Population and censuses

Hun Sen Warns of Labor Shortage, Praises Japanese Investment

Cambodia is facing a grave labor shortage due to the large number of workers seeking jobs in Thailand, Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday, urging employers to help reduce illegal migration by improving working conditions at home. Mr. Hun Sen also applauded growing Japanese investment in ...


Economic benefits of birth control reported

Additional investments in family planning yields economic benefits and would save developing countries more than US$11 billion annually, according to a UN report. Better access to family planning in developing countries would reduce costs for maternal and newborn health care by $11.3 billion per year, according ...


Ratings Agency Retains Stable Growth Outlook for Cambodia

Rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) on Friday reaffirmed Cambodia’s long-term sovereign credit rating of “B” due to the country’s positive growth outlook, but again warned of risks related to the country’s narrow economic base. “Economic output growth is vulnerable due to the still large ...


Maid Company Offers Alternative to Migration

A new made-service company that claims to be the only one of its kind in Cambodia is offering an alternative employment option for the country’s many domestic workers who face insecure, and often abusive, workplace conditions overseas. Ming Hour Home Service, which opened in July, employs ...

Jobs crucial to development

Jobs are a cornerstone of development in developing countries, reducing poverty, making cities work and providing youth with alternatives to violence, according to a new World Bank report. Jobs are crucial for achieving economic and social development, the World Development Report 2013 said. According to ...


Official pushes for an information access act

Many groups, including the ruling party, would benefit from a proposed access to information law – which would provide transparency when it comes to the government’s development plans and spending – a Council of Ministers official said yesterday. Tuot Lux, a legal expert who has been ...


Number of Internet Users More Than Doubled Last Year

The number of Internet users in Cambodia more than doubled last year, but the country still has the third-lowest Internet penetration rate in the region, according to recent statistics released by the World Bank. Internet users jumped from 178,142 in 2010 to 443,461 in 2011-reaching about ...

Hundreds of illegal migrants return

Nearly 450 Cambodians who were illegally working in Thailand were repatriated across the Battambang province border on Saturday in one of the largest one-day operations along that border, officials said yesterday. Thai authorities had rounded up the 447 workers, who were busted without the required paperwork, ...


ASEAN forum to tackle migrant worker safety

One of the biggest challenges to protecting Cambodian migrant workers is the sheer distance between their homeland and the countries they are working in, Ministry of Labour officials said yesterday. A pattern has emerged in which brokers lure more and more Cambodians away from traditional border-country ...


Garment Workers Rally for Third Day to Sack Factory Manager

More than 2,00 female workers from a factory in Phnom Penh that makes clothes for the U.S. brand Gap protested yesterday for a third straight day demanding that the firm sack a manager at the factory for allegedly abusing workers. Lining Russian Boulevard near the Ocean ...

Thai Press Gives Conflicting Reports on Chams

Thai media reports yesterday offered conflicting information on whether members of Cambodia’s Cham community were joining a long-running Muslim insurgency in Thailand’s southern provinces. According to the [Bangkok] Post, General Prayuth said most of the Cambodian Muslims were traveling on to other countries in search ...

Monitoring questions mount

Official from Cambodian immigration, law enforcement and diplomatic circles were either unaware of, or unwilling to talk yesterday about, an alleged request from the Thai government to help monitor Cambodian Muslims crossing into the country. News of the alleged monitoring surfaced on Monday when Thai ...


Mobile Phone Subscriptions Near 20 Million

The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached nearly 20  million at the end of June, representing 135 percent of the total population, the telecoms minister said last week. The number of mobile subscriptions first topped Cambodia’s total population of 14.5 million people in November last year, ...

E-Revolution equals jobs

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in cooperation with a number of organisations launched a new e-waste management project yesterday in Cambodia in a bid to recycle the country’s burgeoning electronic waste and to provide job opportunities, as Hurleypalmerflatt opened an office in Cambodia to provide jobs for ...


Census Data

Provides comprehensive Cambodian census data from 2011, 2008 and 1998, which can be sorted by province, district, and commune. ...

Fewer Cambodians Cross Poipet to Work in Thailand

The number of Cambodian workers passing through Poipet international checkpoint to work in Thailand decreased by 10 percent during the first six months of the year compared to 2011, an immigration police officer said yesterday. Leak Romnea, chief of administration of Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet immigration ...

Agriculture Census to Be Launched in Cambodia

Following the release of the country’s first nationwide economic census earlier this year, the government is now planning to carry out a similar census dedicated to the agriculture sector, a government official said yesterday. Minister of Agriculture Chan Sarun announced the government’s intention to carry out ...

Cambodian population will increase to 18 million in 2030

In a letter to mark the world population day, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday said: “Cambodian population will grow to 18 million in 2030 and 21 million in 2050. Currently Cambodian people are in 1.5 per cent birth rate per year and on average a Cambodian woman delivered 3 babies ...


Migrants to Korea jump

More Cambodian migrant workers headed to South Korea in the first half of this year than in all of 2011, data from the Ministry of Labour shows. A suspension on Vietnamese migration, coupled with an improving Korean economy, primarily accounted for the jump, officials say. Working ...


Maid’s Death Believed Linked to Abuse

A Cambodian maid who recently returned home from work in Malaysia fell ill and died over the weekend, highlighting ongoing concerns over the treatment of impoverished Southeast Asian women who seek work abroad but are often abused by their employers. Kuy Lyda, 17, died at a ...

Sok Serey

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