
DPM HOR Namhong's statement at the 69th session of UNGA

Deputy Priminister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, Hor Namhong​ gave a statement at the UNGA, 29 September 2014 in New York city. ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Organizing a press conference on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Cambodian and Australian governments on the resettlement of refugees in Cambodia

The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia has a great honor to inform the local and international media about the press conference which will be conducted on 29 September 2009 at 9:30 a.m. aiming to discuss about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Cambodian and Australian ...

Ministry of Interior

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Statement of the Labour Advisory Committee

On 26 September 2014 at 3:00 p.m. the Labor Advisory Committee conducted 10th meeting of the 8th mandate at the office of Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training in order to discuss the minimum wage in 2014 for laborers in garment and textile sector and ...

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

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Cambodia gets ADB loan to boost quality, access to technical training

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is extending a $30 million loan for a nationwide program to raise the quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Cambodia leading to more job opportunities for women and the poor. ...

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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ADB maintains growth outlook for Cambodia as uncertainties ease

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) maintains its April projection for Cambodia’s economic growth at 7.0% in 2014, and 7.3% in 2015, says a new report released today. ...

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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Joint legal analysis of the draft law on unions of enterprises

Today, CLEC and LICADHO release a legal analysis of the latest draft of the Law on Unions of Enterprises (Trade Union Law) obtained at the end of May, this year. As unions yesterday began a nationwide campaign for a $177 per month minimum wage, the ...

Joint Organizations

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CCIM applies for radio, TV licenses through MOI

The Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) last week applied for radio and TV licenses for its VOD programming through the Ministry of Information (MOI) in a move that, if successful, could mark a turning point for independent media in Cambodia. ...

Cambodian Center for Independent Media

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Civil Society groups condemn the groundless detention of Equitable Cambodia staff

On Tuesday, 9 Sep 2014, Cambodian authorities detained two employees of Equitable Cambodia (EC) without just cause. ...

Joint Organizations

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USAID launches Integrated Nutrition, Sanitation and Hygiene (NOURISH) project in Cambodia

A new U.S. government program, NOURISH, will combat malnutrition among Cambodian children. On September 8, Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhayly jointly with Denise Rollins, Acting Assistant Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Asia, announced the launch of USAID’s five-year, $16.25 ...

Embassy of the United States

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USAID highlights the role of innovation and technology

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to announce the launch of the Innovations in Development Technology Expo, Monday, September 8, 1:15 p.m., at the Development Innovations Lab, #296, St. 271, Tuol Tumpoung, Phnom Penh. ...

Embassy of the United States

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Rights groups call for an end to enforced disappearances in ASEAN

Today, on the occasion of International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, we, the undersigned organizations, urge ASEAN member states to end acts of enforced disappearances in Southeast Asia. ...

Joint Organizations

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Press release on second session of Bac II examination on 13 October 2014

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has a great honor to inform parents and candidates to aware that the ministry will organize second session of Bac II examination on 13 October 2014 for both pure science classes and social science classes that failed the first ...

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

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Press release on an official launch of National Policies and Action Plans on Children Protection and Development

National Committee of Children Protection and Development will launch the National Policies and Action Plans on Children Protection and Development on 1 September 2014 at the National Institute of Education under the presidency of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of ...

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

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“Cambodia needs more and better teachers”, says a CDRI working paper released today

“The shortage of trained teachers at all levels of education but particularly at the primary level is the single most important constraint on narrowing the country’s skill gap”, argues a Working Paper entitled “Cambodia’s Skill Gap: An Anatomy of Issues and Policy Options”, published by ...

Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI)

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USAID’s Improved Basic Education in Cambodia (IBEC) program helps 81,000 Cambodian youth

The five-year Improved Basic Education in Cambodia (IBEC) project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) held a close-out workshop on August 25-26.  ...

Embassy of the United States

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TI Cambodia holds Corporate Integrity Seminar for SMEs

Transparency International Cambodia (TI Cambodia) is holding a seminar on “Corporate Integrity for Cambodian Entrepreneurs” tomorrow, 26 August 2014. The seminar is targeted to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and seeks to increase awareness of anti-bribery policies and help those organizations develop anti-corruption strategies that ...

Transparency International Cambodia

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Statement in response to Phnom Penh Sugar Company’s allegations against Equitable Cambodia Executive Director Eang Vuthy

On August 18, 2014, the Phnom Penh Sugar Co. Ltd., took out advertisements in several major Cambodian newspapers accusing Equitable Cambodia’s Executive Director, Mr. Eang Vuthy, of making false and misleading statements about Oknha Ly Yong Phat, and causing “irreparable damage” to the Senator’s reputation ...

Joint Civil Society Organizations

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CNRP youth leaders denied right to receive family visits

LICADHO calls for immediate family access to all three CNRP youth leaders currently detained in Prey Sar’s CC1 prison. ...

Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)

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CCHR open letter regarding addressing land disputes in the Kingdom of Cambodia

I write to you regarding the speech you delivered on 18 August 2014 at the opening of the workshop on the national strategy for food security and nutrition 2014-2018. I welcome your commitment to find solutions to land disputes in the country. ...

Cambodian Center for Human Rights

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CCHR open letter regarding the implementation of the Law on Peaceful Demonstration

CCHR write to His Excellency Sar Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Interior regarding the implementation of the Law on Peaceful Demonstration (2009). ...

Cambodian Center for Human Rights

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Press release on e-Visa fee

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia wishes to inform all foreign nationals, who wish to enter Cambodia, of the new e-Visa fee. ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Press release on​​ the result of the Council of Ministers’ plenary session​ held on August 15, 2014

On August 15, 2014 at 8:30 AM a plenary session of the Council of Ministers was held at the Peace Palace under the patronage of Samdech Akeak Moha Senapedei Deikcho Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia in the fifth mandate to ...

Office of the Council of Ministers

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Press release on the holding of a round table discussion on “Term limits for Prime Minister”

Cambodian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) would like to inform the public and all the journalists that CSOs will hold a round table discussion on “Term Limits for Prime Minister”. ...

Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia

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LICADHO condemns the arrests of La Peang demonstrators

LICADHO condemns the violent dispersal of more than 50 villagers from La Peang community who had begun their 60km-long peaceful march from Kampong Chhnang province to Phnom Penh, calling for a resolution to their long-standing land dispute. ...

Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)

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