
Open letter of Prey Lang's community to Ministry of Environment on the prevention of the blessing ceremony

On 28 February 2020, Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) has released an open letter for the minister of environment, H.E Say Sam Al on their official Facebook page. The content of the letter shows deep regret and disappointment toward the measure of the Ministry of ...

Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN)

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Three new natural protected areas established to be under the management and conservation of Ministry of Environment

On  13 September 2016, the Royal Government of Cambodia has decided to establish three new Natural Protected Areas with a total land area of 27 941.06 hectares to be under the management and conservation of Ministry of Environment. Those three Natural Protected Areas include of ...

Ministry of Environment

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Press release on the first meeting of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD)

On 31 August 2016, National Council for Sustainable Development issued a press release on the first meeting of the National council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) which was held at the Ministry of Environment under chairmanship of H.E. Say Samal, Minister of Environment of Environment and ...

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Cambodia's Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary sells first carbon credits

Phonm Penh, Cambodia (July 23, 2016)-The Royal Government of Cambodia, through a long-running partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has sold to Disney the first carbon credits from a climate change mitigation project in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, which encompasses to total area of 292,690 ...

Ministry of Environment

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Educational television program​ on environment produced by Ministry of Environment

The Ministry of Environment and Khmer Mekong Films production are working together to produce an educational television program called “Make it Beautiful” to promote public understanding on environment protection, natural resources management, biodiversity conservation, and living sustainability. This program will be showed on every Sunday ...

Ministry of Environment

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Press conference invitation - CSOs and communities concern on illegal logging and natural resource destruction in Cambodia

CSOs/NGOs and community representatives from Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri, Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kampong Speu, Stung Treng and Kratie Provinces will assemble for a press conference organized by The NGO Forum on Cambodia to express their concerns about an increase in illegal logging and natural resource destruction ...

NGO Forum on Cambodia

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Joint press release on signing of low carbon growth partnership between Cambodian side and Japanese side

On April 11, 2014, the signing ceremony of “Low Carbon Growth Partnership between the Cambodian Side and Japanese Side” was held at Cambodiana Hotel between H.E. Say Samal, Minister of Environment and H.E. Mr. Kumamaru Yuji, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia. ...

Ministry of Environment

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Appropriate technology is a mechanism to promote nationally appropriate actions for greenhouse gas emission reduction

Phnom Penh – 21 March 2014, a workshop on Energy and Environment Technology: Capacity-Building Cooperation for the Development of NAMA in a MRV manner was organized by the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment (CCD) in cooperation with the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, ...

Ministry of Environment

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