles of bad noodles poison three in Siem Reap
Three cousins between the ages of one and eight years old were hospitalized on Sunday after eating expired packaged noodles in Siem Reap’s Chi Kreng district, according to police. ...
Srey Kumneth
City’s tap water gets thumbs up
Browse any online expat or tourist forum where people ask whether the tap water in Phnom Penh is safe to drink and you will likely find an adamant “No!” But according to water sanitation experts, these forums are wrong. Phnom Penh has some of the safest ...
Maddy Crowell
South Korean consul to open in Siem Reap
A South Korean consul will open in Siem Reap by May to provide services for Korean citizens visiting Cambodia and for those wishing to visit South Korea. Siem Reap is home to the ancient temples of Angkor and large numbers of South Koreans visit the city ...
Chea Vannak
After attempted scam, ministry seeks secretary’s imposter
Police have started a countrywide manhunt after an anonymous caller attempted to extort money from district governors in Kampong Chhnang and Battambang while posing as Interior Ministry secretary of state Sak Sehta last month. On March 4 and then again on March 12, an anonymous caller ...
May Titthara
Sovannaphum opens its first office
Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc, a joint venture between Canadia Investment Holding and Muang Thai Life Assurance, last week officially opened its office in the Kingdom to provide services to Cambodians. ...
Sok Chan
Justice minister calls for provincial spokespeople
Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana has called for all provincial court presidents and prosecutors’ offices to appoint spokespeople to answer questions from the public and the media “as soon as possible,” citing rising interest in the judiciary as the reason. ...
Ven Rathavong