The Cambodia Daily

More Investment Needed To Process Crops

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said more investment in agriculture was needed to ensure that Cambodia can process its crops and add value to agricultural produce being exported abroad. Speaking at the inauguration of a new cargo port in Kandal province, Mr. Hun Sen said there was an ...

Should Minimum Wage Be Market Driven or Government-Dictated?

Manufacturers and unions aligned with the ruling CPP yesterday said the current labor shortage inside the garment industry would act as an incentive for employers to increase salaries, and that there was no need for the government to impose a new minimum wage. During a meeting ...

Group Wants Changes to Prey Long Forest Protected Plan

A local conservation group yesterday called for several changes to a draft sub-decree meant to turn Cambodia’s Prey Long Forest into a protected area, concerned it could end up harming, rather than conserving, the forest. ...

Khuon Narim and Saing Soenthrith, P.20

Japan Marks 60 Years of Relations With Cambodia

This year marks the 60th anniversary since the start of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Japan – the country’s largest bilateral donor – and to celebrate, the Japanese Embassy is planning an array of cultural events. Speaking at a ceremony to mark the anniversary, Japanese Ambassador ...

Government to invest $4.4B in Public Sector

The government has approved more than $4 billion of investment in the public sector over the next three years in a bid to stimulate economic growth, the council of ministers said in a statement obtained yesterday. “The rolling plan will focus om four main sectors” ...

Two Men Charged With Smuggling Rosewood

The Kompong Thom Provincial Court yesterday charged two men with illegally logging 65 pieces of rosewood, the courts director Pen Sarat, said. Provincial police said the two 19 year old men were arrested Saturday morning while transporting about 1 105 kg of rosewood in Prasat ...

Workers Blame Mass Fainting on 'Angry Spirit'

After pounding on her chest and demanding a pig’s head, fruits and flowers to be offered to the angry spirit that she believed had taken over her body, garment worker Srey Mom collapsed on the floor of the Global Factory in Kandal province’s Ang Snuol ...

Anti Eviction Activists Take Plea for Help to CPP

Phnom Penh’s anti eviction protesters yesterday staged a 100 strong demonstration outside the CPP Headquarters on Norodom Boulevard, calling for the ruling party to release a jailed community activist and help families acquire land titles. They also requested that the government include 61 families left ...

Rice Exports Slow Due to Millers Hoarding

Cambodia exported more than 200,000 tons of milled rice in 2012, the greatest yield on record, though well short of the government target to export 1 million tons by 2015. Speaking at the Ministry of Agriculture’s annual meeting in Phnom Penh, Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun said ...

‘Secession’ Leader Says He Will Return to Cambodia, Stage Protest

The convicted ringleader of a so-called secessionist movement in May in Kratie province, who is currently in self-imposed exile to avoid a 30-year prison sentence, has said that he will soon return to Cambodia to organize a large-scale demonstration against the government. Bun Ratha—who was sentenced ...

Hun Sen Announces New Tax on Agricultural Land

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced that the government would begin levying a tax on agricultural land transfers that are valued at more than $25,000. “The government has decide to tax 4 percent on land that cost more than 100 million riel [about $25,000],” Mr. ...

DVD Shops Raided by Police At Local Distributor's Request

Police in Phnom Penh yesterday raided nine DVD shops at Tuol Tom Poung market in Chamkar Mon district, confiscating hundreds of illegally reproduced movies at the joint request of the Ministry of Culture and local movie distributor Westec Media Limited. Sao Bunthoeurn, deputy director of ...

January's Salt harvest Destroyed by Rains

Heavy rainfall over the weekend has destroyed all the salt that was due to be harvested this month in Kep and Kampot provinces, farmers said yesterday. “The salt that we planned to harvest this week was completely destroyed because of heavy rain,” said Um Chon, chief ...

Forestry Officials Confirm Illegal Logging by Vietnamese Firm

During a joint investigation with police and military police last week, the Forestry Administration found evidence of large-scale illegal logging by the Vietnamese owners of a rubber concession in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadaw district, officials said yesterday. ...

Aun Pheap and Ben Woods, P.18

Volunteers Being Phase 2 Of Land-Titling Program

More than 2,000 student volunteers yesterday were sent to measure land in 19 provinces, starting the second phase of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s nationwide land-titling program. Of the 2,016 volunteers, 1,362 are new and the rest are returning for the second time. ...

Businesses Told to Close for 8 Days for King Father's Funeral

Business owners in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district yesterday said they will not follow a government directive to close their businesses for eight days in observance of the second mourning period for the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk. The order, which was distributed on Sunday to ...

Thousands Protest at H&M Factory, Demand Wage Hike

Thousands of garment workers yesterday protested outside a factory in Pur Senchey district making garments for the Swedish clothing company H&M, demanding a raise to their minimum wage and meal benefits, workers and union representative said. The workers of Gladpeer Garments Factory (Cambodia) Ltd., are demanding ...

Workers Supplying Wal-Mart Continue Protests

About 80 workers from a garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district – which supplies women’s underwear to U.S. retail giant Wal-Mart – protested yesterday, demanding that the factory owner settle their severance payments, workers and union representatives said. Workers at the Kingsland Garment Cambodia factory ...

Firm to File Criminal Complaint Against Mfone

Norwegian energy firm Eltek Valere will file a criminal complaint today against mobile phone operator Mfone over an agreement that was signed last week to shift Mfone’s existing subscribers to MobiTel, according to a lawyer representing Eltek. The decision by the Thai-owned mobile operator Mfone to ...

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