Announcement of the Ministry of Education on E-learning to assist student's education
On 13 March 2020, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport released a press release on online learning (E-Learning) to support students in grades 9 and 12 suspended studies at public and private schools in Siem Reap city, Siem Reap province to prevent the spread ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation over the comments made by H.E Mr. W. Patrick Murphy, U.S Ambassador with regards to the on-going trial of Kem Sokha
On 13 March 2020, the ministry of Foreign Affair and Cooperation has posted a statement in response to the comment made by U.S Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E Mr. W. Patrick Murphy with regard to the on going trail of Kem Sokha. According to the statement, ...
Ministry of Foreign Affair
Announcement of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority on the state of water supply in the dry season 2020
On 12 March 2020, the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority has released an announcement addressing the concern over water supply usage in the up coming dry season. The announcement told the public to save and limited the usage of clean water. Since Phnom Penh is ...
Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
MoE: Notice on dissemination of the updated documents for environmental and social safety
On 12 March 2020, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) released a public announcement on dissemination of the updated documents for environmental and social safety in the implementation of the project “Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism in Cambodia”, in the purpose to increase public awareness and getting ...
Ministry of Environment
Decision on the establishment of fake news monitoring committee
On March 11 2020, the Ministry of Information issued a Decision on the establishment of a fake news monitoring committee. The committee’s task is to monitor the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media, to respond to the public in a timely manner, ...
Ministry of Information
Announcement of the Ministry of Health on the positive COVID-19 case on one 73 years old English man and one 69 years old English woman who are the passengers of the Viking Cruise Journey in Kompong Cham province
On 12 March 2020 the Ministry of Health has posted an announcement on its official Facebook page addressing the positive COVID-19 cases of two passengers on the Viking Cruise Journey. According to the announcement, one 73 years old English man (husband) and one 69 years ...
Ministry of Health
Announcement of the Ministry of Health on the positive COVID-19 case of a 65 years old English woman who is a passenger of the Viking Cruise Journey in Kompong Cham province
On 10 March 2020 the Ministry of Health has issued an announcement addressing the COVID-19 positive case on a 65 years old English lady who is a passenger on Viking Cruise Journey in Kompong Cham province. The ship sailed from My Tho habour of Ho ...
Ministry of Health
GMAC: Announcement on arrival of raw materials for the garment industry and special facilitation measures of the Royal Government of Cambodia
On 11 March 2020, the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) has announced to the public on arrival of raw materials for the garment industry from China. The announcement said, with intervention from the head of the Royal Government to the Chinese side, raw materials ...
Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia
Announcement on the change of waste and solid waste services in Phnom Penh
On 10 March 2020, the Phnom Penh Municipal Administration issued an announcement on the change of services for waste and solid waste and disposal in Phnom Penh from Cintri (Cambodia), which the government terminated its contract to the Phnom Penh Waste Management and Solid Waste ...
Phnom Penh Municipal Administration
Press Release: Temporary suspension of public and private institutions from kindergarten to higher education in Siem Reap city, Siem Reap province
On 07 March 2020, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has issued an announcement on its official Facebook page on the temporary suspension of public and private institutions starting from pre school until tertiary education in Siem Reap city, Siem Reap province. The suspension ...
Ministry of Education Youth and Sport
Press release on the positive case of COVID-19 virus on a 38-years-old Cambodian male in Siem Reap province
On 7 March 2020, the ministry of health has posted a press release on its official Facebook page addressing the positive COVID-19 case on a 39 years old Cambodian male who had direct contact with the Japanese business man that test positive for the virus. ...
Ministry of Health
Joint statement: On International Women’s Day 2020, CSOs call upon the Royal Government of Cambodia to prioritize women’s human rights
On 8 March 2020 – the occasion of International Women’s Day 2020, the undersigned civil society organizations, urge the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to prioritize women’s human rights by taking immediate and concrete steps to implement the recommendations they accepted during Cambodia’s third Universal ...
