The Phnom Penh Post
CNRP bullish on local polls
With its campaign for subnational council elections well under way, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party is putting forth an optimistic message about its prospects in the vote, even going so far as to predict that ruling party voters will bolster its share of the ...
Stuart White
Vietnamese funding curbs will not delay hospital development
Despite Vietnamese state-owned companies withdrawing funding from projects outside of their core business, the $20 million expansion of the Vietnamese-backed Cho Ray Phnom Penh Hospital remains on track, the hospital’s head said yesterday. In July 2012 the Vietnamese government requested that state-owned enterprises withdraw investment in ...
Daniel de Carteret
Gov’t backtracks on rally ban
After days of defiance from the opposition against a ban on public assembly, the government issued orders yesterday for opposition rallies across the country to be allowed to go ahead, officials said. Tep Nytha, secretary-general of the National Election Committee (NEC), said the body and the ...
Meas Sokchea
Passports to be valid longer
Passports issued to Cambodians will soon be valid for 10 years instead of three, officials at the Ministry of Interior said yesterday. General Mao Chandara, head of the ministry’s General Directorate of Identification, said that by July, the department will begin to issue long-awaited 10-year passports. ...
Cheang Sokha
Prince to run: Ranariddh’s comeback under way
Prince Norodom Ranariddh has officially registered his new political faction, the Community of Royalist People’s Party, as a contender in the next national elections in 2018. The party’s new chief of cabinet, Nop Sothearith, yesterday told the Post he submitted the application to run to the Ministry of ...
Vong Sokheng
Bus company sues strikers
After grappling with weeks of on-again, off-again strikes, the Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation bus firm has filed complaints against 20 former employees for incitement, making threats and using the company uniform without permission. General manager Chan Sophanna said yesterday that the company filed the complaints to ...
Mom Kunthear
AAA takes flight from Japan to Siem Reap
Asia Atlantic Airlines (AAA) made its first flight from Japan’s Narita International Airport to Siem Reap on May 3 with more than 260 tourists on board – and there are more to come. AAA ran the test flight last week before committing to two flights per ...
Hor Kimsay
Ministry plans to drag schools into digital era
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport is plunging public schools into the digital age with a new interactive technology plan fit with bells, whistles and 3G applications, light-years ahead of its mostly dirt-floor school houses. The five-year, $1.3 million project, developed and funded by Cellcard, ...
Laignee Barron
Again, abuse in China alleged
Four parents in Kampong Cham province have filed complaints with provincial police alleging that their daughters are being sexually abused by their husbands in China, officers said yesterday. Thol Meng, deputy bureau chief of the provincial anti-human trafficking department, said a total of 10 concerned mothers ...
Phak Seangly
A way of life falls with trees
The Phnong ethnic minority in Mondulkiri province have heard the promises of development before. With increasing investment and the selling off of the region’s forests will come new roads and schools, they are told. But people in this ancient community, tired of seeing their sacred forests handed ...
May Titthara
Change airport plans: villagers
Familes living near Phnom Penh’s airport yesterday again called on civil aviation officials to drop an expansion plan that would cut into their property. Following a press conference in Por Sen Chey district’s Choam Chao commune, community leader Kao Sovann said members of 63 families will ...
Chhay Channyda
Employees of Wing Star strike again
Thousands of striking factory workers in Kampong Speu province blocked National Road 3 yesterday, an action they say is in response to managers not living up to their end of a deal struck in March. Workers at the Wing Star Shoe factory – which employs about ...
Mom Kunthear
Russian debt emerges as billion-dollar question
An unsettled, decades-old $1.5 billion loan from the then-Soviet Union to Cambodia’s Vietnam-backed 1980s government emerged as the key talking point during a meeting between Foreign Minister Hor Namhong and Russia’s new ambassador to Cambodia yesterday, a ministry spokesman said. The meeting between Namhong and Russian ...
May Kunmakara
CNRP holds a citywide rolling rally
Days after authorities repeatedly cracked down on demonstrations, opposition party supporters staged a rolling rally across Phnom Penh yesterday, filling up roads for hours and blocking major intersections. About 500 people with tuk-tuks and motorbikes gathered at the Cambodia National Rescue Party headquarters in the ...
Meas Sokchea and Sean Teehan
Military might: soldiers put end to Veng Sreng strike
Soldiers used force on Friday to end a strike at a garment factory on Veng Sreng Boulevard, where demands included a lunch bonus of 2,000 riel and an end to forced overtime, workers and union officials said yesterday. ...
Chhay Channyda
Deposits rally after election outflows
Savings levels at Cambodia’s microfinance institutions (MFIs) have recovered well since the widespread withdrawal that followed last July’s disputed national election, with more than $90 million deposited in the first quarter of this year. The amount of deposits in MFI accounts fell from $378 million in ...
Hor Kimsay
Security dressed down
For months now, Daun Penh district security forces, identifiable by their dark blue uniforms, black motorbike helmets and merciless truncheon swinging, have been unleashed on protesters, opposition and otherwise, as the all-too-willing enforcers of government-approved crackdowns. But as district forces have begun targeting more journalists during ...
Vong Sokheng and Alice Cuddy
Ibis Rice exports on horizon
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) says its Ibis Rice project has recorded a production surplus for the first time in its five-year history, prompting a bid to export the boutique product overseas. Concentrated in Preah Vihear province, Ibis Rice farmers produced more than 435 tonnes of ...
Eddie Morton
At government rally, all proceeds smoothly
While workers and opposition supporters marched to mark Labour Day yesterday, and baton-wielding district security guards enforced a ban on gatherings, a very different, uninterrupted rally took place at the capital’s Koh Pich Exhibition Center. About 2,000 workers from pro-government unions and government officials heard Labour ...
Mom Kunthear
Cross-border insurance to be compulsory
Tourist buses and commercial vehicle operators crossing over the Cambodia-Vietnam border will soon be required by law to have insurance in both countries or risk being denied entry, a bilateral agreement signed on Tuesday states. In an effort to meet requirements stipulated in the ASEAN 2015 ...
Chan Muyhong
Clean water in pipeline for Kep
The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) will invest $1.3 million in a water treatment plant in Kep province to supply clean water to more than 1,000 households there, the company’s head said last week. Speaking at the announcement of PPWSA’s 2013 results in Phnom Penh ...
Hor Kimsay
Flood concerns eased by cassava price hikes
Despite flood damage causing reduced production levels, cassava farmers in Pailin province are benefiting from an increase in the purchasing price, provincial department of agriculture officials say. “This year’s harvest dropped to 25 tonnes per hectare from 30 tonnes per hectare last season because of the ...
Chan Muyhong
Joint venture to embark on SoHo twin-tower project
Singaporean investors will invest $300 million to erect a twin-towered commercial building called The Bridge, in downtown Phnom Penh. The Bridge, which is a joint venture between Singapore Oxley Holdings and Cambodia World Bridge Land, aims to make its mark on the city landscape by constructing ...
Sum Manet
Work begins on mega resort
Construction began yesterday on the Sokha Hotel Group’s 600-room luxury resort in Siem Reap – right next door to Angkor Wat. Named the Sokha Siem Reap Resort, both company and government officials were out in force at yesterday’s groundbreaking ceremony, talking up the perks of the ...
Thik Kaliyann