
Press release: Japan provides US$439,261 for Supporting farmers through contract farming of organic cashew nuts through Agriculture Cooperative

On 29 November, the Government of Japan agreed to provide IVY with US$439,261 for “Support to the smallholder farmers through contract farming of organic cashew nuts through Agriculture Cooperatives (Year 2)”. The Grant Contract was signed between H. E. Mr. Mikami Masahiro, Ambassador Extraordinary and ...

Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia

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CSOs joint statement on resolutions of 11 priority problems to end gender-based violence in the world of work and to protect workers’ fundamental freedoms & rights

On the occasion of the “Sixteen Days Campaign of Activism Against Gender-based Violence” this year, the Cambodia Center for Human Rights (CCHR) released an join statement on 01 December 2019. Twenty one of trade unions, associations, and civil society organizations, working for the promotion of ...

Cambodia Center for Human Rights

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Press release: Germany signs two cooperative financing agreements

On 28 November 2019, the Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Porn Moniroth and German ambassador to Cambodia Christian Berger signed on two cooperative financing agreements worth 67.1 million euros, equivalent to $74 million.The German government will provide 30 million euros concessional loan and a ...

Ministry of Economy and Finance

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MRC ministerial council approves a drought management strategy, other policies, boosting Mekong countries’ ability to prepare for future disaster

On 26 November 2019, Ministerial delegates from the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Council today at their annual gathering in Phnom Penh approved a drought management strategy for 2020-2025, allowing Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam to prepare for and manage drought collectively. The approved ...

Mekong River Commission

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Notice of EDC on continuously granting Solar Home Systems (SHS) Program 2020

On 15 November 2019, Electricté du Cambodge (EDC) has released a notice to the public on the providing grant to the Department of Rural Electrification Fund of EDC (hereinafter referred to as the “REF”) in order to continuously implement “Solar Home System (SHS) Program”, which ...

Electricté du Cambodge (EDC)

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Press release: Signing of MoU on development cooperation between Republic of Korea and 5 ASEAN Countries during the Investment ASEAN 2019

On Monday Afternoon 25th November 2019 in Busan, Republic of Korea, H.E Chhieng Yanara, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister, has signed on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia on MoU on Development Cooperation between Republic of Korea and 5 ASEAN countries such as ...

The Council for the Development of Cambodia

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Press release signing ceremony between H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce of Cambodia and H.E. YOO Myung-Hee, Minister for Trade of Republic of Korea on the Joint Statement on the Launch of the Joint Study on a Possible Free Trade Agreement between Cambodia-Republic of Korea

On 25 November 2019, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on the signing ceremony between H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce of Cambodia and H.E. YOO Myung-Hee, Minister for Trade of Republic of Korea on the Joint Statement on the Launch of the ...

Ministry of Commerce

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Notification on the opening of mining​ concession​ areas for applying for​ mineral exploration​ licenses

On 19 November 2019, the Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a notification on the opening of mining​ concession​ areas for​ domestic​ and​ foreign​ mineral​ companies​ to​ apply​ for​ a​ mineral exploration​ license​ as​ indicated​ in​ the​ “map​ of​ location​ and​ coordinate​ system”.​ The​ four​ ...

Ministry of Mines and Energy

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Construction agreement of Bakheng Water Treatment Plant (Phase 1)

On November 14, 2019, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) and VINCI Construction Grands Projets enter into agreement on Construction of Bakheng Water Treatment Plant (Phase 1) with the production capacity of 195,000m3/day. This construction contract is approximately USD 156 million which are financed by ...

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA)

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Japan provides USD191,744 for realization of sustainable life environment

On 18 November, the Government of Japan agreed to provide Nature Center Risen with USD 191,744 for “The Project for Realization of sustainable life environment through mainly the teaching practical environmental education in Teacher Education College (3rd Phase).” The Grant Contract was signed between H. ...

Embassy of Japan in Kingdom of Cambodia

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Apsara authority announces the move of elephants from Angkor temple complex

Apsara authority has announced on 13 November 2019 over the move of elephants from Cambodia’s Angkor temple complex and it will end elephant rides business. Elephant management association will take charge of moving the elephants to a new home –a community forest (BosThom), located in ...

Apsara Authority

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Press release: Japanese Government approves USD 251,970 for Legal Documentation Centre

On 08 November 2019, the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia announced a press release to inform the public that the Government of Japan approved the utilization of up to USD 251,970 from the counterpart fund for “Fulfilling the Legacy Mandate of the Legal Documentation Center ...

Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia

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Cambodian Youth Network releases an investigation report on Prey Lang wildlife sanctuary in Stung Treng and Preah Vihear provinces

On 05 November 2019, the Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) released a investigation report on the facing deforestation of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in Stung Treng and Preah Vihear provinces. The study was conducted in Anlong Chrey commune, Thalabavivat district, Stung Treng province and Chheb district, ...

Cambodian Youth Network

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Press release on a consultative meeting on the request for an amendment of the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations

On 28 October 2019, the Ministry of Interior issued a press release on a consultative meeting on the request for an amendment of the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations. The government working group will arrange the consultative meeting with representatives of civil society organizations to listen to ...

Ministry of Interior

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Joint statement: Allowing self-employed foreigners is taking the occupation of the Cambodian citizens and workers

On 7 October 2019, the union, association, and civil society organizations issued a joint statement to show their disappointment over the Notification No. 035 of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, dated October 5, 2019, on “reauthorization of self-employed foreigners”. The allowance of self-employed foreigners in ...

Cambodian Center for Human Rights

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Announcement on revoke a ban on self-employed foreigners

On 05 October 2019, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued an announcement on revoke a ban on self-employed foreigners as Cambodia needed foreigners’ expertise and technology in the service sector and to attract investment. ...

Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

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Workshop: mobile data collection with Kobo Toolbox

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is delighted to organize the workshop “Mobile Data Collection with Kobo Toolbox”. The course will focus on: Principle and application of Kobo Toolbox which is a suite mobile data collection technology for building form questionnaire, data collection and management for higher quality.Hands-on ...

Open Development Cambodia

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Notification on the conduction of census of local associations and NGOs

On 23 September 2019, the Ministry of Interior issued a notification on the conduction of census of local associations and NGOs in collaboration with the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) for 49 days from October 10 to November 29 to obtain updated figures of how many ...

Ministry of Interior

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Press release on the exchange of notes and related documents on the extension of grant aid up to the maximum amount of two billion and seven hundred seventy seven million Japanese Yen

On Thursday morning, 03 October 2019, H.E. Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn and H.E. MIKAMI Masahiro, Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia, will sign the Exchange of Notes and related documents on the extension of Grant Aid up to the maximum amount of two billion and ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Press release on the outcomes of the first senior officials' talks between Cambodia and Australia

On 24 September 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release on the outcomes of the first senior officials’ talks between Cambodia and Australia.The meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere and mutual understanding, reflecting shared aspiration to promote fruitful ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Press​ release​ on​ the​ Grade​ 12​ examination​ result

On​ 09​ September​ 2019,​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Education,​ Youth​ and​ Sport​ issued​ a​ press​ release​ on​ the​ examination​ result​ of​ the​ Grade​ 12​ examination​ which​ happened​ on​ August​ 19-20,​ 2019.​ There​ are​ 79,052​ successful​ candidates,​ accounting​ for​ 68,62%​ (was​ only​ 67,07%​ in​ 2018).​ Among​ the​ ...

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

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Press​ release​ on​ the​ prioritization​ of​ road​ repair​ and​ construction,​ rainwater​ system​ amd​ sewage​ system​ in​ Preah Sihanouk​ province

On​ 04​ September​ 2019,​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Economy​ and​ Finance​ issued​ a​ press​ release​ on​ the​ outcome​ of​ the​ meeting​ between​ Economic​ and​ Financial​ Policy​ Committee​ (EFPC)​ and​ relevant​ ministries.​ The​ meeting​ outcomes​ are​ to​ (1)​ implement​ the​ work plan​ of​ restoring​ canal​ and​ existing​ ...

Ministry of Economy and Finance

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Announcement: Apsara Authority to begin canal construction along the forest boundaries in Angkor Archeological Park

On 30 August 2019, the Apsara Authority issued an announcement that the Department of Forestry, Cultural Landscapes and Environment of the Apsara Authority will begin construction of canals along the forest boundaries as well as plant more trees in Angkor Archeological Park in Siem Reap province ...

Apsara Authority

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Announcement: Circular on the flood preparedness and response

On 04 September 2019, the Royal Government of Cambodia issued a Circular to advise the relevant ministries, institutions and local authorities to take necessary measures to prepare for the upcoming flood, which caused by Kajiki storm, to minimize the hardships and damage to the citizen’s ...

Royal Government of Cambodia

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