Kobo Toolbox training for ISAC partners
On 03 November 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team joined a Kobo Toolbox training facilitated by Internews for the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) program. The training aimed to address technical training skills identified by local civil society program partners. In late 2021 and early 2022, Internews conducted a needs assessment of local organizations participating in ISAC, as well as a small number of adjacent CSOs working on social accountability issues. The assessment found that ISAC partners were receptive to remedial training to strengthen their IT skills, particularly in data entry and reporting results.Ten ISAC CSO partner staff were invited to the November workshop to strengthen their knowledge and ability to use this data collection tool and receive additional training from ODC. Participating organizations were Youth Council of Cambodia (YCC), Reproductive and Child Health Alliance (RACHA), Star Kampuchea, Phnom Srey Organization for Development (PSOD), and Cambodian Civil Society Partnership (CCSP).A detailed presentation on Kobo Toolbox was shared in ...
Environmental impact assessment (EIA): importance and opportunity to engage the local community

The opening of the Cambodian economy in the 1990s and the new Investment Law (2021) encouraged investment in development projects in a range of sectors, including extractive industries, physical infrastructure, agriculture, hydropower, and ecotourism, among others. These sectors are obligated to carry out the Environmental ...
Usability lab for ODC’s social accountability page

Open Development Cambodia’s team took some time this September to review its ongoing work to develop a Social Accountability profile page for the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project.ITC lecturer and web developer Vamoeurn Nimol chaired a “Usability Lab’ session, reviewing ODC’s work ...
The initial cluster convention

The Initial Cluster Convention was held on September 13, 2022, at the FHI 360 Office in Phnom Penh, with 29 participants (10 females), including 06 indigenous peoples. The convention brought together media organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs) working on indigenous peoples, ...
Data Literacy Training: A training in September was successfully held for Civil Society Organizations

From September 13 to September 16, 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) continued its ongoing promotion of Data Literacy for the Innovations in Social Accountability project (ISAC). Fourteen members of civil society organizations working on social accountability joined the training, which was held at Phnom Penh’s ...
Data Literacy Training: A training in August was successfully held for Civil Society Organizations

From 30 August to 02 September 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) continued its work to promote Data Literacy for the Innovations in Social Accountability Project (ISAC). Fifteen members of civil society organizations joined a four-day training held at Diakonia Center.Following ODC’s May Data Literacy training, ...
Indigenous women seek direct help and support from all stakeholders on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2022

The United Nations marks 2022 as this year’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples under the theme “The Role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge.” This theme recognizes how important and central women are in the longevity and survival ...
Two-day training on using ODC's map and fisheries resource management information

On 19-20 July 2022, ODC collaborated with the Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia (CWDCC) and conducted a training workshop on access to the data and information on the Open Development Cambodia website to community fisheries from Kep and Kampot province. The training was ...
Sectoral consultation workshop on the enhancement of dataset and the profile page on Foreign Investment in Cambodia

On 01 August 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted a Sectoral Consultation Workshop on the Enhancement of Dataset and the Profile Page on Foreign Investment in Cambodia at Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh. Thirty-two participants (11 females), including civil societies, researchers, indigenous NGOs, and university students ...
The training workshop on the fundamentals of QGIS attract public attention

Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) is a useful spatial visualization and analysis tool that is becoming a viable alternative to more expensive software packages. It is also an open-source software package that relies on expert and user contributions worldwide. QGIS has many functions related to ...
Introductory animation training

Open Development Cambodia is increasing its development of video outreach material, such as the presentation of local Sangkat budget information for the Innovations in Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) Project. Videos document ODC’s ongoing work and serve to promote upcoming events and activities.These are done ...
Introductory infographics training

Open Development Cambodia’s team regularly develops graphics and infographics to help visually represent data findings for its website, and also social media outreach. For the development of its new profile page template under the Innovations in Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project, the regular generation ...
Data literacy training for social accountability

From 10 to 13 May 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted a four-day data literacy training focused on local members of the press at the Polou Wai hotel, focused on the topic of Data Literacy for Social Accountability. It was the first press-specific data literacy ...
FFI Data Literacy Training was a success

On 06th-08th April 2022, in collaboration with Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Open Development Cambodia (ODC) successfully conducted basic Data Literacy Training at Poulo wai Hotel with the financial support of the Blue Action Fund under the project “Strengthening Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), fisheries governance ...
Din Liseinet: Reflecting on my internship experience with ODC

I had been a frequent visitor to the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website in search for Cambodian news and information as well as for academic purpose. I had wondered if there was any possibility of trying here since I had rarely encounter the job or ...
Consultation Workshop on Fisheries Conservation Areas

By 2022, there are 447 community fisheries across the country, and 46 community fisheries are located in the coastal areas. There are 5 registered communities located in Kep while 7 out of 10 communities in Kampot have been registered. In Preah Sihanouk, 13 out of ...
Investment governance in Cambodia: A window of opportunity

Cambodia’s new investment law could open the way for more inclusive, sustainable investment. In a series of virtual meetings, stakeholders from across Cambodia came together to assess the challenges and opportunities arising from that law and investment governance generally. ...
Facebook insights training

Open Development Cambodia regularly posts social accountability information on its website and shares relevant updates on this topic via social media. In particular, Facebook has high mobile usage and impact in Cambodia overall.To strengthen ODC’s outreach for its work in the Innovations for Social Accountability ...
Open Data Day 2022: The role of open data in digital government

On 5 March 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with the Institute of Digital Governance of the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), was delighted to host the Open Data Day 2022 at CADT in Phnom Penh. This is the 8th consecutive year that ...
Advanced Google Analytics training

Following Internews’ 2021 class for ODC on Google Analytics, further Advanced Google Analytics training was developed for the third year of participation in the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project. Eight ODC team members joined the training facilitated by the Digital Performance Manager ...
Launching ODC’s new profile page on Foreign Investment in Cambodia

On 23 February 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) launched its new profile page on Foreign Investment in Cambodia. The event was held at Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh in a hybrid format, in line with prevailing public health measures. A total of 58 participants joined the ...
Workshop on promoting the ODC website and its usefulness among the community fisheries in Kep and Kampot province

On 21 January 2022, ODC collaborated with the Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia (CWDCC) and conducted a training workshop on access to the data and information on the Open Development Cambodia website to the community fisheries from Kep and Kampot province. The training was funded ...
ODC works with Newsgain to assess and improve ODC's website

As a part of Internews’ work with ODC for the Innovations in Social Accountability in Cambodia project (ISAC), plans were developed for Internews’ Media Business Unit (‘Newsgain’) to review ODC’s website using tools such as Google Analytics. The design and function of ODC’s website have ...
The hybrid workshop on the open of extractive industrial and environmental data for a better economy

On December 17, 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO), Cambodia Indigenous Women Association (CIWA), and Cambodia Indigenous People Alliance (CIPA), and other relevant local NGOs, hosted a hybrid workshop on the open of extractive industrial and environmental ...
MoU signing ceremony between ODC and Svay Rieng University

On 09 December 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with Svay Rieng University (SRU), organized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony to provide financial support to final-year Bachelor’s degree students. In collaboration with the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Ministry of Education, ...