The Cambodia Daily

City Rounds Up Homeless Before Asean Meeting

Police in Phnom Penh yesterday afternoon began rounding up homeless people as part of the city’s preparations for next month’s Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, officials said. “We collect them because we don’t want them to affect foreign tourists as we prepare for the arrival of the ...

In Poipet, Motorcycle Taxi Drivers Protest Police Abuse

More than 35 motorcycle taxi drivers protested in front of military police headquarters in Poipet City yesterday, calling for military police to protect them from an immigration police officer who has allegedly been shocking them with an electric baton, police and protesters said. Proem Sareom, one of the drivers protesting ...

Global Fund Cuts Malaria Grant by $20M

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is withholding nearly $20 million originally granted to fight malaria in Cambodia because of the government’s poor use of past Fund dollars. The government blames its poor showing on the Fund’s time-consuming procurement procedures. The Fund awarded the ...

Organizations Highlight Plight of Child Laborers

One and a half million children still toil as laborers in Cambodia’s fisheries, brick factories, agricultural plantations and construction sites, government officials said yesterday at an event held at Phnom Penh’s Wat Botum ahead of World Day Against Child Labor on Tuesday. The government has set ...

Trafficked Laborers Returned From Malaysia

Twelve Cambodians were repatriated Friday after being illegally trafficked to work as fishermen and maids in Malaysia, a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. ...

In Kompong Thom Province, Cricket Yield Skyrocketing

After years of poor yields, the cricket farmers of Kompong Thom province have more than tripled their average catch compared with the same time last year due to early rains, an agriculture official said yesterday. Ou Bunsophoan, director of the Kompong Thom provincial agriculture department, said ...

Phok Dorn, P. 23

Police Search Home of Luxury Wood Trader in Kratie

The Kratie Provincial Court yesterday issued a search warrant for the home of Chum Vuthy, a man who allegedly trades in luxury wood, in Kratie City, provincial police said. Mr. Vuthy had been transporting a load of illegal lumber from Stung Treng City to Vietnam and ...

Slice of New Casino Lottery to Fund Red Cross

NagaCorp, the owner of Phnom Penh’s only licensed casino, launched the sale of tickets for a new national lottery on Friday with the inaugural draw to take place on July 12 and a top prize of $218,000. In a statement, NagaCorp said 30 percent of net ...

Hor Namhong Travels to US on Official Visit

Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong will travel to the U.S. on Saturday to hold separate discussions with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Jim Webb, chairman of the subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs, the government said in a statement. Mr. Namhong’s visit comes ...

B Kak 15 Petition Sent to Japanese Embassy

Boeng Kak protesters continued their fight for the release of 14 women and one man imprisoned since May 24, delivering a petition to the Senate and the Japanese Embassy on Friday that they hope will spur new intervention in the long-running land dispute. More than 100 ...

US Ambassador Presents His Credentials to King

The new U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, William E. Todd, presented his credentials to King Sihamoni on Friday at a ceremony in the Royal Palace. Mr. Todd, who was sworn in by the U.S. Senate on April 17, replaces former U.S. Ambassador Carol Rodley, whose mission officially ...

Workers Refuse to Restart Work at Thai Factory

About 600 Cambodian workers at a seafood factory in Thailand are refusing to go back to work, and are demanding compensation after a mass brawl with Burmese co-workers broke out on Monday ending in two deaths, a worker said yesterday. The fight broke out after hundreds ...

Hun Sen Talks Victory, Mocks Party Merger

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday thanked voters for the CPP’s overwhelming victory in Sunday’s commune election and told opposition parties that their plans for a coalition will not stop the ruling party’s dominance in the polls. Speaking for the first time since the elections, Mr. Hun ...

South Korea Donates Trucks to Cambodian Gov’t

The Republic of Korea donated more than 200 military trucks to the Cambodian government last month, a port official said yesterday. Sam Heng, administrative chief of the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port, said the 241 trucks were strictly for transportation. “The trucks arrived before the elections. They’re military cargo ...

Hun Sen Urges Action to Curb Bus Crashes

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday urged tour bus operators to respect the traffic law following a recent spate of bus crashes that have killed Cambodians as well as foreign tourists. “Please, respect the land traffic law,” Mr. Hun Sen said during a speech at the inauguration ...

Luxury Wood Seized From Military Vehicle

Forestry officials on Monday confiscated nearly two-and-a-half cubic meters of luxury grade Thnong wood in Stung Treng province from a military truck emblazoned with the insignia of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Bodyguard Unit, forestry officials said yesterday. An additional 100 pieces of luxury grade wood were ...

Gold Being Sold Fast as Int’l Price Drops

The falling price of gold on international markets is leading to high sales of the precious metal in Cambodia as consumers fear prices could continue to tumble, gold traders said yesterday. Gold on the international market traded at $1,632.90 per troy ounce in New York yesterday ...

Commune Chief Collectors’ Scam Follows Election

The commune election had only just ended on Sunday when the scam had started. On Tuesday, a well-dressed man claiming to be the brother of one of Phnom Penh’s newly reelected commune chiefs visited a business to present an invitation. It was convincing: The father of the ...

Visitors to Cambodia Increase by 27 Percent

The number of visitors to Cambodia increased 27 percent to 1.27 million people in the first four months of the year compared to the same period last year, according to figures released yesterday by the Ministry of Tourism. Kong Sopheareak, director of the tourism statistics department, ...

Two Killed in Brawl at Thai Seafood Factory

A Cambodian man and a Burmese man were killed on Monday in a mass brawl that broke out between hundreds of migrant workers at a seafood factory in Thailand, a worker and a government official said yesterday. Fighting allegedly broke out between workers at Siam International ...

First Forest Patrol Since Activist’s Death Set

Members of the Prey Long Forest Network yesterday said they are planning to hold a citizens’ patrol to look for evidence of illegal logging in Kompong Thom province this weekend. The patrol would be the first such patrol in the country since the April 26 murder ...

Acleda HQ Expansion to Start in Three Months

Acleda Bank will break ground on a 20-story tower directly behind its current headquarters on Monivong Boulevard in September to become the third bank in the country to push ahead with a high-rise property in the capital, officials at the bank said yesterday. John Brinsden, Acleda’s ...

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