Social development

Shots fired as families evicted

Police, military police and forestry officials evicted 100 families in Koh Kong province’s Smach Meanchey district yesterday, shooting into the air during the forcible removal to disperse villagers with the threat of violence. It was the second day of evictions in an area authorities say ...

Cambodia To Become Lower-Middle-Income Nation By End of 2013: PM

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday that the country would move from the status of a low-income to a lower-middle-income nation by the end of this year. “We acknowledge that we are in the status of a low-income country with GDP per capita of less ...

Boeung Kak Evictees Ask City Hall For Better Compensation

About 100 women forcibly evicted from Phnom Penh’s Boeung Kak neighbourhood protested outside City Hall yesterday asking for upgrades to the compensation they accepted under duress to give up their homes. The women said they were representing 739 of the more than 3,000 families forced out ...

Cambodia's garment workers confront multinationals

Since mid-January a group of illegally laid off Cambodian garment workers – mostly women – have been picketing the factory they worked in. Their objective was to stop the company, which closed down, owing the workers, collectively, about US$200,000 of unpaid wages, from removing the ...

Need for more transparency

GREATER transparency along the garment supply chain, from producers to buyers, is required in order to strengthen the accountability of retailers, factories and governments in protecting the rights of workers, Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said yesterday. Speaking in Phnom ...

Anti-Graft Unit to Give Telecom Staff Anti-Corruption Education

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) has ordered staff at Telecom Cambodia to attend a meeting today in order to “educate” them about the country’s Anti-Corruption Law after they made graft allegations and held demonstrations against the firm’s director-general Lao Sarouen earlier this month, Minister of Posts ...

Villagers File Complaint Against Vietnamese Rubber Firm

Twelve ethnic Tampuon families living in Ratanakkiri province’s Lumphat district yesterday filed a complaint with the provincial land management department, accusing the owners of a Vietnamese rubber plantation of clearing their farmland, local official said. Tun Vantham, chief of Samuth Loeu village in Seda commune, said ...

Jarai ethnic group takes stand on spirit forest

More then 100 Jarai families in Ratanakkiri’s O’Yadav district have rejected a government proposal to measure their land, saying it would pave the way to turning over a spirit forest to the families of police and soldiers. ...

Phak Seangly

Rights Group Denounces Gag Order on Lawyers Before Election

New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused the Cambodian Bar Association of trying to silence potential government critics ahead of July’s national elections by imposing restrictions on lawyers making public statements. The Bar Association and the Information Ministry have both issued edicts that ...

Graduates fear career jobs woe

A year from now, 23-year-old Sum Tiara will graduate from the Royal University of Law and Economics with a degree in law. At the moment, however, she needs to earn a living and pay for her studies by working in bars and restaurants in Phnom Penh. ...

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