Voices for Gender Equality
Announcement of the Forestry Administration on the dismissal of false information accuse that Ministry of Agriculture colludes with TMS company in the auction of forestry crime exhibit
On 03 March 2020, Forestry Administration has released an announcement on the dismissal of false information and to response to the accuse that the Ministry of Agriculture has colluded with TSM company in the auction of forestry crime exhibit. According to the announcement, the auction ...
Forestry Administration
News release on the implementation of the Incentive Policy of Angkor Archaeological Park Pass
On 25 February 2020, Angkor enterprise has issued a news release on the incentive policy of Angkor park pass in order to the support the tourism sector amidst of COVID-19. The new incentive policy will be implemented for four months started from 25 February 2020 ...
Angkor Enterprise
Announcement of the Ministry of Economic on the revision and discussion meeting on the draft of Public Investment Management
On 03 March 2020, the Ministry of Economic has posted an announcement on its official Facebook page about the meeting of the ministry’s officers on the revision and discussion of the two drafts namely, the draft of the Sub-decree on the public investment management and ...
Ministry of Economic
Announcement of the Ministry of Health on the response, preventive measure and the preparation for the COVID-19 outbreak and other infectious diseases in the kingdom of Cambodia
On 02 March 2020, the Ministry of Health has posted an announcement on their official Facebook page about the government’s response, preventive measures and preparation of the COVID-19 outbreak and other infectious diseases. From the announcement, the ministry has claimed that, as of 02 March ...
Ministry of Health
Open letter of Prey Lang's community to Ministry of Environment on the prevention of the blessing ceremony
On 28 February 2020, Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) has released an open letter for the minister of environment, H.E Say Sam Al on their official Facebook page. The content of the letter shows deep regret and disappointment toward the measure of the Ministry of ...
Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN)
Message of the Prime Minister on the measures taken to manage impacts from COVID-19 and the suspension of the EBA tax privilege
On 24 February 2020, Prime Minister Hun Sen has issued a message on the Cambodia governments measures to control and minimize economic risk from COVID-19 and the suspension of the Everything But Arm (EBA) tax privilege. The Prime Minister noted that COVID-19 will affect Cambodia’s ...
Cabinet of the Prime Minister
Press release: Sweden and USAID fund to enhance Cambodia's labour dispute resolution services
On 27 February 2020, the Arbitration Council has posted a press release on receiving the additional fund from Sweden and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to enhance Cambodia’s labour dispute resolution services. According to the press, approximately 1.5 million USD has been ...
The Arbitration Council
Announcement of the Ministry of Health on the preventive measure of H5N1 bird flu
On 26 February 2020, the Ministry of Health has issued an announcement on the cautions and preventive measures of the H5N1 bird flu disease on which the outbreak took place in Tra province of the socialist Republic of Vietnam on 17 February 2020. The preventive ...
Ministry of Health
Press release of the Embassy of Japan on the Japanese government's grants provision to improve irrigation systems, maternal and child health and WASH, and youth capacity building
On 25 February 2020, the Embassy of Japan has issued a press release on the Japanese government’s grant for the construction of irrigation systems, improve maternal and child health and WASH, and capacity building of youth. The Government of Japan has agreed to provide US$890,471 ...
Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Institut Pasteur du Cambodge: COVID-19 related activities update on 25 February 2020
On 25 February 2020, the Institute Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) has announced on the update of COVID-19 related activities. Utilizing BLS-3-level biosafety and biosecurity capacity in conjunction with multiple diagnostic tests according to the WHO interim guidance, IPC has implemented, validated, and ensured diagnostic capacity ...
Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
LICADHO's Joint Statement: Authorities’ obstruction of grassroots activism hurts Prey Lang conservation
On 25 February 2020, more than 100 groups and communities released a joint statement saying that they were outraged and appalled at the restrictions placed on hundreds of community members, monks and environmental activists who were prevented by authorities from entering parts of Prey Lang ...
Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
Press release of the Ministry of Education on the official launch of the Komar Rien Komar Cheh Program on 24 February 2020
On 20 February 2020, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) has released a public announcement on the official launch of the Komar Rien Komar Cheh program that will be held on 24 February 2020 at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh. The press said the ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport