Securities exchange (stock market)
Starting from 2001, work began on promoting the formation of a Cambodian Stock exchange (CSe or CSX) as a means of supporting the economic system in Cambodia’s development. A stock exchange facilitates the buying and selling of stocks among investors. Dr. Bit Seanglim, Chairman of ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Forest cover reporting
Forest cover is the area of land covered by tree canopy. Measuring and reporting this can show the different types of forest that exist and the areas of each, and how these areas change over time. ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Together, fighting climate change. Photo by, taken on 12 October 2010. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.Clean Development MechanismThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol to ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
SDG 2 Zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) seeks to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”, ensuring universal access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food for everyone at all times. Likewise, it provides a much more comprehensive approach to the issue ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Development policies and administration
Products from Vietnam arrive at the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port in Kandal province. Photo by World Bank Photo Collection, taken on 23 February 2013. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0The Comprehensive Cambodian Peace Agreement, commonly referred to as the Paris Agreement, is seen as the beginning ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Banking and financial services
According to the Annual supervision report 2020 by the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), the key bodies in the banking system consists of:51 commercial banks12 specialized banks75 microfinance non-deposit taking institutions6 microfinance deposit-taking institutions245 rural credit institutionsIn addition, there are financial leasing companies, third-party processors, ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
SDG 8 – “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” – has 10 general targets and 2 means of implementation targets.193 There are 17 indicators. Some of these targets are more relevant for Cambodia than others. For ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Agriculture and fishing
Rice farmers working in the field, Kandal province, Cambodia. Photo by ILO/ Khem Sovannara, taken on 12 July 2007. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.Agriculture continues to play an important role in Cambodia’s economy, but it provides a livelihood for a smaller proportion of today’s population ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Science and technology policy and administration
Cambodia has the ambition to transform and digitalize the government system and its economy. The overarching determination comes after the country’s ambitious economic goal of 2050, the readiness to keep up with the region’s science and technology development, and the global megatrend, the fourth industrial ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Storms, flooding and drought are the disasters that affect the largest number of people in Cambodia, and they also bring the highest cost. Climate change is likely to make things worse, with drier dry seasons predicted and more rainfall and violent storms in the wet ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Cambodia has undergone rapid economic development in recent decades, with GDP per capita tripled between 1999 and 2013. However, mainly due to three decades of war and political turmoil which severely damaged the country’s infrastructure, the country still lacks the means required for energy sector ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
A land concession is a grant of rights over an area of land for a specific purpose. In Cambodia land concessions can be granted for various purposes, including agribusiness, redistribution of land to the landless and land-poor, infrastructure development, mining and fishing. They have been ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
SDG 13 Climate action
SDG 13 is aimed at taking urgent action to combat climate change impacts by developing the capacity of each country to mitigate climate risks and work towards adaptation. Least developed nations, landlocked countries and small island states are recognised as especially in need of support ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Fisheries production
Local workers loading fresh catch to be transported to the city market at Chhnoc Trou pier, Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia. Photo by Sylyvann Borei/World Fish, taken on 7 April 2014. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.Cambodia has abundant and productive fisheries. Fish is a traditional staple in the Cambodian ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Copper exploration is concentrated in Preah Vihear province in the northern part of Cambodia. The most active explorer is Australian-based Geopacific Resources, in collaboration with Cambodian tycoon Kith Meng’s Royal Group. Geopacific Resources is working with Cambodian-based Royal Group at Kou Sa, a 158 km2 ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Small and medium enterprises SME
Small and medium enterprises (SMe) have long been considered a vital driver to economic growth for developing economies. SMes stimulate job creation throughout the country. Migration of employment to neighboring countries and the unemployment rate has significantly decreased due to a rising number of SMes, ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Education policy and administration
The Royal Government of Cambodia has continued its effort to reform the education sector at all levels. Over the years, policies and regulations have been enforced to improve education quality, accessibility, efficiency, effectiveness, inclusiveness, and transparency. Those policies and regulations include education Strategic Plan 2019-2023, ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Environmental impact assessments
The primary legal requirements for environmental impact assessments (eIAs) in Cambodia are set out in Content II, Book V of the environment and Natural Resource Code550, Chapter III of the Law on environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996551(ePNRM Law), and the Sub-Decree no. 72 ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
Woman working in the salt fields in Kampot. Photo by douglasjonesjr, taken on 28 March 2014. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.Salt is produced in Kampot and Kep provinces, where seawater is allowed into salt evaporation ponds As the water evaporates, salt crystals are left behind ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...
The rights to freedom of association are protected under Cambodia’s laws. Article 36 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia provides that ‘Khmer citizens of both sexes shall have the rights to create unions and participate as its members’. Thus, under the 1997 Labor ef=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...