
National summit on influences of forestry and land regulations on local communities and comprehensive EIA process

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) organized a national summit on “Influences of Forestry and Land Regulations on Local Communities and Comprehensive EIA Process” on 25 May 2023 with a total of 43 (13 females) representatives from the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), CSOs, EIA firm, journalists, and indigenous peoples from Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kratie, Pursat, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Kampong Thom provinces. The event was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International (FHI 360) under the Civil Society Support Activity: Cluster Anchor Grants, and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia (HBS) under the project of promoting EIA for more transparent and responsive environmental governance in Cambodia.The national summit aims to:Provide an opportunity for relevant stakeholders to express their concerns regarding existing and proposed forestry and land law and associated regulationsIdentify the effective strategy to provide input into the draft lawsDiscuss how the proposed law and associated regulations will interact with the EIA process, particularly the engagement ...

ODC join Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication's workshop on capacity building for all post and telecommunication departments (Phase 2)

Picture from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication facebook page on 28 April 2023.From 25th April to 27th May 2023, The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications organized a series of workshops with the aim of providing capacity building to subnational government officers from all its ...

Launching workshop on public revenues from the extractive industries profile page

On 24 May 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) officially launched the workshop on Public Revenues from the Extractive Industries profile page. The event brought together 21 participants (eight women) who are representatives from various relevant institutions in extractive industries, including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community-Based ...

Stockholm Internet Forum 2023 (SIF23)

Digital technologies offer both unprecedented opportunities and challenges in light of the ever-evolving digital landscape. While there is tremendous potential for positive transformations, it is essential to acknowledge that the misuse of the internet can contribute to divisions, insecurity, human rights violations, and inequality. Given ...

The 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment

From 08 – 11 May 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) attended the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment under the theme of “Resilience through impact assessment and leadership” at Kuching, Malaysia. As part of the partnership on technical assistance for developing ...

Tepken Vannkorn: What I've learned from WordCamp Asia 2023

WordCamp Asia, which happened in Bangkok from February 17-19, 2023, was the first flagship WordCamp in Asia. So far, there have been three types of flagship WordCamp: US, Europe, and Centroamérica. As a member of the Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum (CamIDF), I attended this ...

Launching on Data Protection in the Context of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia

On 04 April 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) officially launched the report on Data Protection in the Context of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia. The event brought together 20 participants (06 females), including representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) working on indigenous peoples (IPs), data protection ...

ODC launches a new knowledge-sharing portal called "Learning Platform"

On 04 April 2023, ODC organized an official launch of the online Learning Platform at the Poulo Wai Hotel & Apartment, Phnom Penh, with the participation of 43 people (18 females) from 23 local, national, and international organizations, including cluster member organizations and non-members. Those ...

Consultative workshop on digital educational resources in indigenous languages for primary school students

On 02 March 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) hosted​ a Consultative Workshop on Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students in a meaningful and active collaboration with the Special Education Department (SED) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS) that ...

Indigenous youth become confident in expressing himself

Participating in discussions and learning about current issues boosts indigenous youth’s confidence.“Because I participated in various activities and training, I now feel more confident in expressing myself and my community.”Mr. Mong Samut is a 22-year-old Brao indigenous youth. He was born in a remote area ...

Indigenous youths’ improvement on mobile report

Being trained to use a smartphone to report reflects the view of indigenous youth.“This training is very significant for me since I could use it to empower my community and share with outsiders who we are and what we are living with.” Mr. Lao Bundinh is ...

Data storytelling by data visualization trainees

Data is an essential component of every organization and journalist. Finding the value in data and communicating that value to your target audience needs time. Simply displaying spreadsheets with rows of numbers is insufficient for demonstrating the significance of data. However, when data is presented ...

Data visualization and storytelling training

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) hosted a training on “Data visualization and storytelling” on December 20-21 and 26, 2022, with 24 participants, including journalists, citizen journalists, indigenous youth journalists, journalism students, and CSOs. People with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ are encouraged to join. This training was divided ...

The 17th Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

The 17th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was hosted by the Government of Ethiopia with the support of UN ECA and UN DESA and took place from 28 November to 2 December 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the overarching theme Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and ...

The second cluster convention

The second cluster convention was held on 19 December 2022, at the FHI 360 Office in Phnom Penh, with 25 participants (06 females). The convention brought together the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC), the Ministry of Interior (MoI), civil society organizations ...

Sectoral consultation workshop on the foreign investment data and information in Cambodia

On 20 December 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) once again hosted a Sectoral Consultation Workshop on the Foreign Investment Data and Information in Cambodia at Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh. Fifteen participants (03 females), including representatives from civil society organizations and researchers actively working at all ...

ODC 2022 annual staff reflection workshop

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is once again excited to organize the Annual Staff Reflection Workshop 2022 in Preah Sihanouk province from 09 – 11 December 2022. Surprisingly, the 9th Sea Festival was held on the same date under the theme “Bay of Peace, Bay of ...

Social accountability page presented at the ISAF II learning forum

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) was honored to present our profile page on social accountability to clarify its use and function in the National Learning Forum on the Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) Phase II on 19 and 20 December 2022 in Siem Reap ...

Dissemination workshop on data and updated information of community fisheries in Kampot and Kep provinces

On 24 November 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with ActionAid Cambodia and the Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia – CWDCC, held a Dissemination Workshop on Data and Updated Information on Community Fisheries in Kampot and Kep Province on the ODC website, ...

Environmental data and strategic environmental assessment (SEA)

Phnom Penh, 03rd November 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) hosted a Technical Workshop on Environmental Data and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). This workshop was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International (FHI 360) under Cluster Anchor Grant from ...

Indigenous Jarai youth attended the Paris Peace Forum for the first time

I am delighted that I am a member of the Cambodia ICT Camp and the CamIDF because it allows me to gain benefits for capacity development and attend international events, like the Paris Peace Forum. I was selected to participate in the “Open Data for ...

An indigenous young woman attended the Paris Peace Forum 2022

As a member of the Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum (CamIDF), I had an opportunity to apply for the Paris Peace Forum (PPF) program for the first time. I was selected to attend the fifth edition of the Forum under a project titled “Open Data ...

ODC, a Cambodian NGO, presented in the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum 2022

Last three years, Mr. Thy Try, Executive Director/Editor-in-Chief of Open Development Cambodia, was selected to attend the Paris Peace Forum 2019 on 12–13 November. He was impressed by how the Forum brought together many participants and high-level experts from all over the world. He learned ...

ODC ISAC infographics shared via mobile app

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team designed budget infographics of Sangkat administrations in target municipalities of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project, namely Ta Khmau, Kampot, Siem Reap, Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, Serie Saophoan and Poi Pet. In November 2021, ODC collaborated with one ...

Land and natural resource governance

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) under the Civil Society Support Activity: Cluster Anchor Grants funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International (FHI 360) supported indigenous peoples to participate in the Conference on Land and Natural Resource Governance which was organized ...

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