His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will virtually participate in the ASEAN-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
On 22 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will virtually participate in the ASEAN-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on 23 September 2021. The ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
COVID-19 vaccination to the people after being cured of COVID-19 for 4 months or more
On 22 September 2021, the Ministry of Health issued a notification on the COVID-19 vaccination to the people after being cured of COVID-19 for 4 months or more. All citizens over the age of 6 who have been cured of COVID-19 for 4 months or ...
Ministry of Health
Launch of Kep Provincial Court and the Kep Provincial Prosecutor's Office
On 21 September 2021, the Ministry of Justice issued a press release on the launch of Kep Provincial Court and the Kep Provincial Prosecutor’s Office.Kep Provincial Court and Kep Provincial Prosecutor’s Office will be officially launched on September 24, 2021. ...
Ministry of Justice
Ending the pandemic and building back better
On 21 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on the ending the pandemic and building back better. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will send his written address ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Press conference on "MoEYS E-Learning self-study program: 5 months after public launch"
On 21 September 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport issued a notification on press conference on “MoEYS E-learning self-study program: 5 months after public launch.”The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia hold a press conference ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
National online job and productivity fair 2021
On 20 September 2021, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notification on the national online job and productivity fair 2021.The national online job and productivity fair 2021 will run for 2 days, November 4-5, 2021. ...
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
First-ever record of breeding of the extremely rare Siamese crocodile in Srepok area in over a decade raises hopes for global conservation
On 21 September 2021, the Ministry of Environment and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued a joint press release on the first-ever record of breeding of the extremely rare Siamese crocodile in Srepok area in over a decade raises hopes for global conservation. It was under ...
Ministry of Environment and World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Implementation of Pchum Ben Holiday in 2021
On 17 September 2021, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notification on Implementation of Pchum Ben Holiday in 2021.All factory managers or owners within the scope of the Labor Law must allow all their workers to take paid leave during the upcoming ...
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
Outcomes of the 3rd ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting on 16-17 September 2021 via videoconference
On 17 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on the outcomes of the 3rd ASEM Senior Officials’ Meeting on 16-17 September 2021 via videoconference. During this two-day meeting, ASEM SOM Leaders actively discussed the draft ASEM13 Chair’s ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Australia-Cambodia partnership for improved construction safety in Cambodia
On 16 September 2021, Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh issued a media release on Australia-Cambodia partnership for improved construction safety in Cambodia. Ambassador Kang met with His Excellency Chea Sophara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) to discuss ...
Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh
The first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine (Sinovac) are given to children aged 6 and under 12 years old
On 16 September 2021, the Ministry of Health issued a press release on the first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine (Sinovac) are given to children aged 6 and under 12 years old.The COVID-19 Vaccination Commission will provide the first and second doses of COVID-19 ...
Ministry of Health
USAID Cambodia green future activity
On 15 September 2021, USAID issued a press release on USAID Cambodia green future activity.A new USAID-funded youth environmental, social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaign to reduce the demand for luxury wood furniture was launched today. ...
Continues providing the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people aged from 18 and children - adolescents aged 12 to under 18 who failed to receive the vaccine or have just reached the age to receive the vaccine at the end of the vaccine campaign in Phnom Penh
On 15 September 2021, the Phnom Penh Capital Administration has issued a notification on continues providing the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people aged from 18 and children – adolescents aged 12 to under 18 who failed to receive the vaccine or have just ...
Phnom Penh Capital Administration
The granting of E-commerce permit or license and conducted many workshops and trainings as well
On 15 September 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on the granting of E-commerce permit or license and conducted many workshops and trainings as well.From the 1st of December 2021 hereafter, the businessman, sole proprietor, company or foreign branch, that has been ...
Ministry of Commerce
His Excellency Chhieng Yanara, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister and Secretary General of the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC) held a Courtesy and discussion meeting with Mr. Andreas Zurbrugg, Deputy Head of Mission of Australian Embassy and colleagues through video conference
On 13 September 2021, the Council for the Development of Cambodia issued a press release on His Excellency Chhieng Yanara, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister and Secretary General of the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC) ...
The Council for the Development of Cambodia
Re-opening of public and private schools at the secondary-high school level on September 15, 2021
On 14 September 2021, the Phnom Penh Capital Administration issued a press release on re-opening of public and private schools at the secondary-high school level on September 15, 2021.Public and private educational institutions for all secondary and high schools in Phnom Penh are allowed to ...
Phnom Penh Capital Administration
Preparing a monthly E-Bulletin Project
On 13 September 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on preparing a monthly E-Bulletin Project.Trade Training and Research Institution of Ministry of Commerce is preparing the E-Bulletin Project in order to collect, compile, and publish on a monthly basis of all major ...
Ministry of Commerce
The ASEAN parties against corruption (ASEAN-PAC) will convene its 17th secretariat meeting via video conference
On 14 September 2021, the Anti-Corruption Unit issued a press release on the ASEAN parties against corruption (ASEAN-PAC) will convene its 17th secretariat meeting via video conference.H.E. Dr. Orn Panhha representing the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) will be participating in the 17th Secretariat Meeting of the ...
Anti-Corruption Unit
Opening of allowances (69th) under social protection program
On 13 September 2021, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notification on the opening of allowances (69th) under social protection program in Cambodia.The government will open the allowances (69th) under social protection program to a total of 3,398 workers in 42 factories ...
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
His Excellency WANG Yi, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, will pay an official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia
On 10 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on His Excellency WANG Yi, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, will pay an official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia on ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Extra precautions to prevent transmission of COVID-19
On 13 September 2021, the Ministry of Health issued an instruction on extra precautions to prevent transmission of COVID-19.In order to ensure the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 and to lead a new normal life, the Ministry of Health calls on all people not ...
Ministry of Health
Correction and issuance of high school diplomas and provisional high school diplomas
On 10 September 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports issued a notification on correction and issuance of high school diplomas and provisional high school diplomas.Applicant, parents or guardians and representatives of higher education institutions who wish to correct the information on the high ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Permission to reopen public and private educational institutions for all secondary and high schools in Phnom Penh
On 09 September 2021, the Phnom Penh Capital Administration issued a notification on permission to reopen public and private educational institutions for all secondary and high schools in Phnom Penh from September 15, 2021 onwards.Phnom Penh Capital Administration has decided to reopen public and private ...
Phnom Penh Capital Administration
Outcomes of the official visit of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Republic of Korea
On 09 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on the outcomes of the official visit of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation